* Priorities paths: warmup stage -> weights with ECB method -> pretrained_models.
* If you want to train warmup: Set `warmup`: True.
* Don't use any pretrained model: Set `pretrained_models` and pretrained backbone paths are blank.
* Only use warmup pretrained model: Set `pretrained_models` is the folder contains the warmup pretrained model paths.
* Use pretrained model that train with ECB method: Set four pretrained model paths.
- Folowing is the config arguments and description in the config file.
│ ├ DEVICE: cuda:1 # Device GPU ID (cpu for CPU Implementation)
│ ├ ndomains: 2 # Number domains
│ ├ output_path: ./results # Output folder path to save the checkpoint when training
│ ├ output_name: baseline # Output folder name when save the models
│ ├ source_iters: 100000 # Number iter in supervised training stage.
│ ├ adapt_iters: 50000 # Number iter in adaptation training stage.
│ ├ test_interval: 500 # Evaluatate the model when iter step equal test_interval
│ ├ seed: 1 # Controls randomness, making results repeatable for debugging and comparisons.
│ ├ warmup: False # The Flag to train labeled samples (If True)
│ ├ pretrained_models: ./pretrained_models # The Folder contains the warmup pretrained models
│ ├ lamda: 0.1 # value of lamda for Domain Adaptation (adentropy loss)
│ ├ save_models: True # Save models when training or Not
│ ├ thresh_ViT: 0.6 # The threshold for ViT branch when calculate Pseduo Label
│ ├ thresh_CNN: 0.9 # The threshold for CNN branch when calculate Pseduo Label
│ │
│ ├ dataset:
│ │ ├ method: SSDA # UDA or SSDA method
│ │ ├ data_root: ../Dataset/DomainNet # Dataset image folder path
│ │ ├ data_label: ./dataset/domainnet_ssda # Dataset txt folder path
│ │ ├ num_workers: 4 # Number of workders for dataloader
│ │ ├ target_shot: 3 # Number of target for train SSDA setting. SSDA: 1 - 3 - UDA: 0
│ │ ├ use_cgct_mask: True # Used for in ImageList (torch.dataset)
│ │ │
│ │ ├ source:
│ │ │ ├ name: real # Source domain name
│ │ │ └ batch_size: 32 # Source batch size
│ │ ├ target:
│ │ │ ├ name: clipart # Target domain name
│ │ │ └ batch_size: 32 # Target batch size
│ │ │
│ │ ├ prep:
│ │ │ ├ params:
│ │ │ │ ├ resize_size: 256 # Resize image in augment
│ │ └ └ └ crop_size: 224 # Resize crop image in augment
│ │
│ ├ optimizer:
│ │ ├ lr: 1.0 # Learning rate for Classifier F1 and F2
│ │ ├ lr_vit: 0.001 # Learning rate for Vit branch using in scheduler function
│ │ ├ lr_cnn: 0.01 # Learning rate for CNN branch using in scheduler function
│ │ ├ momentum: 0.9 # Momentum parameter for SGD Optimizer
│ │ ├ weight_decay: 0.0005 # Weight_decay parameter
│ │ └ nesterov: True # Use nesterov SGD or not
│ │
│ ├ Architecture:
│ │ ├ Backbone:
│ │ │ ├ name_1: vit # The model name for ViT Branch
│ │ │ ├ pretrained_1: # The pretrained model path for ViT
│ │ │ ├ name_2: resnet34 # The model name for CNN Branch
│ │ │ └ pretrained_2: # The pretrained model path for CNN
│ │ │
│ │ ├ Classifier:
│ │ │ ├ name_1: MLP # The model name for Classifier F1
│ │ │ ├ pretrained_F1: # The pretrained model path for F1
│ │ │ ├ name_2: MLP # The model name for Classifier F2
└ └ └ └ pretrained_F2: # The pretrained model path for F2