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Getting Started with Finder Opta and Finder 6M
Learn how to read 6M registers using the Modbus protocol on Finder Opta.
Fabrizio Trovato
Finder 6M


Among the protocols supported by the Finder Opta, we find Modbus RTU. In this tutorial we will learn how to implement Modbus RTU communication over RS-485 between the Finder Opta and a Finder 6M power analyzer. In particular, we are going to learn how to use the Finder Opta to configure a Finder 6M and read its registers.


  • Learn how to establish RS-485 interface connectivity between the Finder Opta and a Finder 6M device.
  • Learn how to use the Modbus RTU communication protocol to configure and read the registers of a Finder 6M device.

Required Hardware and Software

Hardware Requirements

  • Finder Opta PLC with RS-485 support (x1).
  • Finder 6M power analyzer (x1).
  • 12VDC/500mA DIN rail power supply (x1).
  • USB-C® cable (x1).
  • Wire with either specification for RS-485 connectivity (x2):
    • STP/UTP 24-18AWG (Unterminated) 100-130Ω rated.
    • STP/UTP 22-16AWG (Terminated) 100-130Ω rated.

Software Requirements

Finder 6M and the Modbus RTU Protocol

Finder 6M power analyzers provide access to a series of holding registers via the Modbus RTU protocol over RS-485 serial connection.

As documented in the 6M Modbus communication protocol document, measures on Finder 6M devices are available on Modbus as a series of 16-bit reads: for example, the Energy measurement is available as a 32-bit value obtained by combining the read of the two adjacent 16-bit registers located at Modbus addresses 40089 and 40090. Note that, for Finder 6M devices all offsets are register offsets, not byte offsets. Additionally, on Finder 6M devices Modbus addressing starts from 0: this means that for example ModBus address 40006 must be accessed as holding register number 5.

For more insights on the Modbus communication protocol, take a look at this Modbus article: all the functionalities provided by the ArduinoModbus library are supported by the Finder Opta.


Setting Up the Arduino IDE

This tutorial will need the latest version of the Arduino IDE. If it is your first time setting up the Finder Opta, check out the getting started tutorial.

Make sure you install the latest version of the ArduinoModbus and the ArduinoRS485 libraries, as they will be used to implement the Modbus RTU communication protocol.

Connecting the Finder Opta and Finder 6M

To observe actual measurements we will need to connect the Finder 6M power analyzer to the power grid and provide an adequate load. We will also need to power the Finder Opta with the 12VDC/500mA supply and to correctly setup the RS-485 serial connection: the diagram below shows the correct wiring setup between the two devices.

Connecting Opta and Finder 6M

Configuring the Modbus parameters of the Finder 6M

To configure the initial Modbus parameters of the Finder 6M, we should refer to page 6 of the user guide. In fact, the position of the DIP switches on the 6M determines its Modbus configuration.

Tipically, the DIP switch number 1 will be UP and the number 2 will be DOWN, meaning the 6M is configured with Modbus address 1 and baudrate 9600.

DIP switches, baudrate 9600

However, in this example the initial parameters of the Finder 6M are:

  • Modbus address 1.
  • Baudrate 38400.

We can achieve this configuration by setting UP both DIP switches on the 6M, as shown in the image below.

DIP switches, baudrate 38400

Later, when prompted by the sketch, we will adjust both DIP switches DOWN, allowing the 6M to use the custom Modbus configuration assigned to it by the sketch itself.

DIP switches, custom

Code Overview

The goal of the following example is to configure the Finder 6M power analyzer using the Finder Opta, and then to read some of the measurements in the registers of the 6M and print them to the serial console.

The full code of the example is available here: after extracting the files the sketch can be compiled and uploaded to the Finder Opta.

Configuring the Finder 6M

In the setup() we are going to:

Let's remember that in this example the initial position of both DIP switches on the Finder 6M is UP.

#include <ArduinoModbus.h>
#include <ArduinoRS485.h>
#include "finder-6m.h"

constexpr uint8_t MODBUS_6M_DEFAULT_ADDRESS = 1;
constexpr uint8_t MODBUS_6M_ADDRESS = 3;

void setup()

    RS485.setDelays(PREDELAY, POSTDELAY);
    if (ModbusRTUClient.begin(BAUDRATE, SERIAL_8N1) != 1)
        while (1)

    // Change Modbus address
    // Baudrate 38400 has code 5
    // Save above settings
        // We have 20 seconds to lower the DIP switches
        Serial.println("Waiting 20s while you:");
        Serial.println("1. Power OFF the 6M.");
        Serial.println("2. Set both DIP switches DOWN.");
        Serial.println("3. Power back ON the 6M.");
        while (1)

The header file finder-6m.h contains all the needed definitions, including Modbus parameters and registers offsets; notice how the example uses 8-N-1 serial configuration. After saving the settings, the sketch gives us 20s to set our 6M to use custom parameters by setting both DIP switches on the device DOWN: relevant instruction will be displayed on the serial console.

