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Differential Expression

What is the common outcome of an RNA-Seq analysis?

The goal of most RNA-Seq analyses is to find genes or transcripts that change across experimental conditions. This change is called differential expression. By finding these genes and transcripts, we can infer the functional characteristics of the different conditions.

Why using RNA in differential expression?

Unlike DNA, which is static, the mRNA abundances change over time. You will need to ensure not only that you observed a change but that this change is correlated with the experimental conditions. Typically this is achieved by measuring the same state multiple times.

What is a "spike-in" control?

The goal of the spike-in control is to determine how well we can measure and reproduce data with known (expected) properties. A common product called the "ERCC ExFold RNA Spike-In Control Mix" can be added in different mixtures. This spike-in consists of 92 transcripts that are present in known concentrations across a wide abundance range (from very few copies to many copies).

Prepare the data

Download the data (if it is not already downloaded. You should have done this for denovo assembly)

mkdir -p ~/workdir/sample_data && cd ~/workdir/sample_data

if [ ! -f HBR_UHR_ERCC_ds_5pc.tar ];then 
  tar -xvf HBR_UHR_ERCC_ds_5pc.tar
  echo "the TAR file already exist"

# Save the path for your samples in a variable to use later

Does this data have "spike-in" control?

Yes there are two mixes: ERCC Mix 1 and ERCC Mix2. The spike-in consists of 92 transcripts that are present in known concentrations across a wide abundance range (from very few copies to many copies). More info

Data Description

The data consists of 3 replicates from each of two commercially available RNA samples:

  1. Universal Human Reference (UHR) is total RNA isolated from a diverse set of 10 cancer cell lines. more info
  2. Human Brain Reference (HBR) is total RNA isolated from the brains of 23 Caucasians, male and female, of varying age but mostly 60-80 years old. more info

The data was produced in three replicates for each condition.

  1. UHR + ERCC Mix1, Replicate 1, HBR_1
  2. UHR + ERCC Mix1, Replicate 2, HBR_2
  3. UHR + ERCC Mix1, Replicate 3, HBR_3
  4. HBR + ERCC Mix2, Replicate 1, UHR_1
  5. HBR + ERCC Mix2, Replicate 2, UHR_2
  6. HBR + ERCC Mix2, Replicate 3, UHR_3

Setup enviornemnt for alignment and quantification

# For alignment and quantification: we will try 2 options: 
# A) Genome-based alignment by Hisat2 then quantification by featureCounts 
# B) Transcriptome-based psudo-alignment and quantification by kallisto

conda activate ngs1
# A) Genome-based alignment by Hisat2 then quantification by featureCounts

# Install Hisat2 and samtools 
conda install -c bioconda -y hisat2
conda install -y samtools
# Install subread, we will use featureCount : a software program developed for counting reads to genomic features such as genes, exons, promoters and genomic bins.
conda install subread
# Download the reference and its GTF annotation (if they are not already downloaded. You should have done this for reference-based assembly)
cd ~/workdir/sample_data
if [ ! -f chr22_with_ERCC92.fa ];then 
  echo "the chr22_with_ERCC92.fa file already exist"

if [ ! -f chr22_with_ERCC92.gtf ];then 
  echo "the chr22_with_ERCC92.gtf file already exist"
# Save the path for the reference and annotation in variables to use later

# B) Transcriptome-based psudo-alignment and quantification by kallisto

# Install Kallisto
conda install -c bioconda -y kallisto

# Kallisto needs a reference transcriptome. Transform the GTF/REF into fasta file
conda install -c bioconda gffread
gffread chr22_with_ERCC92.gtf -g chr22_with_ERCC92.fa -w chr22_with_ERCC92_transcripts.fasta 

Setup enviornemnt for differential expression & visualization

# For differential expression, we will use DESeq R package and for visualization, we will use gplots package. 
conda install r
conda install r-gplots
conda install -c bioconda bioconductor-deseq

mkdir -p ~/scripts && cd ~/scripts

A) Genome-based alignment pipeline (Hisat2 for alignmnet, featureCounts for quantification and DESeq for DE)

## Hisat2 Indexing
## You should have generated this index already before (if not, see how to do this in the reference-based assembly lecture)

## Alignment
mkdir -p ~/workdir/diff_exp && cd ~/workdir/diff_exp/
mkdir -p bams
    for REPLICATE in 1 2 3;

        hisat2 $hisatIndex -1 $R1 -2 $R2 | samtools sort > $BAM
        samtools index $BAM

You can visualize BAM files using the Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV)

## Quantification
featureCounts -a $GTF -g gene_name -o counts.txt  bams/HBR*.bam  bams/UHR*.bam

# Simplify the file to keep only the count columns.
cat counts.txt | cut -f 1,7-12 > simple_counts.txt


Geneid bam/HBR_1.bam bam/HBR_2.bam bam/HBR_3.bam bam/UHR_1.bam bam/UHR_2.bam bam/UHR_3.bam
ERCC-00002 37892 47258 42234 39986 25978 33998
ERCC-00003 2904 3170 3038 3488 2202 2680
ERCC-00004 910 1078 996 9200 6678 7396
ERCC-00009 638 778 708 1384 954 1108
ERCC-00012 0 0 0 2 0 0
ERCC-00013 0 0 0 4 4 0
ERCC-00014 26 20 8 20 4 16
ERCC-00016 0 0 0 0 0 0
ERCC-00017 0 0 0 0 0 2
## Differential expression by DESeq1
cat simple_counts.txt | Rscript ~/scripts/deseq1.r 3x3 > results_deseq1.tsv

