J1772 EVSE firmware for ESP32 based devices.
- Hardware abstraction for device design
- Responsive web-interface
- OTA update
- Integrated energy meter
- WebDAV
- Modbus (RS485, TCP)
- Lua scripting
- Nextion HMI
- Scheduler
Easy initial installation of esp32-evse firmware can be performed using your browser (currently Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge).
One firmware to rule them all. Not really :-) one per device platform (ESP32, ESP32-S2...).
There is no need to compile the firmware for your EVSE design. Source code ist not hardcoded to GPIOs or other hardware design features. All code is written in ESP-IDF without additional mapping layer like Arduino.
All configuration is written outside firmware in configuration file named board.cfg on dedicated partition. For example, on following scheme is minimal EVSE circuit with ESP32 devkit.
For this circuit there is config file board.yaml, for more information's see YAML schema.
deviceName: ESP32 minimal EVSE
buttonGpio: 0
gpio: 33
adcChannel: 7
levels: [2410, 2104, 1797, 1491, 265]
acRelayGpio: 32
Fully responsive web interface is accessible local network IP address on port 80.
Dashboard page
Settings page
Mobile dashboard page
Dev board with basic functionality, single phase energy meter, RS485. One side pcb, for DIY makers easy to make at home conditions ;-)
ESP32-S2 based EVSE with advanced functionality, three phase energy meter, RS485, UART, 1WIRE, RCM, socket lock.
Quick demonstration video
ESP32 EVSE firmware is free, but costs money to develop harware and time to develop software. This gift to the developer would demonstrate your appreciation of this software & hardware and help its future development.