diff --git a/src/ca/unb/meng/RuleML2TPTP.java b/src/ca/unb/meng/RuleML2TPTP.java
index 004c84b..4e1193b 100644
--- a/src/ca/unb/meng/RuleML2TPTP.java
+++ b/src/ca/unb/meng/RuleML2TPTP.java
@@ -153,18 +153,17 @@ private static Options buildOptions() {
- .hasOptionalArg()
+ .hasArg()
- .withDescription("keep comments matching given pattern "
- + "or any pattern if pattern is omitted or empty")
- .withLongOpt("keep-comments")
+ .withDescription("use give pattern to match comments")
+ .withLongOpt("comment-pattern")
.withDescription("flags following the specification of XPath "
- + "except for flag v (see NOTES below)")
- .withLongOpt("matching-flags")
+ + "except for flag \"v\" (see NOTES below)")
+ .withLongOpt("comment-matching-flags")
@@ -182,12 +181,13 @@ private static Options buildOptions() {
private static void printUsage(Options options) {
new HelpFormatter().printHelp("java -jar ruleml2tptp.jar",
null, options, String.format("%nNOTES%n"
- + "If '-s' or '-o' is omitted, the standard input or "
- + "output will be used accordingly.%n"
- + "If '-h' is used, "
- + "no XML transformation will be performed.%n"
- + "Flag v means the matching behavior is reverted, "
- + "so comments DO NOT match the given pattern are kept. "
+ + "If '-s' or '-o' is omitted, the standard input or output will be used accordingly.%n"
+ + "If '-h' is used, no XML transformation will be performed.%n"
+ + "By default, all the comments in the source will be kept in the output. "
+ + "Use '-c' to switch to keep only those matching the given pattern. "
+ + "An empty pattern has no effect. "
+ + "Flag \"v\" reverts the behavior by keeping those not matching the pattern, "
+ + "or by ignoring all the comments if no or empty pattern is given."
@@ -246,15 +246,19 @@ public void run(CommandLine cmd) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException,
new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
} else {
+ // parse translator parameters
String commentPattern = cmd.getOptionValue('c');
- String matchingFlags = cmd.getOptionValue('g');
- if (matchingFlags == null) {
- matchingFlags = "";
+ if (commentPattern == null) {
+ commentPattern = "";
+ }
+ String commentMatchingFlags = cmd.getOptionValue('g');
+ if (commentMatchingFlags == null) {
+ commentMatchingFlags = "";
- boolean keepComments = cmd.hasOption('c')
- && (matchingFlags.indexOf('v') == -1);
- matchingFlags = matchingFlags.replaceAll("v", "");
+ boolean keepComments = (commentMatchingFlags.indexOf('v') == -1);
+ commentMatchingFlags = commentMatchingFlags.replaceAll("v", "");
boolean useCrlf = cmd.hasOption('r');
Transformer translator = null; // to set params
if (xsltNormalizer == null) {
translator = tFactory.newTransformer(
@@ -273,14 +277,8 @@ public void run(CommandLine cmd) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException,
new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
- if (commentPattern != null && !commentPattern.isEmpty()) {
- translator.setParameter(
- "match-comments", commentPattern);
- }
- if (!matchingFlags.isEmpty()) {
- translator.setParameter(
- "matching-flags", matchingFlags);
- }
+ translator.setParameter("comment-pattern", commentPattern);
+ translator.setParameter("comment-matching-flags", commentMatchingFlags);
translator.setParameter("keep-comments", keepComments);
translator.setParameter("use-crlf", useCrlf);
diff --git a/src/resources/ruleml2tptp.xslt b/src/resources/ruleml2tptp.xslt
index 21ace22..366bb89 100644
--- a/src/resources/ruleml2tptp.xslt
+++ b/src/resources/ruleml2tptp.xslt
@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@
@@ -20,16 +20,36 @@