All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Tests framework with automated tests for many corner cases
- Added a manpage page prown(1)
- Support of i18n with translation in french
- Support of ACL to extend list of project administator groups
- Automatic code formating and styling with indent
- Many tiny fixes thanks to static analysis with cppcheck and extra compiler warnings
- Test group membership based on GID instead of group name
- Fix bug due to successive allocation of string on the stack when prown is called with multiple paths in arguments.
- All output are in english by default, except french is set in environment
- Better messages to more easily understand prown granting logic and actual modifications on files
- Write errors messages on stderr
- Rename some symbols in code to match concept naming explained in documentation
- More generic Makefile to match packaging build systems standards expectations
- fix recursivity
- Better error in permissions
- fix bug in symbolic link handling
- align code lines
- typo in example conf
- chmod with only g+rw to keep old file permissions
- add execute right for group owner when prowning
- fix error when prowning an empty subdirectory file
- print correct message error if user doesn't specify a path in project list
- recursive owning when when directory is specified
- more verbosity, to show owning steps
- fix segmentation fault error due to config file line size