Wed May 9 20:48:37 EDT 2018
- 3affdf9 FAB-9985 JSDK v1.1.0 release
- 5f92ae6 FAB-9025 Mutual auth for integration tests
- 3eaa57d FAB-9777 Trans not handled correctly in non trans
- f5f7043 FAB-9565 Con profile and verify certs
- 202de7a FAB-9484 Update dependencies pom.xml
- d75fe66 FAB-9489 Network Config property overrides
- 479b498 FAB-9489 Network Config property overrides
- 8b976c7 FAB-9418 Default for SSL neg/provider
- b8aa183 FAB-8596 failing parsing network-config.json
- 7b7df11 FAB-9282 NetworkConfig support TLS HFCAClient
- 982bdd5 FAB-9354 add
- 19dc59a FAB-9063 Provide link to Fabric committers
- 5c41e56 FAB-8961 V1.1 release notes updates.
- 6ef1bc8 FAB-8937 testGetInfo liberal check
- 4c4b546 FAB-8897 Customize trans. event handling.
- ff4b881 FAB-8861 Missing Blockinfo information
- 03c428e FAB-8842 Channel init retry
- 8f65202 FAB-8523 Update fabric generated artifacts to v1.1
- dc2b94f FAB-8606 Parse non-PKCS8 encoded TLS keys
- 625e937 FAB-8581 Increase timeouts on CI test
- c1babcf FAB-8392 Include META-INF in chaincode packaging.
- cd93543 FAB-8451 Fixing certificates close to expire
- a44c2aa FAB-7324 Deploy Node CC using Java SDK
- 7c768d6 FAB-8218 Update dependencies.
- 96ee2df FAB-7949 tlsbinding_event_reg
- 09776f0 FAB-8077 Create client TLS from Fabric CA
- 5c57df4 FAB-7994 Fix getConfig block
- 77cfdc7 FAB-7128 Update SDK to comply with swagger
- 2adcdbc FAB-8074 Misc fixes see description
- e478cb9 FAB-7946-Post_v1.1.0-alpha
- 9b87b73 FAB-7872 Java SDK v1.1-alpha
- 09f386c FAB-7383 2. Support affiliations REST API
- 224f569 FAB-6989 update dependencies
- 9224fa3 FAB-7702 GetConfigBlock
- 9bf5095 FAB-7693 Consistency set based off of payload bytes
- 0efa9d3 [IN-15] Parametrized JSDK build process.
- 25d8d39 FAB-7383 1. Support identities REST API
- ee34177 FAB-7652 filterblock
- 41ec4c3 FAB-6066 Channel service_events
- c4957fd FAB-5632 Implement Network Config
- bf94912 FAB-6998 update-dep
- b8c81c2 FAB-7515 Adjust CA tests to match API
- 270a75e FAB-7127 Revoke missing gencrl
- 213edec FAB-6939 Eclipse Setup Instructions
- c8cd86b FAB-7233 Update protos
- a8d8951 FAB-7009 Send orderer provide exception
- ef748a8 FAB-6998 Update dependencies
- d4ff8c2 FAB-6972 Update expired test certificates
- f678c01 FAB-6887 Support mutual TLS for peer/orderer
- 0b3e5aa FAB-6901 Affiliation is not required.
- b9da935 FAB-6888 Reduce logging for Maven downloads
- 97ca7c6 FAB-6601 Use DiagnosticFileDumper clean up trace
- eecc997 FAB-6411 generate CRL
- cfa29f3 FAB-6586 Allow for no eventHubs
- 65a94a6 FAB-6703 ChaincodeEvent handler fired once per block
- d0a28cf FAB-6670 Update AttrReq class definition
- 67eafc6 FAB-6603 Java SDK Signatures with Standard JCA/JCE
- d963896 FAB-6244 CompletableFuture can leak in Channel
- d366074 FAB-6312 unregister misspelled unRegister in method
- 38e0d38 FAB-6245 Return of BlockInfo.getTransactionActionInfos
- 85ba053 FAB-5827 Add integration test ecert attr.
- 1ceab9a FAB-2564 crypto configuration
- 9282be9 FAB-6200 Java serialize channels.
- 24390b4 FAB-6117 Update proto. snapshot fix
- 8ccc1a7 FAB-5827 Support attrib. req. for enrollment.
- 7f6dc28 FAB-5943 Update protos check on duplicate channel.
- c63dd83 FAB-5892 Facilitate Integration with configuration
- f94d5ff FAB-5846 Infinite wait on slow channel update
- 629d9a9 FAB-5719 Aviod CC update on none supported vers
- 7011ca4 FAB-5387 Listener for custom chaincode events.
- 6ac15e6 FAB-5039 provide failure reason.
- 8eca761 FAB-5625 Java SDK v1.1 commencement
Fri Jul 28 09:24:28 EDT 2017
- 1ddffdf FAB-5511 fixed , Unnecessary code
- 6878f89 FAB-5477 Jar manifest add attrib identifying build
- 7640986 FAB-5408 Missing channel update method.
