0.1.0 (2019-05-17)
- linting: fix linting error (b806041)
- .env files: add .env files and put .env.*.local to .gitignore (310657f)
- api: higher-order encapsulation of axios with interceptor (44dc383)
- AppState: add global appState and FieldState (8c5888c)
- AppState: add Mobx-persist (c3299b1)
- auth: add auth actions (28ca3f5)
- authAction: add logout action (b78fea9)
- Counter: added counter with useState hook (7b10423)
- Counter: build counter using useState hook (9797df3)
- Counter: create a Counter using Mobx (05660c0)
- handleNetworkError: handle network error with popup message (68995b8)
- Inbox TaskBoard: fetch tasks and present on taskboard (0c9f58e)
- lint-staged: add lint-staged to pre-commit (a8d8ca8)
- login: improve login error handling (1c5b13d)
- login: login and redirect to home inbox (1bd8987)
- Login, Register, NotFound: add auth pages (773eaf7)
- LoginForm: added LoginForm (676fcf6)
- MessagePopup & messageStore: refactor messageStore, create MessagePopup HOC (80a2f8a)
- profile: add user profile (27ad9df)
- ProtectedRoute: add protectedRoute (d74389e)
- ProtectedRoute: add protectedRoute listening to auth state (00f7d70)
- protectedRouter: use token for authentication (56a205b)
- Register: add Register view (0258e0a)
- RegistrationForm: add registrationForm (766758d)
- remember me: when remember me check, use localStorage, otherwise use sessionStorage (0f8cdff)
- Router: add react-router & react-router-dom (c271299)
- Sidebar: added sibebar (6cebfb1)
- store: integrate mbox store with react router (3d6c0a9)
- task: delete task api and action (54f120f)
- TaskBoard: today task list; create task; (1d11655)
- TaskEditor: add CategorySelect, EditableTitle (ac6136a)
- TaskEditor: Add EditorSider (ec26dc7)
- TaskEditor: add reminder (fb673ab)
- TaskEditor: add stylecontrols and editable title (fc3f89c)
- TaskInput & TaskBoard: press enter to add new Task (eb773d2)
- tasklist: add taskItem, taskList, taskBoard with react-beautiful-dnd (abc01eb)
- taskList: add input field (8213fa0)
- taskList: persist list re-ordering (c0d38bd)
- taskStore: complete taskStore and testing (4f434fe)
- userStore: persist userStore and remove routerStore from hydration (1df6f38)
- eject create-react-app (8816820)