## Note
# In am last minute update, I noticed that running R scripts throws an error ( not found).
# It looks like a conflict in dependancies of the intsalled packages
# One way to solve this is to create a seperate env for r
# Installing an old version of realine solved the problem but still it carries the the risk that one of other packages might fail to run
conda install -c conda-forge readline=6.2

Head DESeq1 Output

id baseMean baseMeanA baseMeanB foldChange log2FoldChange pval padj
ERCC-00130 29681.8244237545 10455.9218232761 48907.7270242329 4.67751460376823 2.22574215774208 1.16729711209977e-88 9.10491747437823e-87
ERCC-00108 808.597670575459 264.877838024487 1352.31750312643 5.10543846632202 2.35203486825767 2.40956154792562e-62 9.39729003690993e-61
ERCC-00136 1898.3382995277 615.744918976546 3180.93168007886 5.16598932779828 2.36904466305553 2.80841619396469e-58 7.30188210430821e-57
ERCC-00116 952.57953992746 337.704944218003 1567.45413563692 4.64149004174798 2.21458802318734 1.72224091670521e-45 3.35836978757517e-44

DeSEQ1 Output header description

  • id: Gene or transcript name that the differential expression is computed for,
  • baseMean: The average normalized value across all samples,
  • baseMeanA, baseMeanB: The average normalized gene expression for each condition,
  • foldChange: The ratio baseMeanB/baseMeanA ,
  • log2FoldChange: log2 transform of foldChange . When we apply a 2-based logarithm the values become symmetrical around 0. A log2 fold change of 1 means a doubling of the expression level, a log2 fold change of -1 shows show a halving of the expression level.
  • pval: The probability that this effect is observed by chance,
  • padj: The adjusted probability that this effect is observed by chance.

View only rows with pval < 0.05

cat results_deseq1.tsv | awk ' $8 < 0.05 { print $0 }' > filtered_results_deseq1.tsv
cat filtered_results_deseq1.tsv | Rscript ~/scripts/draw-heatmap.r > hisat_output.pdf

B) Transcriptome-based psudo-alignment pipeline (Kallisto for psudo-alignmnet & quantification and DESeq for DE)

What is Kallisto?

Kallisto is a software package for quantifying transcript abundances. The tool perform a pseudoalignment of reads against a transcriptome, In pseudoalignment, the program tries to identify for each read the target that it originates from but not where in the target it aligns. This makes the algorithm much faster than a 'real' alignment algorithm.

Automate the same expirement with Kallisto

## Kallisto indexing
mkdir -p ~/workdir/kallisto_align/kallistoIndex && cd ~/workdir/kallisto_align/kallistoIndex
ln -s ~/workdir/sample_data/chr22_with_ERCC92_transcripts.fasta .
kallisto index -i chr22_with_ERCC92_transcripts.idx -k 25 chr22_with_ERCC92_transcripts.fasta

## Psudo-alignment and quantification
mkdir -p ~/workdir/diff_exp && cd ~/workdir/diff_exp/
mkdir -p quants
    for REPLICATE in 1 2 3;
        # Build the name of the files (Paired End).

        echo "*** Running kallisto on ${SAMPLE}_${REPLICATE}"
        kallisto quant -i $kallistoIndex -o $OUT -b 100 $R1 $R2 

echo "*** Created counts for ERCC control samples."
for quant_file in quants/*/abundance.tsv;do
  id=$(echo $quant_file | awk -F"/" '{print $2}'); 
  echo $id
  quant_file_simplified=$(dirname $quant_file)/abundance_simplified.tsv
  echo "target_id $id" | tr ' ' '\t' > $quant_file_simplified
  tail -n+2 $quant_file | cut -f 1,4 >> $quant_file_simplified
paste quants/H*/abundance_simplified.tsv quants/U*/abundance_simplified.tsv | cut -f 1,2,4,6,8,10,12  > ercc_kallisto_counts.tsv

## Differential expression by DESeq1
echo "*** Running the DESeq1 and producing the final result: ercc_kallisto_deseq1.tsv"
cat ercc_kallisto_counts.tsv | Rscript ~/scripts/deseq1.r 3x3 > ercc_kallisto_deseq1.tsv 

# Filter pval < 0.05
cat ercc_kallisto_deseq1.tsv | awk ' $8 < 0.05 { print $0 }' > filtered_kallisto_deseq1.tsv

Head kallisto DeSeq1 output

id baseMean baseMeanA baseMeanB foldChange log2FoldChange pval padj
ERCC-00130 14840.7854784434 5227.93407242622 24453.6368844606 4.67749526786055 2.22573619391768 8.73963105304599e-87 6.81691222137587e-85
ERCC-00108 404.298508194945 132.438264826674 676.158751563215 5.10546368489592 2.35204199450587 9.72746450192469e-59 3.79371115575063e-57
ERCC-00136 949.168332376237 307.870824713046 1590.46584003943 5.16601675888527 2.36905232365751 2.5211305539385e-57 6.55493944024009e-56
ERCC-00116 476.289329027567 168.851590236675 783.727067818459 4.64151428316386 2.21459555802611 1.93683785478913e-44 3.77683381683879e-43


cat filtered_kallisto_deseq1.tsv | Rscript ~/scripts/draw-heatmap.r > kallisto_output.pdf