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Spatio-temporal LN model.ipf
#pragma rtGlobals=1 // Use modern global access method.//Function CalcRFfn//Calculates receptive field by correlating a spike train with a stimulus//This is the spike-triggered average, the stimulus preceding a spike is summed,//then divided by the number of spikes. If you want to calculate the best fit//linear model (linear kernel), and interpret the amplitude of the receptive field,//you must multiply afterwards by the firing rate. If you are calculating an LN model,//multiplying by the firing rate is not necessary.//Note, this function currently does not subtract the mean stimulus (an option in Correlate)//This only becomes necessary when mapping the receptive field using membrane potential//artificially encoded as a spike train to work with Correlate. The very large number of spikes//created with this method (hundreds of Hz) makes it necessary to subtract this offset.//Input variables://st:Wave containing white noise stimulus//sp:Wave containing spike train//tstart:Start time of receptive field relative to a spike//tend:End time of receptive field relative to a spike//tstep:Time step for receptive field//Output://wave containing receptive field is '"name of spike train" + "_rf"function CalcRFfn(st,sp,tstart,tend,tstep) wave st, sp variable tstart, tend, tstep variable tau, i, pnt //Wave to hold receptive field make /o/n=(dimsize(st,0),dimsize(st,1),(tend-tstart)/tstep) $nameofwave(sp)+"_rf" wave rf=$nameofwave(sp)+"_rf" setscale /p z,tstart,tstep,rf make /o/n=(dimsize(st,0),dimsize(st,1)) onefr //One frame of receptive field variable lastframe=dimoffset(st,2)+dimdelta(st,2)*dimsize(st,2) for (tau=tstart;tau<tend;tau+=tstep) //Loop over time delay and calculate onefr=0 //spike-triggered average stimulus for (i=0;(i<numpnts (sp)) %& (sp[i]<(lastframe-tend));i+=1) onefr+=st[p][q](sp[i]+tau) endfor rf[][][pnt]=onefr[p][q] pnt+=1 endfor rf/=numpnts(sp) //Divide by number of spikes wavestats /q rf;rf-=v_avg //Subtract off mean value of entire RF killwaves /z onefrend//Macro STLNmodel//This function creates a spatio-temporal LN model//INPUT VARIABLES://sstim:White noise stimulus//resp:Response of cell//rfin:Linear spatio-temporal receptive field of cellmacro SpatiotemporalLNmodel(sstim,sresp,srfin) string sstim,sresp,srfin Prompt sstim,"White noise stimulus" Prompt sresp,"Spiking response" Prompt srfin,"Receptive field" variable pnum variable threshval=3 // Value for setting receptive field threshold variable tstart=-0.025 //Start and end of time interval used to judge variable tend = -0.125 //which pixels are significant threshrf ($srfin,threshval,tstart,tend) //Threshold receptive field to take only significant pixels convolverf ($sstim,$srfin,rfx,rfy) //Convolve rf with stim wavestats /q convsum //Convert spike train from resp into a function of time by binning in 1 ms intervals spikehist(sresp,rightx(convsum),0.001,0,1,"no","no") //Place linear prediction (in wave 'convsum') into wave 'lp' and response into wave 'v' variable npoints=min(numpnts(convsum),numpnts($sresp+"_h")) //Make sure lp and v have duplicate /o/r=[0,npoints-1] $sresp+"_h",v //same number of points duplicate /o/r=[0,npoints-1] convsum,lp //Calculate nonlinearity with 10000 (or numpnts(lp)) points dosnl (min(10000,numpnts(lp))) duplicate /o vpy,$srfin+".snl1y" duplicate /o vpx,$srfin+".snl1x" duplicate /o vpmean $srfin+".snl1" dowindow /f binsnlgraph //Bring SNL binning window to frontend//Function threshrf//Threshold receptive field//INPUT VARIABLES//rfin: wave containing receptive field//thr:threshold value in standard deviations of the overall receptive field value//tstart:starting time of interval used to judge which pixels are significant//tend: ending time of interval used to judge which pixels are significantfunction threshrf (rfin,thr,tstart,tend) wave rfin variable thr variable tstart variable tend //rfmags:root-mean-squared value of each pixel //rfx:wave containing x coord of significant pixels //rfy:wave containing y coord of significant pixels make /o/n=(dimsize (rfin,0)*dimsize(rfin,1)) rfmags,rfx,rfy variable px,py,pix make /o/n=(dimsize(rfin,2)) onepixtimesq // For one pixel p, holds p(t)^2, used to // compute the rms value of that pixel over time setscale /p x,dimoffset(rfin,2),dimdelta(rfin,2),onepixtimesq for (px=0;px<dimsize(rfin,0);px+=1) //Loop over x coord for (py=0;py<dimsize(rfin,1);py+=1) //Loop over y coord onepixtimesq=rfin[px][py][p]^2 wavestats /q/r=(tstart,tend) onepixtimesq rfmags[pix]=sqrt(v_avg) //rms value of one pix rfx[pix]=px rfy[pix]=py pix+=1 endfor endfor sort /r rfmags,rfmags,rfx,rfy //sort the pixels with the greatest rms values wavestats /q rfmags rfx=selectnumber( rfmags[p]>v_sdev*thr,nan,rfx) //get pixels greater than the thr in std devs rfy=selectnumber( rfmags[p]>v_sdev*thr,nan,rfy) //get pixels greater than the thr in std devs rfmags=selectnumber( rfmags[p]>v_sdev*thr,nan,rfmags) wavestats /q rfmags deletepoints v_npnts,numpnts(rfmags),rfmags,rfx,rfy make /o/n=(dimsize(rfin,0),dimsize(rfin,1)) rf_thr //thresholded spatial receptive field rf_thr=0 for (pix=0;pix<v_npnts;pix+=1) rf_thr[rfx[pix]][rfy[pix]]=rfmags[pix] endforend//function convolverf//Convolves the significant pixels of a spatio-temporal receptive field with a stimulus//Each pixel of the receptive field is convolved with the corresponding pixel of the stimulus//resulting in a single function of time for each pixel. All single pixel convolutions//are then summed yielding a single function of time for the linear prediction of a response.//INPUT VARIABLES//wst:wave containing stimulus//wrf:wave containing receptive field//wrfx:wave containing list of x coordinates of significant pixels//wrfy:wave containing list of y coordinates of significant pixelsfunction convolverf (wst,wrf,wrfx,wrfy) wave wst wave wrf wave wrfx wave wrfy variable pix //st1p:stimulus one pixel in milliseconds, number of points is //(number of frames in stimulus) * (frame time in seconds) * (1000 ms / s) //cor1p: convolution for one pixel, points are in ms //corsum: sum of all pixel make /o/n=(dimsize(wst,2)) st1p,conv1p,convsum setscale /p x,0,dimdelta(wst,2),st1p,conv1p,convsum //rf1p:time course of one pixel of receptive field in ms, number of points is //(number of timepoints in receptive field) * (delta-t in seconds) * (1000 ms / s) make /o/n=(dimsize(wrf,2)) rf1p setscale /p x,0,dimdelta(wrf,2),rf1p convsum=0 for (pix=0;pix<numpnts (wrfx);pix+=1) //Loop over number of significant pixels in RF rf1p=wrf[wrfx[pix]][wrfy[pix]](-x) st1p=wst[wrfx[pix]][wrfy[pix]](x) duplicate /o