GDSC Sookmyung Team Gitribute
Team Member : Kwon Eunji(heleneunji), Suh Hee(0hee0), Yoo Jiyeon(hellouz818)
Duration of development : 2021.03.01-2021.04.11 / 2021.05.27~2021.06.30
Blooming is a local contactless sanitary pad donation platform for underprivileged female teenagers.
The Blooming Box is located in the women's restroom of a subway station for good accessibility, so that donors can donate or beneficiaries can take sanitary pads contactless. There are several holes in the upper part of the box, so anyone can donate at any time, and in order to take a sanitary pad, you must sign up the Blooming site and get a password after being recognized as a beneficiary. Donors and beneficiaries keep a record on the site when they donate or take sanitary pads. Donors do not have to leave a record on the site, but if they leave a record, a certificate will be awarded based on the record that is left.
With Blooming contactless donations, Girls with poor economic conditions can ease their worries about their menstruation. We hope Blooming blooms the life of low-income female teenagers and creates a virtuous circle of society by reducing inequality.
- Front-end: React Hook, Material-UI, Styled Components
- Back-end: Django Rest Framework, MySQL, Google Cloud Platform
- Download the project (git clone
- Go to the backend folder (cd backend)
- Create a virtual environment (python -m venv myvenv)
- Turn on virtual environment
- Window (source myvenv/Scripts/activate)
- Mac : (source myvenv/bin/activate)
- Setting the necessary environment (pip install -r requirements.txt)
- Go to the project folder (cd Gitribute_Project)
- Ready to Migrate (python makemigrations)
- Migrate (python migrate)
- Run server (python runserver)
- Go to the frontend folder (cd ~ / cd frontend)
- Setting the necessary environment (yarn)
- Start (yarn start)
You need secrets.json and client_secrets.json to run actually. This contains the required API KEYs and DATABASE passwords.
Kwon Eunji(Backend) | Suh Hee(Frontend) | Yoo Jiyeon(Backend) |