Executes a series of instructions against an endpoint using a specified authentication on a given strategy.
Often we are faced with external products/services either self-hosted or SaaS where they require some level of configuration this often happens at CI (deploy) time, or on continous basis.
A complete definition contains an auth
map and a seed
map, you will
Is a map of authentication objects used by each action respectively.
type: OAuthClientCredentials
username: randClientIdOrUsernameForBasicAuth
password: randClientSecret
serverUrl: http://localhost:8080/token
- https://www.some-api-provider.com/scopes-example1
- bar
- baz
X-Foo: bar
type: BasicAuth
username: randClientIdOrUsernameForBasicAuth
password: randClientSecret
X-Foo: bar
Strategy is a setting against which to perform one or more rest calls to ensure an idempotent update.
The top level seed
can contain multiple blocks of the below type - RestAction
# the name of the Action is the property itself
# should conform to YAML language specifications
endpoint: https://postman-echo.com
strategy: FIND/PUT/POST
getEndpointSuffix: /get?json=emtpy¬found=bar
postEndpointSuffix: /post
findByJsonPathExpr: "$.array[?(@.name=='fubar')].id"
authMapRef: ouath1
payloadTemplate: |
{ "value": "$foo" }
foo: bar
# RunTime Vars are captured from a PUT or POST and can be used further down the strategy tree
someId: "$.array[?(@.name=='fubar')].id"
Each Strategy option is defined below, and can be extended.
FindPostStrategyFunc strategy calls a GET endpoint and if item FOUND it does NOT do a POST this strategy should be used sparingly and only in cases where the service REST implementation does not support an update of existing item.
FindPostStrategyFunc strategy calls a GET endpoint and if item FOUND it does NOT do a POST this strategy should be used sparingly and only in cases where the service REST implementation does not support an update of existing item.
PutPostStrategyFunc is useful when the resource is created a user specified Id the PUT endpoint DOES NOT support a creation of the resource. PUT should throw a 4XX for the POST fallback to take effect
GetPutPostStrategyFunc known ID and only know a name or other indicator the pathExpression must not evaluate to an empty string in order to for the PUT to be called else POST will be called as item was not present.
FindPutPostStrategyFunc is useful when the resource Id is unknown i.e. handled by the system. providing a pathExpression will evaluate the response. the pathExpression must not evaluate to an empty string in order to for the PUT to be called else POST will be called as item was not present
FindPutPatchStrategyFunc is the same as FindPutPostStrategyFunc but uses PATCH instead of PUT
FindDeletePostStrategyFunc is useful for when you cannot update a resource but it can be safely destroyed an recreated
Rest Action is the individual action that gets made for each strategy.
Endpoint is the baseUrl for the action
strategy identifier - see strategies e.g. FIND/PUT/POST
Each Method called as part the restAction can specify a suffix.
This is useful for non standard or non Richardson Maturity Model Level 2+ compliant endpoints.
suffix to apply to the GET endpoint in FIND or GET e.g.: /get?json=provided&valid=true
suffix to apply to the POST endpoint
suffix to apply to the PUT endpoint
suffix to apply to the PATCH endpoint
Specifies the JSONPathExpression to apply to returned response, JSONPath as specified here with additional operators and functions defined here
e.g.: $.array[?(@.name=='fubar')].id
The auth object to use for the requests in this RestAction, see auth for more details.
JSON formatted string.
payloadTemplate: |
"value": "$foo"
Variables are replaced in payloads in memory, using both environment variables and inject Vars from variables
foo: bar
bar: bazquz
still WiP
RunTime Vars are captured from a PUT or POST and can be used further down the strategy tree on a separate Action. if a match is found it is exposed via a special prefix #
actionOneId: "$.id"
# the name of the action
endpoint: https://postman-echo.com
strategy: FIND/PUT/POST
getEndpointSuffix: /get?json=provided&valid=true
postEndpointSuffix: /post
putEndpointSuffix: /put
findByJsonPathExpr: "$.array[?(@.name=='fubar')].id"
authMapRef: ouath1
payloadTemplate: |
"value": "$foo"
foo: bar
actionOneId: "$.id"
endpoint: https://postman-echo.com
strategy: FIND/PUT/POST
getEndpointSuffix: /get?json=provided&valid=true
postEndpointSuffix: /post
putEndpointSuffix: /put
findByJsonPathExpr: "$.array[?(@.name=='fubar')].id"
authMapRef: ouath1
payloadTemplate: |
"value": "$foo"
"action1Id": "#{actionOneId}"
foo: bazqux
someId: "$.array[?(@.name=='fubar')].id"
Todo fill me out
standard go styling and contribution guide lines