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1. Introduction to FileParser

Eduardo Cáceres edited this page Aug 18, 2018 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the FileParser wiki!

FileParser was born with a very specific purpose: providing a tool with whom easily parse files with a known structure, ideally being as flexible and easy to use as C++ standard IO approach.

For those who don't understand what I mean, here's a simple Use Case (also reposited):

Given the following input.txt, which contains an integer n (>=0) followed by n doubles and a final string,

5   1.1 3.14159265 2.2265       5.5 10              fish

A simple .cpp snippet like the following one could process input.txt, providing that file is selected as standard input source:

./myExecutable < input.txt > output.txt

#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <string>

int main()
    int _integer;
    std::string _str;
    std::list<double> _list;
    double _auxdouble;

    // Input start;
    for(int i=0; i<_integer; ++i)
    // Input end

    // Data processing

    // Output start
    std::cout<<_integer<<" ";
    for(const double& d : _list)
        std::cout<<d<<" ";
    // Output end

    return 0;

Seems effortless to process these kind of simple .txt files using C++, right?

Well, using C# things are not so straight-forward, and that's why FileParser was created for:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;

using FileParser;

namespace FileParserSample
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var cultureInfo = new CultureInfo("en-US");
            CultureInfo.DefaultThreadCurrentCulture = cultureInfo;

            List<double> listDouble = new List<double>();
            string str;

            // Input start
            IParsedFile file = new ParsedFile("SimpleInput.txt");
            IParsedLine firstLine = file.NextLine();

            int _integer = firstLine.NextElement<int>();

            for(int i=0; i<_integer; ++i)

            str = firstLine.NextElement<string>();
            // Input end

            // Data Processing

            // Output start
            StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("..\\C#SimpleOutput.txt");
            using (writer)
                writer.WriteLine(_integer + " " + string.Join(null, listDouble));
            // Output end

A real project using it can be found here too.

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