diff --git a/.nojekyll b/.nojekyll
index c3e5e89c..90da4dc5 100644
--- a/.nojekyll
+++ b/.nojekyll
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/01-hello.html b/01-hello.html
index 91853c64..3e1142a5 100644
--- a/01-hello.html
+++ b/01-hello.html
@@ -503,8 +503,8 @@
nc.32119|>mapview(zcol ="BIR74", legend =TRUE, col.regions =sf.colors)
Figure 1.3: Interactive map created with mapview: pan and zoom move the map and change scale; clicking a county pops up window with the available county properties.
diff --git a/07-Introsf.html b/07-Introsf.html
index 6d22e7aa..7502d579 100644
--- a/07-Introsf.html
+++ b/07-Introsf.html
@@ -554,10 +554,10 @@
Simple feature objects can be written with st_write, as in
(file=tempfile(fileext =".gpkg"))
-# [1] "/tmp/RtmphM06Kq/file33b156ef98.gpkg"
+# [1] "/tmp/RtmpH2ojtn/file3455533d04c.gpkg"st_write(nc, file, layer ="layer_nc")# Writing layer `layer_nc' to data source
-# `/tmp/RtmphM06Kq/file33b156ef98.gpkg' using driver `GPKG'
+# `/tmp/RtmpH2ojtn/file3455533d04c.gpkg' using driver `GPKG'# Writing 100 features with 14 fields and geometry type Multi Polygon.
where the file format (GPKG) is derived from the file name extension. Using argument append, st_write can either append records to an existing layer or replace it; if unset, it will err if a layer already exists. The tidyverse-style write_sf will replace silently if append has not been set. Layers can also be deleted using st_delete, which is convenient in particular when they are associated with tables in a database.
diff --git a/08-Plotting.html b/08-Plotting.html
index 24f3af0c..791b774d 100644
--- a/08-Plotting.html
+++ b/08-Plotting.html
@@ -535,12 +535,12 @@
(cI<-classIntervals(r))# style: quantile# one of 1.49e+10 possible partitions of this variable into 8 classes
-# [-2.43,-1.13) [-1.13,-0.571) [-0.571,-0.304) [-0.304,0.102)
+# [-2.12,-1.14) [-1.14,-0.485) [-0.485,-0.293) [-0.293,0.115) # 13 12 13 12
-# [0.102,0.401) [0.401,0.708) [0.708,1.1) [1.1,2.13]
+# [0.115,0.449) [0.449,0.751) [0.751,1.1) [1.1,3.95] # 12 13 12 13cI$brks
-# [1] -2.435 -1.129 -0.571 -0.304 0.102 0.401 0.708 1.095 2.131
it takes argument n for the number of intervals, and a style that can be one of “fixed”, “sd”, “equal”, “pretty”, “quantile”, “kmeans”, “hclust”, “bclust”, “fisher” or “jenks”. Style “pretty” may not obey n; if n is missing, nclass.Sturges is used; two other methods are available for choosing n automatically. If the number of observations is greater than 3000, a 10% sample is used to create the breaks for “fisher” and “jenks”.
Graticule and other navigation aids
diff --git a/08-Plotting_files/figure-html/fig-starshook-1.png b/08-Plotting_files/figure-html/fig-starshook-1.png
index a964a989..d7f0ac9d 100644
Binary files a/08-Plotting_files/figure-html/fig-starshook-1.png and b/08-Plotting_files/figure-html/fig-starshook-1.png differ
diff --git a/17-Econometrics.html b/17-Econometrics.html
index a8968460..3e2c3f94 100644
--- a/17-Econometrics.html
+++ b/17-Econometrics.html
@@ -747,23 +747,23 @@
INLA_slm =mv_mean, censored =boston_506$censored[as.integer(attr(t0, "region.id"))])# fit_TS fit_KP2 fit_KP5 INLA_slm censored
-# 13 23912 29477 28147 31104 right
-# 14 28126 27001 28516 31231 right
-# 15 30553 36184 32476 41437 right
-# 17 18518 19621 18878 21194 right
-# 43 9564 6817 7561 6798 left
-# 50 8371 7196 7383 6883 left
-# 312 51477 53301 54173 56231 right
-# 313 45921 45823 47095 46412 right
-# 314 44196 44586 45361 42792 right
-# 317 43427 45707 45442 48069 right
-# 337 39879 42072 41127 41498 right
-# 346 44708 46694 46108 45871 right
-# 355 48188 49068 48911 49156 right
-# 376 42881 45883 44966 47798 right
-# 408 44294 44615 45670 46121 right
-# 418 38211 43375 41914 43990 right
-# 434 41647 41690 42398 41588 right
+# 13 23912 29477 28147 30935 right
+# 14 28126 27001 28516 31286 right
+# 15 30553 36184 32476 40523 right
+# 17 18518 19621 18878 20908 right
+# 43 9564 6817 7561 6971 left
+# 50 8371 7196 7383 6914 left
+# 312 51477 53301 54173 56329 right
+# 313 45921 45823 47095 46519 right
+# 314 44196 44586 45361 42844 right
+# 317 43427 45707 45442 47793 right
+# 337 39879 42072 41127 41346 right
+# 346 44708 46694 46108 45665 right
+# 355 48188 49068 48911 49042 right
+# 376 42881 45883 44966 47399 right
+# 408 44294 44615 45670 46332 right
+# 418 38211 43375 41914 43468 right
+# 434 41647 41690 42398 41405 right
The spatial regression toolbox remains incomplete, and it will take time to fill in blanks. It remains unfortunate that the several traditions in spatial regression seldom seem to draw on each others’ understandings and advances.
diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index a621f2f1..f91b749d 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
Spatial Data Science