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Release Orchestrator V3


The Release Orchestrator V3 task performs Azure DevOps YAML pipelines execution, progress monitoring, and provides various customization settings.

  • Create new, target latest or specific run
  • Target all or specific run stages
  • Apply various run filters and controls
  • Approve run stages and validate checks
  • Track run progress and display results


To perform run orchestration the task uses one of two types of Azure DevOps service endpoints to connect to the target pipelines. The service endpoint requires specific access to target project pipelines to be able to create and manage runs.

Type Name Account
integrated SystemVssConnection Project Collection Build Service
service User specified User specified

In order to use custom service endpoint, you may need to create a new Azure Pipelines service connection using personal access token.

Pipeline permissions

In pipelines security section of Azure DevOps project allow the following access to user account of the service endpoint:

Permission Type
Queue builds Allow
Stop builds Allow
View build pipeline Allow
View builds Allow

Use Project Collection Build Service (my-organization) for integrated endpoint (do not mix up with Project Build Service) or user specified account for custom service endpoint. You can grant required permissions to all pipelines in the project or to a specific pipeline only.

For custom runtime pipeline parameters feature to work correctly make sure Protect access to repositories in YAML pipelines is disabled in Azure DevOps > Organization settings > Pipelines > Settings

Setting Status
Protect access to repositories in YAML pipelines Off

Please refer to Azure DevOps permissions and security roles documentation for more details.

Approval permissions

In order to enable automated stage approval the service endpoint user account needs to be added to the stage environment approval list.

  • Add service endpoint user account to stage environment approvers
  • Check Allow approvers to approve their own runs
  • Set Minimum number of approvals required to 1

In case the service endpoint user is not in the approval list or is not allowed to approve the run, manual approval is required and a warning is displayed in the run progress.

Please refer to Azure DevOps approvals and gates documentation for more details.

How to use

  1. Add Release Orchestrator task to your pipeline
  2. Select prefered Azure DevOps service endpoint type
  3. Select target project and define target pipeline

You can choose different strategy to perform target pipeline run execution:

  • New run: create new run
  • Latest run: find and target latest run
  • Specific run: find and target specific run

Every run strategy targets all stages in order configured in the pipeline (new) or in the run (latest or specific). To target specific stages only, define required stages using stages parameter. The target stages will be triggered in sequential order, exactly as specified.

- task: releaseorchestrator@3
  displayName: Release Orchestrator
    # endpointType: service         # Optional. Options: integrated (default), service
    # endpointName: My-Endpoint     # Required when endpointType == service
    projectName: My-Project         # Required
    definitionName: My-Definition   # Required
    # strategy: new                 # Optional. Options: new (default), latest, specific
    # stages: DEV,TEST,PROD         # Optional
Parameter Description
endpointType Endpoint type to connect to Azure DevOps

- integrated – system SYSTEMVSSCONNECTION service endpoint for Project Collection Build Service account
- service – user-defined Azure DevOps service endpoint using personal access token (PAT)
endpointName Service endpoint for Azure DevOps connection
projectName Target project name or project ID
definitionName Target pipeline definition name
strategy Strategy to perform target run orchestration

- new – create new run
- latest – select latest run
- specific – target specific run
stages Target definition or run stages (comma separated)

New run

Create new run and target all stages in default order configured in the pipeline or as specified in stages parameter.

- task: releaseorchestrator@3
  displayName: Release Orchestrator
    projectName: My-Project
    definitionName: My-Definition
    strategy: new
    # stages: DEV                   # Optional
    # branchName: my/branch/name    # Optional
    # parameters: |                 # Optional
    #   MyParameterOne=MyValueOne
    #   MyParameterTwo=MyValueTwo
Parameter Description
branchName Source branch name filter. Example: mybranch
parameters Override target pipeline parameters when creating a new run. In Name=Value format, special characters, value must be provided, new line separated.

IMPORTANT: Make sure Protect access to repositories in YAML pipelines is disabled in organization pipeline settings (see Pipeline permissions).

Latest run

Find latest run using filters and target all stages in default order configured in the run or as specified in stages parameter.

- task: releaseorchestrator@3
  displayName: Release Orchestrator
    projectName: My-Project
    definitionName: My-Definition
    strategy: latest
    # stages: DEV                   # Optional
    # branchName: my/branch/name    # Optional
    # buildResult: Succeeded        # Optional. Options: Succeeded, PartiallySucceeded, Failed or Canceled
    # buildTags: My-Tag             # Optional
Parameter Description
branchName Source branch name filter. Example: mybranch
buildResult Target build result filter. Options: Succeeded, PartiallySucceeded, Failed or Canceled
buildTags Target build tags filter (comma separated)

Specific run

Find specific run by name and target all stages in default order configured in the run or as specified in stages parameter.

- task: releaseorchestrator@3
  displayName: Release Orchestrator
    projectName: My-Project
    definitionName: My-Definition
    strategy: specific
    buildNumber: 20210518.1
    # stages: DEV                   # Optional
Parameter Description
buildNumber Target build number (i.e. build name)


Parameter Description
ignoreFailure Suppress progress errors and set task result to partially succeeded in case of a failure. Default: false
skipTracking Skip target run stage progress tracking (i.e. do not wait for run to complete). Default: false
cancelFailedCheckpoint Cancel run progress when stage approval or check fails. Default: false
proceedSkippedStages Proceed as normal when targeting existing run with skipped stages or stages pending dependencies. Default: false
updateInterval Number of seconds to wait before next run progress update. Default: 5 (seconds)
approvalInterval Number of seconds to wait before next stage approval attempt. Default: 60 (seconds)
approvalAttempts Number of attempts to retry approving target stage (if unsuccessful) before failing. Default: 10 (times)


To enable debug mode to help troubleshooting issues, set DEBUG=release-orchestrator:* pipeline variable (can be configred at pipeline queue time) or turn on Azure DevOps pipelines system diagnostics.