Rails 5 ready!
Mongoid 5.0 support
Dropped Ruby 1.8 support
Dropped Mongoid 2.x support
Extracted Sinatra support to kaminari-sinatra gem
Extracted DataMapper support to kaminari-data_mapper gem
Extracted Mongoid support to kaminari-mongoid gem
Extracted MongoMapper support to kaminari-mongo_mapper gem
Deprecated Kaminari::PageScopeMethods#num_pages in favor of ‘total_pages`
Deprecated :num_pages option for ‘paginate` in favor of :total_pages
Fixed mangled params in pagination links on Rails 5 #766 [audionerd]
Fixed a bug where the range of the records displayed on the last page
doesn’t match #718 [danzanzini]
Fixed a “stack level too deep” bug in mongoid #642 [bartes]
Fixed a bug that Kaminari possibly crashes when combined with other gems
that define ‘inherited` method on model classes, such as aasm. #651 [zeitnot]
Fixed a bug where cloned Relations remember previous relations’
@total_count value #565 [inkstak]
Fixed a bug where ‘paginate_array()` with total_count option returns whole
array for every page #516 [abhichvn]
Fixed a bug where :num_pages option was backwards-incompatible #605
- klebershimabuku
Fixed a bug where themed views generator attempts to overwrite README.md
#623 [swrobel]
Fixed a bug that ruby raises a NameError when theme was not found #622
- maxprokopiev
Fixed a bug that paginates_per does not work with subclasses on mongoid #634
- kouyaf77
Show an error message if a proper template was not found for the generator
theme #600 [meltedice]
Fix a bug where :theme option for #paginate method doesn’t work properly #566 [commstratdev]
Add support for mongoid max_scan option #500 [aptx4869]
Add ‘link_to_previous_page` helper for Sinatra #504 [ikeay]
Add :views_prefix option to #paginate for alternative views directory #552 [apotonick]
Simplify ‘page_entries_info` by adding entry_name interface to each ORM
Refer ActiveRecord::Base from top level namespace for more safety when inherited class’s namespace has ‘ActiveRecord’ constant #522 [yuroyoro]
Fix a bug where runtime persistence not taken into account with mongoid/kaminari #326 [nubeod]
Fix a bug where helper methods were not available from inside ‘paginator.render do … end` block #239 [damien-roche]
Fix a bug where theme generator didn’t work on Rails 4.1 #526 [jimryan]
Fix a bug that paginatable arrays with ‘total_count` option always returns whole array #516 [abhichvn]
page_method_name option was not working in 0.15.0 #481 [mauriciopasquier]
Use the mongoid criteria #length method to cache the count of the collection
per criteria #484 [camallen]
Don’t inherit host, port, and protocol from the given params
Allow count, total count to pass parameters to super #193 [bsimpson]
Add ‘max_pages` and `max_pages_per` methods to limit displayed pages per
model or globally #301 [zpieslak]
Add support for Sinatra views overrides (add app views paths) #332 [j15e]
Fix wrong pagination when used with ‘padding` #359 [vladimir-vg, negipo]
check for Hash in addition to OrderedHash, which seems to break in Rails 4,
for total_count #369 [aew]
Make ‘to_s` in paginator threadsafe #374 [bf4]
Fix Missing partial Error when ‘paginate’ called from different format
template #381 [joker1007]
Add ‘PageScopeMethods#next_page`, `prev_page`, and `out_of_range?` [yuki24]
Use html_safe in view partials instead of raw fixed #73 [zzak]
Fix a bug that ‘PaginatableArray#total_pages` returns the wrong value #416 [yuki24]
Make ‘num_pages` to return the same value as `total_pages` for backward compat [yuki24, eitoball]
Change #page_entries_info to use model name #340, #348 [znz, eitoball]
Change scope to class method #433 [kolodovskyy]
Fix arity problem with Rails 4.1.0 #449 [bricker]
Changed the default “truncation” String from “…” to … #264 [pjaspers]
The theme generator is Github API v3 compatible now! #279 [eitoball]
Made Kaminari.config.default_per_page changeable again #280 [yuki24]
Grape framework support! #218 [mrplum]
Mongoid 3 ready! #238 [shingara]
Added link_to_previous_page helper #191 [timgremore]
Added helper to generate rel=“next” and rel=“prev” link tags for SEO #200
- joe1chen
Added ‘max_per_page` configuration option #274 [keiko0713] This would be useful for the case when you are using user input `per_page` value but want to impose the upper bound.