- 946e871 FAB-5368 No means to get channel config
- 83b117c FAB-5315 Remove unneeded runtime jars update to latest.
- 8d12ffb FAB-5344 Provide common handling for Seek
- c4910c0 FAB-5312 Dump diagnostic files for logging.
- e93d7af FAB-5347 Upgrade to new configtx
- 024c417 FAB-5290 Orderer wait time not being set properly
- 12334a9 FAB-5242 The TLS configuration not working
- 9d8e225 FAB-5178 deliver envelope get 503 error
- 0171c93 FAB-5299 v1.0.1 release start
Tue Jul 11 12:22:02 EDT 2017
- a5a553a FAB-5249 JavaSDK v1.0.0 release
- 137070b FAB-5162 java-sdk leak memory after long run
- 92f8dea FAB-3963 Resolve licensing issues discovered
- 0011e7e FAB 4840 Link to bad
- b1d1eca FAB-4526 prepare for rc2 development
Fri Jun 23 13:21:09 EDT 2017
- 28090b1 FAB-4522 prepare for v1.0.0-rc1 release
- 6f75a13 FAB-4926 Modify e2e tests to work with new MSP
- 31da354 FAB-4454 Increase test coverage for HFCAClient
- 3835d9f FAB-4628: Documentation updates
- 6382c27 FAB-4881Add saveState method in setAffiliation()
- 6431a0a FAB-4869 remove hardcode orderer wait
- eccc738 FAB-4850 Orderer reconnect on errors
- fc1d7ce FAB-4454 Increase IT coverage for HFCAClient
- 7c87f20 FAB-4454 Rename
- ff99ffa FAB-4454 Fix issue with fabric_ca logging
- 0038654 FAB-4628 Documentation updates.
- dc6c72c FAB-4596 Improve code coverage
- 18b2e13 FAB-4454 Increase test coverage for
- 7ed27f1 FAB-4363 Increase fabric-sdk-java code coverage #6
- 4a872d7 FAB-4628 Documentation updates.
- e412517 FAB-4454 Increase test coverage for sdk.exception
- 8232a06 FAB-4454 Increase junit coverage transaction
- 53f6955 FAB-4596 Improve code coverage
- 819afce FAB-4363 Increase fabric-sdk-java code coverage #5
- 9e3ae8e FAB-4574 add missing license header
- d0f1811 FAB-4532 Signature algorithm wrong for endorsers
- bedc97c FAB-4566 Minor code cleanup
- 9992851 FAB-4536 Enable checkstyle for test suite
- 2aee0bd FAB-4504 Add checkstyle import ordering rules
- d86c346 FAB-4454 Remove unused deprecated method
- 90f4603 FAB-4501-Bad null check channelConfiguration
- d032966 FAB-4363 Increase fabric-sdk-java code coverage #4
- 584f456 FAB-4454 Increase junit coverage for
- 86befc2 FAB-4454 Remove unused and duplicated imports
- a405626 FAB-4454 Increase junit coverage for helper/Utils
- 13337b6 FAB-4258 Fix compile warnings for redundant code
- 8f1fe23 FAB-4478 Post beta update
Thu Jun 8 07:19:18 EDT 2017
- fbbfa7c FAB-4366 Java SDK release process document
- 664e25e FAB-4363 Increase fabric-sdk-java code coverage #3
- d451905 FAB-4394 release notes for v1.0.0-beta
- 99f321b FAB-4423 Threading issues usercontext on client.
- 00e6c80 FAB-4363 Increase fabric-sdk-java code coverage #2
- f868689 FAB-4363 Increase fabric-sdk-java code coverage
- 5ced72d FAB-4309 add missing CCBY license to docs
- 37b344c FAB-4235 Fix compile and Javadoc warnings
- 70f4531 FAB-648 publish java jar to maven
- 9f670a6 FAB-4260 Update example_cc with FAB-3235 changes.
- 424aecf FAB-4239 JaCoCo for test coverage
- edf315b FAB-4241 maintaining stream
- b1bd712 FAB-4247 update to latest grpc
- 1b72c0e FAB-4244 increase proposal wait time for tests
- b92edf4 FAB-4239 JaCoCo for test coverage
- 220f55a FAB-2956 Update server
- 4f4767c FAB-4170 chaincodeInput deserializer
- 033d05b FAB-4191 Remove --peer-defaultchain from compose
- 9a0a0a0 FAB-4156 Code clean up
- 465d871 FAB-4088 Determine which proposals are consistent
- 457ac61 FAB-4088 Determine which proposals are consistent
- 10323e4 [This fixes FAB-3969]
- 40bbb9d FAB-4025 Rename chain to channel
- 6b470ed FAB-3905 1.0.0-alpha2 release