All the configuration values we write on the Finder 6M are stored on 16-bits registers, so we use the following function to write to them:

boolean modbus6MWrite16(uint8_t address, uint16_t reg, uint16_t toWrite)
    uint8_t attempts = 3;
    while (attempts > 0)
        if (ModbusRTUClient.holdingRegisterWrite(address, reg, toWrite) == 1)
            return true;
            attempts -= 1;
    return false;

Reading from the Finder 6M

In the loop() function we are going to read the following measurements from the newly configured Finder 6M, and print them to the serial console:

  • Frequency (Hz/100).
  • Active Power (W/100).
  • Apparent Power (VA/100).
  • Energy (kWh/100).
void loop()
    int32_t frequency = modbus6MRead32(MODBUS_6M_ADDRESS, FINDER_6M_REG_FREQUENCY_100);
    int32_t activePower = modbus6MRead32(MODBUS_6M_ADDRESS, FINDER_6M_REG_ACTIVE_POWER_100);
    int32_t apparentPower = modbus6MRead32(MODBUS_6M_ADDRESS, FINDER_6M_REG_APPARENT_POWER_100);
    int32_t energy = modbus6MRead32(MODBUS_6M_ADDRESS, FINDER_6M_REG_ENERGY_100);

    Serial.println("   frequency = " + (frequency != INVALID_DATA ? String(frequency) : String("read error!")));
    Serial.println("   active power = " + (activePower != INVALID_DATA ? String(activePower) : String("read error!")));
    Serial.println("   apparent power = " + (apparentPower != INVALID_DATA ? String(apparentPower) : String("read error!")));
    Serial.println("   energy = " + (energy != INVALID_DATA ? String(energy) : String("read error!")));

All the measurements in this example are 32-bits long and they are stored in 16-bits registers using the LSW-first notation, as noted in the documentation of the Finder 6M. This means that we need to read the two adjacent 16-bits registers starting at the given register offset and compose the measurement, which we do with the following function:

uint32_t modbus6MRead32(uint8_t address, uint16_t reg)
    uint8_t attempts = 3;
    while (attempts > 0)
        ModbusRTUClient.requestFrom(address, HOLDING_REGISTERS, reg, 2);
        uint32_t data1 =;
        uint32_t data2 =;
        if (data1 != INVALID_DATA && data2 != INVALID_DATA)
            return data2 << 16 | data1;
            attempts -= 1;
    return INVALID_DATA;

Using the Finder 6M library

To simplify all the tasks we performed in this tutorial, it is possible to use the Finder6M library. In this case, the setup() code is a lot easier, because the library provides built-in functions to configure both RS-485 paramaters and the Finder 6M:

#include <Finder6M.h>

Finder6M f6m;
constexpr uint8_t MODBUS_6M_DEFAULT_ADDRESS = 1;
constexpr uint8_t MODBUS_6M_ADDRESS = 3;

void setup()

    if (!f6m.init())
        while (1)

    // Change Modbus address
    // Set baudrate to 38400
    f6m.setBaudrate(MODBUS_6M_DEFAULT_ADDRESS, 38400);
    // Save above settings
    if (f6m.saveSettings(MODBUS_6M_DEFAULT_ADDRESS))
        Serial.println("Waiting 20s while you:");
        Serial.println("1. Power OFF the 6M.");
        Serial.println("2. Set both DIP switches DOWN.");
        Serial.println("3. Power back ON the 6M.");
        while (1)

The loop() is also simpler, and we no longer need to write our own functions to interact with registers:

void loop()
    int32_t frequency = f6m.getFrequency100(MODBUS_6M_ADDRESS);
    int32_t activePower = f6m.getActivePower100(MODBUS_6M_ADDRESS);
    int32_t apparentPower = f6m.getApparentPower100(MODBUS_6M_ADDRESS);
    int32_t energy = f6m.getEnergy100(MODBUS_6M_ADDRESS);

    Serial.println("   frequency = " + (frequency != INVALID_DATA ? String(frequency) : String("read error!")));
    Serial.println("   active power = " + (activePower != INVALID_DATA ? String(activePower) : String("read error!")));
    Serial.println("   apparent power = " + (apparentPower != INVALID_DATA ? String(apparentPower) : String("read error!")));
    Serial.println("   energy = " + (energy != INVALID_DATA ? String(energy) : String("read error!")));

To learn more about the library head over to the official repository.


This tutorial demonstrates how to use the ArduinoRS485 and ArduinoModbus libraries to implement the Modbus RTU protocol between the Finder Opta and a Finder 6M power analyzer. Additionally, it shows how it is possible to use the Finder6M library to easily read measurements from a 6M.