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Testing Flutter Apps
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The more features your app has, the harder it is to test it manually. A good set of automated tests will help you make sure your app performs correctly before you publish it while retaining your feature and bug fix velocity.

There are many kinds of automated testing. These are summarized below:

  • A unit test tests a single function, method, or class. External dependencies of the unit under test are generally mocked out using, for example, package:mockito. Unit tests generally do not read from/write to disk, render to screen and do not receive user actions from outside the process running the test. The goal of a unit test is to verify the correctness of a unit of logic under a variety of conditions.
  • A widget test (in other UI frameworks referred to as component test) tests a single widget. Testing a widget involves multiple classes and requires a test environment that provides the appropriate widget lifecycle context. For example, it should be able to receive and respond to user actions and events, perform layout, and instantiate child widgets. A widget test is therefore more comprehensive than a unit test. However, like a unit test, a widget test's environment is replaced with an implementation much simpler than a full-blown UI system. The goal of a widget test is to verify that the widget's UI looks and interacts as expected.
  • An integration test tests a complete app or a large part of an app. Generally, an integration test runs on a real device or an OS emulator, such as iOS Simulator or Android Emulator. The app under test is typically isolated from the test driver code to avoid skewing the results. The goal of an integration test is to verify that the app functions correctly as a whole, that all the widgets it is composed of integrate with each other as expected. You can also use your integration tests to verify your app's performance.

Here is a table summarizing the tradeoffs concerning the choice between different kinds of tests:

Unit Widget Integration
Confidence Low Higher Highest
Maintenance cost Low Higher Highest
Dependencies Few More Lots
Execution speed Quick Slower Slowest

Tip: As a rule of thumb a well-tested app has a very high number of unit and widget tests, tracked by code coverage, and a good number of integration tests covering all the important usage scenarios.

Unit testing

Some Flutter libraries, such as dart:ui, are not available in the standalone Dart VM that ships with the default Dart SDK. The flutter test command lets you run your tests in a local Dart VM with a headless version of the Flutter Engine, which supplies these libraries. Using this command you can run any test, whether it depends on Flutter libraries or not.

Write a Flutter unit test as a normal package:test test. Writing unit tests using package:test is documented here.


Add this file to test/unit_test.dart:

import 'package:test/test.dart';

void main() {
  test('this is a unit test', () {
    expect(42, 42);

Run flutter test test/unit_test.dart.

Widget testing

You implement a widget test in a similar way as a unit test. To perform an interaction with a widget in your test, use the WidgetTester utility that Flutter provides. For example, you can send tap and scroll gestures. You can also use WidgetTester to find child widgets in the widget tree, read text, and verify that the values of widget properties are correct.


Add this file to test/widget_test.dart:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';

void main() {
  testWidgets('this is a widget test', (WidgetTester tester) async {
    // You can use keys to locate the widget you need to test
    Key sliderKey = new UniqueKey();
    double value = 0.0;

    // Tells the tester to build a UI based on the widget tree passed to it
    await tester.pumpWidget(
      new StatefulBuilder(
        builder: (BuildContext context, StateSetter setState) {
          return new Material(
            child: new Center(
              child: new Slider(
                key: sliderKey,
                value: value,
                onChanged: (double newValue) {
                  setState(() {
                    value = newValue;
    expect(value, equals(0.0));

    // Taps on the widget found by key
    await tester.tap(find.byKey(sliderKey));

    // Verifies that the widget updated the value correctly
    expect(value, equals(0.5));

Run flutter test test/widget_test.dart.

Check out package:flutter_test API for all the utilities available for widget testing.

Integration testing

NOTE: Flutter Driver currently only supports Android devices and iOS Simulator. Support for the Android Emulator and iOS devices are coming soon.

A Flutter integration test is also written using package:test. A full test is a pair - a test script and a Flutter app instrumented to receive commands from the test. Unlike unit and widget tests, integration test code does not run in the same process as the app that's being tested. Instead, the tested app is launched on a real device or in an emulator (e.g. Android simulator or iOS Simulator). The test script runs on your computer. It connects to the app and issues commands to the app to perform various user actions. This is known as "driving" the app. Flutter provides tools and APIs, collectively referred to as Flutter Driver, to do just that.

If you are familiar with Selenium/WebDriver (web), Espresso (Android) or UI Automation (iOS), then Flutter Driver is Flutter's equivalent to those integration testing tools. In addition, Flutter Driver provides API for recording performance traces (a.k.a. the timeline) from actions performed by the test.

Flutter Driver is:

  • a command-line tool flutter drive
  • a package package:flutter_driver (API)

Together, the two allow you to:

  • create instrumented app for integration testing
  • write a test
  • run the test

Creating instrumented Flutter apps

An instrumented app is a Flutter app that has the Flutter Driver extension enabled. To enable the extension call enableFlutterDriverExtension() from package:flutter_driver/driver_extension.dart.


Let's assume you have an app with the entry point in my_app/lib/main.dart. To create an instrumented version of it, create a Dart file under my_app/test_driver/. Name it after the feature you are testing; let's go for my_app/test_driver/user_list_scrolling.dart:

// This line imports the extension
import 'package:flutter_driver/driver_extension.dart';

void main() {
  // This line enables the extension

  // Call the `main()` of your app or call `runApp` with whatever widget
  // you are interested in testing.

Writing integration tests

An integration test is a plain package:test test that uses the Flutter Driver API to tell the app what to do and then verifies that the app did it.


Just for fun let's also make our test record the performance timeline. Let's create a test file my_app/test_driver/user_list_scrolling_test.dart:

import 'dart:async';

// Imports the Flutter Driver API
import 'package:flutter_driver/flutter_driver.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';

void main() {
  group('scrolling performance test', () {
    FlutterDriver driver;

    setUpAll(() async {
      // Connects to the app
      driver = await FlutterDriver.connect();

    tearDownAll(() async {
      if (driver != null) {
        // Closes the connection

    test('measure', () async {
      // Record the performance timeline of things that happen inside the closure
      Timeline timeline = await driver.traceAction(() async {
        // Find the scrollable user list
        SerializableFinder userList = find.byValueKey('user-list');

        // Scroll down 5 times
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
          // Scroll 300 pixels down, for 300 millis
          await driver.scroll(
              userList, 0.0, -300.0, new Duration(milliseconds: 300));

          // Emulate a user's finger taking its time to go back to the original
          // position before the next scroll
          await new Future<Null>.delayed(new Duration(milliseconds: 500));

        // Scroll up 5 times
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
          await driver.scroll(
              userList, 0.0, 300.0, new Duration(milliseconds: 300));
          await new Future<Null>.delayed(new Duration(milliseconds: 500));

      // The `timeline` object contains all the performance data recorded during
      // the scrolling session. It can be digested into a handful of useful
      // aggregate numbers, such as "average frame build time".
      TimelineSummary summary = new TimelineSummary.summarize(timeline);
      summary.writeSummaryToFile('stocks_scroll_perf', pretty: true);
      summary.writeTimelineToFile('stocks_scroll_perf', pretty: true);

Running integration tests

To run the test on an Android device, connect the device via USB to your computer and enable USB debugging. Then run the following command:

flutter drive --target=my_app/test_driver/user_list_scrolling.dart

This command will:

  • build the --target app and install it on the device
  • launch the app
  • run the my_app/test_driver/user_list_scrolling_test.dart test

You might be wondering how the command finds the correct test file. The flutter drive command uses a convention to look for the test file in the same directory as the instrumented --target app that has the same file name but for the _test suffix in it.