Mix networks are meant to be decentralized and therefore should be operated by multiple entities. You can of course be the only operator of a mix network for testing purposes.
A Katzenpost mix network has two binary programs, a :term:`PKI` and a :term:`Mix`/:term:`Provider`.
Katzenpost server side requires golang 1.8 or later. See golang install instructions: https://golang.org/doc/install
The Katzenpost minclient library requires golang 1.9 or later.
You can build this software on your computer and copy
the binaries to the server from $GOPATH/bin
go get -u -v github.com/katzenpost/daemons/authority/nonvoting go get -u -v github.com/katzenpost/daemons/server
The produced binaries are statically linked, so you can build the authority and the server code on one machine, and then distribute them to any Linux based machines to run.
Each network component, the PKI and mixes/providers, MUST have the correct time. We recommend chrony for the purpose of time synchronization.
apt install chrony
Configure the PKI (or :term:`Network Authority`) based on an example configuration file:
wget -O authority.toml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/katzenpost/daemons/master/authority/nonvoting/authority.toml.sample
You need to edit at least the [Authority] section, and configure the address(es) the authority should bind to (Addresses) as well as its data directory (DataDir).
Now, you can generate the authority identity key:
$GOPATH/bin/nonvoting -f authority.toml -g
This -g option causes the :term:`Authority` server to generate an authority identity key which will get written to the specified data directory and printed in the log. This :term:`Authority Identity key` is used in the mix configuration file and allows mixes interact with the PKI.
In the next step, we will set up at least one :term:`Provider` and some :term:`Mix` nodes, and add their public identity keys to the authority before we run it.
Configure the mix nodes. A sample configuration can be found here: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Katzenpost/daemons/master/server/katzenpost.toml.sample
Generate the key:
$GOPATH/bin/server -f katzenpost.toml -g
The generated :term:`Mix Identity key` must be added into the Authority configuration file. Once the Authority is configured with all of the mix identity keys you can start the Authority server and then start all the mixes.
# requires postgres 9.5 or later
# if you are still using Debian jessie you
# can get postgres 9.6 from backports
# e.g. apt install -t jessie-backports postgresql
apt install postgresql
# pg_hba.conf
# The pg_hba.conf file is the place to configure access to the
# databases. It's parsed from top to bottom, first matching rule is
# applied. You probably need to add a rule for your 'provider' user
# fairly early.
# as the postgres user run these commands
# or su - postgres if without sudo
sudo -u postgres
# Add the database user "provider"
createuser -U postgres provider
# and a database
createdb -U postgres -O provider katzenpost
# set some passwords for your new user
postgres=# ALTER USER provider WITH PASSWORD 'secrətp0stgre5sy';
# test if you can connect
psql -U provider -h katzenpost
# If all goes fine, it's time to load the SQL, that script lives in
# internal/sqldb/create_database-postgresql.sql
psql -U provider --password -d katzenpost -h -f create_database-postgresql.sql
# start katzenpost server...
Add :term:`User`s to the :term:`Provider` using the management interface:
socat unix:/<path-to-data-dir>/management_sock STDOUT
ADD_USER alice X25519_public_key_in_hex_or_base64
$GOPATH/bin/nonvoting -f authority.toml