Added I18n to page_entries_info #207 [plribeiro3000]
Changed method name “num_pages” to “total_pages” num_pages“ is still available as an alias of ”total_pages“, but will be deprecated or removed in some future version.
Changed the way page_entries_info behave so it can show appropriate names
for models with namespace #207 [plribeiro3000]
Added html_safe to page_entries_info helper #190 [lucapette]
Fixed displayed number of items on each page w/ Mongoid 2.4.x and
MongoMapper #194 [dblock]
Removed a unused local variable from templates from default tamplate #245 [juno]
Fixed page_entry_info to use the value of ‘entry_name` option when given
collection is empty or a PaginatableArray #265, #277 [eitoball]
Added require ‘dm-aggregates’ in DataMapper hook #259 [shingara]
Rails 3.2 ready! #180 [slbug]
DataMapper support! #149 [NoICE, Ragmaanir]
Sinatra & Padrino support! #179 [udzura, mlightner, aereal]
Added mongoid embedded documents support! #155 [yuki24]
Added ‘each_relevant_page` that only visits pages in the inner or outer
windows #154 [cbeer]
Performance improved, particularly with very large number of pages.
Memoize count for AR when calling ‘total_count` #138 [sarmiena] Increases performance for large datasets.
Added ‘page_entries_info` view helper #140 [jeffreyiacono] Example: <%= page_entries_info @posts %> #=> Displaying posts 6 - 10 of 26 in total
Added ‘link_to_next_page` helper method that simply links to the next page Example: <%= link_to_next_page @posts, ’More’ %> #=> <a href=“/posts?page=7” rel=“next”>More</a>
Let one override the ‘rel` attribute for ’link_to_next_page` helper #177
- webmat
Added ‘total_count` param for PaginatableArray. Useful for when working with
RSolr #141 [samdalton]
Changed ‘Kaminari.paginate_array` API to take a Hash `options` And specifying :limit & :offset immediately builds a pagination ready object Example: # the following two are equivalent. Use whichever you like Kaminari.paginate_array((1..100).to_a, limit: 10, offset: 10) Kaminari.paginate_array((1..100).to_a).page(2).per(10)
Added ‘padding` method to skip an arbitrary record count #60 [aaronjensen] Example: User.page(2).per(10).padding(3) # this will return users 14..23
Made the pagination method name (defaulted to ‘page`) configurable #57, #162 Example: # you can use the config file and its generator for this Kaminari.config.page_method_name = :paging Article.paging(3).per(30)
Only add extensions to direct descendents of ActiveRecord::Base #108
- seejohnrun
AR models that were subclassed before Kaminari::ActiveRecordExtension is
included pick up the extensions #119 [pivotal-casebook]
Avoid overwriting AR::Base inherited method #165 [briandmcnabb]
Stopped depending on Rails gem #159 [alsemyonov]
introduced Travis CI #181 [hsbt]
Support for config.param_name as lambda #102 [ajrkerr]
Stop duplicating order_values #65 [zettabyte]
Preserve select value (e.g. “distinct”) when counting #77, #104 [tbeauvais,
Haml 3.1 Support #96 [FlyboyArt, sonic921]
Added MongoMapper Support #101 [hamin]
Add first_page? and last_page? to page_scope_methods #51 [holinnn]
Make sure that the paginate helper always returns a String #99 [Draiken]
Don’t remove includes scopes from count if they are needed #100 [flop]
Slim template support #93 [detrain]
Use Kaminari.config to specify default value for param_name #94 [avsej]
Fixed “super called outside of method” error happened in particular versions
of Ruby 1.8.7 #91 [Skulli]
_paginate.html.erb isn’t rendered with custom theme #97 [danlunde]
General configuration options #41 #62 [javierv, iain] You can now globally override some default values such as default_per_page, window, etc. via configuration file. Also, here comes a generator command that generates the default configuration file into your app’s config/initilizers directory.
Generic pagination support for Array object #47 #68 #74 [lda, ened, jianlin] You can now paginate through any kind of Arrayish object in this way:
Fixed a serious performance regression in 0.11.0 [ankane] There was a critical performance issue on #count method in 0.11.0 gem.
