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Basic Widgets Overview
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This page describes a small subset of basic widgets available in Flutter. The widgets described on this page are general-purpose and don't offer an opinion about the visual style of your app. To see all the basic widgets and related classes, check out the API docs for the widgets library.

You may also be interested in Flutter's material design widgets. You can see many of the Material Design widgets in action in our Flutter Gallery demo app, and you can check out the API docs for the material widgets library.


Container is a general-purpose widget that combines several basic widgets in order to make them easier to use.

  • BoxDecoration decoration Draw the given decoration around this container.
  • double width Forces the container to have the given width.
  • double height Force the container to have the given height.
  • EdgeInsets margin Surrounds the container (i.e., outside the container's decoration) on the top, right, bottom, and left with the given amount of space.
  • EdgeInsets padding Surrounds the container's child (i.e., inside the container's decoration) on the top, right, bottom, and left with the given amount of space.
  • Matrix4 transform Apply the given matrix before painting the container.
  • BoxConstraints constraints Force the width and height of the container to respect the given constraints.

Layout models

There are two flex layout models:

  • Row: Layout a list of child widgets in the horizontal direction.

  • Column: Layout a list of child widgets in the vertical direction.

The direction along which the widgets are laid out is called the main direction and the other axis is called the cross direction. These flex widgets size themselves to the maximum size permitted by its parent, unless that would be infinite size, in which case they shrink-wrap their children. For details, see layout.

Each child of a flex widget is either flexible or inflexible. The flex first lays out its inflexible children and subtracts their total length along the main direction to determine how much free space is available. The flex then divides this free space among the flexible children in a ratio determined by their flex properties.

The crossAxisAlignment property determines how children are positioned in the cross direction. The mainAxisAlignment property determines how the remaining free space (if any) in the main direction is allocated.

  • Flexible: Mark this child as being flexible with the given flex ratio.

There is also a stacking layout model:

  • Stack: Layout a list of child widgets on top of each other from back to front. Each child of a Stack widget is either positioned or non-positioned. The stack sizes itself to contain all the non-positioned children, which are located at the top-left corner of the stack. The positioned children are then located relative to the stack according to their top, right, bottom, and left properties.

    • Positioned: Mark this child as positioned. If the top property is non-null, the top edge of this child will be positioned top layout units from the top of the stack widget. The right, bottom, and right properties work analogously. Note that if the both the top and bottom properties are non-null, then the child will be forced to have exactly the height required to satisfy both constraints. Similarly, setting the right and left properties to non-null values will force the child to have a particular width.

Positioning and sizing

Padding : Surround the child with empty space on the top, right, bottom, and left according to the given EdgeInsets.

Center : Center the child widget both horizontally and vertically within the space occupied by this widget.

SizedBox : Force the child widget to have a particular width or height (or both).

ConstrainedBox : Apply the given BoxConstraints to the child widget as additional constraints during layout. This widget is a generalization of SizedBox.

AspectRatio : Force the child widget's width and height to have the given aspectRatio, expressed as a ratio of width to height.

Transform : Apply the given matrix to the child before painting the child. This widget is useful for adjusting the visual size and position of a widget without affecting layout.

Viewport : Layout the child widget at a larger size than fits in this widget and render only the portion of the child that is visually contained by this widget. When rendering, add offset to the child's vertical position to control which part of the child is visible through the viewport. TODO(abarth): Add support for horizontal viewporting.

Align : Aligns its child box within itself.

Baseline : If the child widget has a TextBaseline of the given baselineType, position the child such that its baseline is at baseline layout units from the top of this widget.

Painting effects

Opacity : Adjusts the opacity of the child widget, making the child partially transparent. The amount of transparency is controlled by opacity, with 0.0 0.0 is fully transparent and 1.0 is fully opaque.

ClipRect : Apply a rectangular clip to the child widget. The dimensions of the clip match the dimensions of the child.

ClipRRect : Apply a rounded-rect clip the child widget. The bounds of the clip match the bounds of the child widget with xRadius and yRadius controlling the x and y radius of the rounded corner, respectively.

ClipOval : Apply an oval clip to the child widget. The oval will be axis-aligned, with its horizontal and vertical bounds matching the bounds of the child widget.

DecoratedBox : Draw the given BoxDecoration surrounding the child widget.

ColorFilter : Applies a color filter to the child widget, for example to tint the child a given color.

CustomPaint : Calls callback during the paint phase with the current Canvas and Size. The widget occupies the region of the canvas starting at the origin (i.e., x = 0.0 and y = 0.0) and of the given size (i.e., x = size.width and y = size.height).

Use the token to invalidate the painting. As long as the any new token is operator== the current token, the CustomPaint widget is permitted to retain a recording of the painting produced by the previous callback call.