diff --git a/content/posts/vim-for-hackers.md b/content/posts/vim-for-hackers.md
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+title: "Vim for Hackers"
+date: 2024-05-01T11:00:48+02:00
+description: "Advanced hacking skills with VIM to give you superpowers"
+- tutorial
+- til
+- tips
+{{< lead >}}
+`vim` is a double edged sword. Use it properly and you'll see the benefits,
+don't use it properly and it's just going to cause more pain and sorrow.
+{{< /lead >}}
+# How to add text at the end of each line
+Use-case: assume you just copied a whole column of text and just want to
+append a comma at the end
+{{< alert "lightbulb" >}}
+`'<,'>` assumes you selected text aka _visual select_
+{{< /alert >}}
+:'<,'>norm A,
+# Remove lines that (do not) contain a specific word
+Use-case: you created a Kubernetes Secret via `kubectl create secret` and want
+to remove all lines containing `creationTimestamp: null`
+:g /word/d
+The reverse of this (meaning, remove lines that **don't contain** specific
+word) would look like this
+# delete all blank lines
+# copy file contents to clipboard
+:%w !pbcopy
+# replace text matching X with Y
+with confirmation
+without confirmation
+# move existing window to existing tab
+As a window is just a viewport into a loaded buffer, you have to:
+1. Note the buffer number displayed in the current window.
+2. `:close!` the window.
+3. Switch to the existing target tab page.
+4. `:sbuffer` the buffer number to re-open it.
+# save and restore multiple different sessions
+Use-case: assume you just upgraded vim or Terminal app and just want to
+restart them
+:mksession ~/mysession.vim
+source session to restore everything back
+:source ~/mysession.vim
+open vim with the session
+$ vim -S ~/mysession.vim
+# open filename under cursor like gf, but in a new tab
+- gf - Edit existing file under cursor in same window
+- C-W f - Edit existing file under cursor in split window
+- C-W C-F - Edit existing file under cursor in split window
+- C-W gf - Edit existing file under cursor in new tabpage
+# make a new directory or file in `netrw`, vim's file explorer
+If you are in the file explorer mode, you can use:
+- `d` for creating a directory
+- `%` for creating a new file
+You can get into the explorer mode with issuing a command `:Sexplore` or `:Vexplore`
+There is no need to call external commands with `!`
+# find and replace all instances of specific string in multiple files in vim
+The general workflow is:
+1. Search for your pattern across the project.
+2. Operate on each match (safer, slower) or on each file with matches (riskier, faster).
+3. Write your changes.
+The first step can be done with any command that populates the quickfix list: `:help :vimgrep`, `:help :grep`, something from a third-party plugin, etc.
+Taking `:grep` as an example:
+:grep foo **/*.js
+will populate the quickfix list with an entry for every `foo` found in `*.js` files in the current directory and subcategories. You can see the list with `:cwindow`.
+The second step involves `:help :cdo` or `:help :cfdo`:
+:cdo s/foo/bar/gc
+which will substitute every `foo` with `bar` on each line in the quickfix list and ask for confirmation. With `:cfdo` it would look like that:
+:cfdo %s/foo/bar/gc
+If you are super confident, you can drop the `c` at the end. See `:help :s_flags`.
+The third step involves `:help :update`:
+:cfdo update
+which will write every file in the quickfix list to disk if they have been changed.
+In short:
+:gr foo **/*.js
+:cdo s/foo/bar/gc
+:cfdo up