st1p,conv1p convolve rf1p,conv1p convsum+=conv1p deletepoints 0,numpnts(rf1p),conv1p endforendmacro spikehist(Nwavein,periodlength,binlength,starttime,numperiods,onflag,displayflag) string Nwavein,onflag="no",displayflag="no" variable periodlength=60,binlength=0.6,starttime=60,numperiods=34 prompt Nwavein,"",popup,Wavelist("*_s",";","")+"" prompt onflag,"On and off responses?",popup,"yes;no" prompt displayflag,"Display result?",popup,"yes;no" PauseUpdate; Silent 1 // building window... duplicate /o $Nwavein spikesbin copylimit(Nwavein,"spikesbin",starttime,periodlength*numperiods+starttime) //spikesbin/=1000 spikesbin = mod(spikesbin,periodlength) string Nwaveinpref=stringfromlist(0,Nwavein,"_") make /o/n=(periodlength/binlength) histwave histwave=0 Histogram/B={0,binlength,(periodlength/binlength)} spikesbin, histwave setscale /p x,binlength/2,binlength,histwave histwave/=numperiods*binlength wavestats /q histwave if (stringmatch(onflag,"yes")) string Nwaveouton,Nwaveoutoff sprintf Nwaveouton, Nwaveinpref+"_onh" sprintf Nwaveoutoff, Nwaveinpref+"_offh" make /o/n=(numpnts(histwave)/2) $Nwaveouton,$Nwaveoutoff $Nwaveouton=0 $Nwaveoutoff=0 setscale /p x,binlength/2,binlength*2,$Nwaveouton setscale /p x,binlength*3/2,binlength*2,$Nwaveoutoff variable i=0 do $Nwaveouton[i]=histwave[i*2] $Nwaveoutoff[i]=histwave[i*2+1] i+=1 while (i<numpnts($Nwaveouton)) //dowindow /k gspikehist display $Nwaveouton,$Nwaveoutoff as Nwaveinpref+ " spike histogram" //dowindow /c gspikehist ModifyGraph mode=3 ModifyGraph marker=19 SetAxis left -0.1,v_max*1.1 ModifyGraph rgb($Nwaveouton)=(0,0,65535) else string Nwaveout sprintf Nwaveout, Nwavein+"_h" duplicate /o histwave,$Nwaveout endif if (stringmatch(displayflag,"yes")) display $Nwaveout as Nwaveinpref+ " spike histogram" ModifyGraph mode=3 ModifyGraph marker=19 Textbox/N=text0/F=0/A=MC "\\F'Helvetica'\\Z14"+Nwavein Textbox/C/N=text0/X=-40.00/Y=44.81 endifendmacrofunction DoSNL(numbins) variable numbins silent 1;pauseupdate variable binpoints,stepfactor=2 numbins/=stepfactor duplicate /o lp,lpwave // Linear prediction duplicate /o v,Vwave // Response sort lpwave,lpwave,vwave binpoints=numpnts(vwave)/numbins make /o/n=(numpnts(vwave)) vpn //SNLmean,num in each bin make /o/n=(numpnts(vwave)) vpmean,Vpsd,vpx,vpy,bst,bend // SNL sd vpn=0 vpsd=0 wavestats /q lpwave setscale /i x,v_min,v_max,vpmean,vpn,vpsd,vpx,vpy variable bin,binstart,binend binstart=0 bin=1 duplicate /o vwave,cfit cfit=0 do binend=binstart+binpoints-1 //Make sure the last bin isn't too small if ((numpnts(lpwave)-binend)<binpoints/stepfactor) binend=numpnts(lpwave) endif bst[bin]=binstart bend[bin]=binend wavestats /q/r=[binstart,binend] vwave vpy[bin]=v_avg vpsd[bin]=v_sdev vpn[bin]=binpoints wavestats /q/r=[binstart,binend] lpwave vpx[bin]=v_avg //First bin if (bin==1) bst[bin]=binstart bend[bin]=binend vpy[0]=cfit[binstart] vpsd[0]=v_sdev vpn[0]=binpoints vpx[0]=lpwave[binstart] endif bin=bin+1 binstart=binstart+binpoints/stepfactor while (binstart<=(numpnts(lpwave)-binpoints)) duplicate /o vpsd,vpsem vpsem=vpsd/sqrt(vpn) deletepoints bin,numpnts(vwave),vpy,vpsd,vpx,vpsem //Interpolate SNL into evenly spaced points make /o/n=1000 snlmean wavestats /q vpx setscale /i x,v_min,v_max,snlmean execute "interpolate /y=snlmean vpy /x=vpx" //killwaves /z vwave,lpwave,vpx,vpyend