This guide is intended to help you quickly set up the environment for your first DBR application.
See and try out some examples before trying to proceed here.
Check out the code
Using the CPAN installer will not suffice for this step
git clone git:// cd perl-DBR perl Makefile.PL make sudo make install # this installs the tools you will need for the below steps
Create your DBR database
For SQLite:
sqlite3 /path/to/my/dbr.sqlite < sql/dbr_schema_sqlite.sql
For Mysql:
mysql -e 'create database dbr;' # database name and access control are totally up to you mysql -h mydbhost -u myuser -p'mypasswd' dbr < sql/dbr_schema_mysql.sql
Create your DBR.conf
Location is up to you.
For SQLite metadata DB:
echo 'name=dbrconf; class=master; type=SQLite; dbfile=/path/to/my/dbr.sqlite; dbr_bootstrap=1' > /path/to/my/DBR.conf
For a Mysql metadata DB:
echo 'name=dbrconf; class=master; type=Mysql; hostname=mydbhost; database=dbr; user=myuser; password=mypasswd; dbr_bootstrap=1' > /path/to/my/DBR.conf
Register your schema
export DBR_CONF=/path/to/my/DBR.conf # can also specify -f /path/to/my/DBR.conf dbr-config assert schema myschema "My Schema name"
Register your instances Some people have different copies of the same database ( class = master|query )
For a Mysql instance:
dbr-config assert instance -schema=myschema -class=master -module=mysql -host mydbhost -dbname myschema_db -username myuser -password 'mypassword'
For a SQLite instance:
dbr-config assert instance -schema=myschema -class=master -module=sqlite -dbfile=/path/to/my/DB.sqlite
Note: you may mix and match DB types. For instance, the DBR metadata database could be Sqlite and the Application database could be mysql, or vice versa.
Scan an instance
This loads the table and field specifications into the DBR metadata database as defined in /path/to/my/DBR.conf
bin/dbr-scan-db /path/to/my/DBR.conf myschema
Load data spec
When you reach this point, DBR is now usable, but will lack specifications such as relationships and translators. There are two ways to define these.
DBR Admin
An ncurses based interactive administration tool that allows you to browse schemas, instances, enums, tables, etc. It's pretty clunky right now, but it allows you to define relationships and translators for the tables/fields that DBR scans. Note: this is not very intuitive right now, but an improved version is in the works.
dbr-admin /path/to/my/DBR.conf
Takes tab delimited spec files which are pretty easy to write. See
for a sample DBR spec file To load a spec file:dbr-load-spec /path/to/my/DBR.conf /path/to/my/specfile.tsv
Thats it!
Writing your first test script
All you have to do is:
cp example/ ~/
- remove the
use DBR::Sandbox
line - customize for your config file / schema