The following in-progress documents are written for early adopters and contributors, MUA developers and privacy enthusiasts.
- :doc:`background`
- discusses the motiviation, technical, social and design approaches of Autocrypt.
- :doc:`examples`
- Example data flows and MUA state transitions. This may be the easiest place to get started with the concrete ideas behind Autocrypt.
- :doc:`level1`
- Minimum requirements and implementer guidance for Level 1 Autocrypt-capable MUAs.
- :doc:`dev-status`
- Client implementation status.
- :doc:`other-crypto-interop`
- Guidance for integrating Autocrypt with other e-mail encryption mechanisms and UI for existing MUAs.
- :doc:`next-steps`
- Future improvements for Autocrypt, beyond Level 1.
- :doc:`ecosystem-dangers`
- Some documented risks and dangers to the mail ecosystem, related to Autocrypt.
- :doc:`bot`
- Description of the Autocrypt bot.
.. toctree:: :hidden: background contact code_of_conduct examples level1 glossary dev-status ecosystem-dangers other-crypto-interop faq ui-examples next-steps backup cleanup peering optional-state _img blog/blog-example blog/why-how-what install news bot press-team