Bugfix: Pass the real @params to url_for #90 [utkarshkukreti]
Fixed a gem packaging problem (circular dependency) There was a packaging problem with Kaminari 0.11.0 that the gem depends on Kaminari gem. Maybe Jeweler + “gemspec” method didn’t work well…
This release contains several backward incompatibilities on template API. You probably need to update your existing templates if you’re already using your own custom theme.
Merge _current_page, _first_page_link, _last_page_link and _page_link into
one _page partial #28 [GarthSnyder]
Add real first/last page links, and use them by default instead of outer
window #30 [GarthSnyder]
The disabled items should simply not be emitted, even as an empty span #30
- GarthSnyder
Skip :order in #count_all so complex groups with generated columns don’t
blow up in SQL-land #61 [keeran, Empact]
Ignore :include in #count_all to make it work better with polymorphic eager
loading #80 [njakobsen]
Quick fix on #count to return the actual number of records on AR 3.0 #45 #50
Removed “TERRIBLE HORRIBLE NO GOOD VERY BAD HACK” #82 [janx, flop, pda]
Allow for Multiple Themes #64 [tmilewski]
Themes can contain the whole application directory structure now
Use gemspec method in Gemfile [p_elliott]
Do not break ActiveRecord::Base.descendants, by making sure to call super
from ActiveRecord::Base.inherited #34 [rolftimmermans]
Fixed vanishing mongoid criteria after calling page() #26 [tyok]
Fixed a bug that total_count() didn’t work when chained with group() scope
#21 [jgeiger]
Fixed a bug that the paginate helper didn’t work properly with an Ajax call
#23 [hjuskewycz]
Added :param_name option to the pagination helper #10 [ivanvr] Example:
Fixed a bug that the whole <nav> section was not rendered in some cases
- GarthSnyder
Railtie initializer name is “kaminari” from now
Changed bundler settings to work both on 1.9.2 and 1.8.7 #12 [l15n]
Fixed bugs encountered when running specs on Ruby 1.9.2 #12 [l15n]
Clean up documentation (formatting and editing) #12 [l15n]
Use Proc.new instead of lambda for scoped_options #13 [l15n]
Use AS hooks for loading AR #14 [hasimo]
Refactor scope definition with Concerns #15 [l15n]
Ensure output_buffer is always initialized #11 [kichiro]
Added Mongoid support #5 [juno, hibariya] This means, Kaminari is now *ORM agnostic* ☇3☇3☇3
Moved the whole pagination logic to the paginator partial so that users can
touch it
Note: You need to update your _paginator.html.* if you've already customized it. If you haven't overridden _paginator.html.* files, then probably there're nothing you have to do. See this commit for the example: https://github.com/amatsuda/kaminari_themes/commit/2dfb41c
the per() method accepts String, zero and minus value now #7 [koic] This enables you to do something like this:
Added support for Gem Testers (gem-testers.org/) #8 [joealba]
:params option for the helper [yomukaku_memo] You can override each link’s url_for option by this option Example:
refactor tags
I18n for the partials
- :previous, :next, :truncate
are externalized to the I18n resource.
moved template themes to another repo github.com/amatsuda/kaminari_themes
added paginates_per method for setting default per_page value for each model
in a declarative way
Example: class Article < ActiveRecord::Base paginates_per 10 end
works on AR 3.0.0 and 3.0.1 now #4 [danillos]
introduced module based tags As a side effect of this internal change, I have to confess that this version brings you a slight backward incompatibility on template API. If you’re using custom templates, be sure to update your existing templates. To catch up the new API, you need to update %w[next_url prev_url page_url] local variables to simple ‘url’ like this.
improved template detection logic When a template for a tag could not be found in the app/views/kaminari/ directory, it searches the tag’s ancestor template files before falling back to engine’s default template. This may help keeping your custom templates DRY.
simplified bundled template themes
stop adding extra LF between templates when joining
githubish template theme [maztomo]
googlish template theme [maztomo]
added “per_page” to the template local variables #3 [hsbt]
show no contents when the current page is the only page (in other words,
num_pages == 1) #2 [hsbt]
using HTML5 <nav> tag rather than <div> for the container tag
Ajaxified paginator templates
Hamlized paginator templates
reset content_for :kaminari_paginator_tags before rendering #1 [hsbt]
partialize the outer div
suppress logging when rendering each partial
default PER_PAGE to 25 [hsbt]
First release