For each project, tasks can be visualized with several views: Board, Calendar, List and Gantt. Each view shows the result of the filter box at the top. The search engine uses the advanced syntax.
- With this view you can drag and drop tasks between columns easily.
- You can also use the keyboard shortcut "v b" to switch to the board view.
- Tasks with a shadow are recently modified.
When the task limit is reached for a column, the background becomes red. That means there are too many tasks in progress at the same time.
Learn more about board configuration
- With this view you can visualize tasks with a due date.
- Depending of the settings, you can also see tasks in progress.
- You can also use the keyboard shortcut "v c" to switch to the calendar view.
- Learn more about calendar configuration
- With this view all results of your search are displayed in a table.
- You can also use the keyboard shortcut "v l" to switch to the list view.
- The Gantt view displays tasks on a horizontal timeline
- The start date and the due date are used to display the chart
- For quick access, use the keyboard shortcut: v g