Vagrant is used to test Kanboard in different environments.
Several configurations are available:
- Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
- Debian 8
- Debian 7
- Debian 6
- Centos 7
- Centos 6.7
- Freebsd 10
The installation process is not fully automated for all VM, manual configuration can be required.
To use those configurations, you have to install the last version of Virtualbox and Vagrant.
Standard boxes can be downloaded from Vagrant:
vagrant box add ubuntu/trusty64
vagrant box add debian/jessie64
vagrant box add debian/wheezy64
vagrant box add bento/debian-6.0.10
vagrant box add centos/7
vagrant box add bento/centos-6.7
vagrant box add freebsd/FreeBSD-10.2-STABLE
If you want to test Kanboard on Ubuntu with Sqlite:
vagrant up sqlite
The current directory is synced to the Apache document root.
Composer dependencies have to be there, so if you didn't run composer install
on your host machine you can also do it on the guest machine.
Each box has its own TCP port:
- ubuntu: http://localhost:8001/
- debian8: http://localhost:8002/
- debian7: http://localhost:8003/
- debian6: http://localhost:8004/
- centos7: http://localhost:8005/
- centos6: http://localhost:8006/
- freebsd10: http://localhost:8007/
Available boxes are:
vagrant up ubuntu
vagrant up debian8
vagrant up debian7
vagrant up debian6
vagrant up centos7
vagrant up centos6
vagrant up freebsd10
Any specific configuration has to be done manually (Postgres or Mysql).