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"}),b},a.models.candlestickBarChart=function(){var b=a.models.historicalBarChart(a.models.candlestickBar());return b.useInteractiveGuideline(!0),b.interactiveLayer.tooltip.contentGenerator(function(a){var c=a.series[0].data,d=c.openopen: "+b.yAxis.tickFormat()(c.open)+" close: "+b.yAxis.tickFormat()(c.close)+" high "+b.yAxis.tickFormat()(c.high)+" low: "+b.yAxis.tickFormat()(c.low)+"
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+ Total
+ ServiceInfQixFoo
+ 110
+ checkIfMultiple
+ 20
+ checkIfContainsMultiple
+ 12
+ verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo
+ 2
+ sumOfAllDigits
+ 6
+ 1 <?php
+ 2 namespace App;
+ 3
+ 4 class ServiceInfQixFoo
+ 5 {
+ 6
+ 7 private array $infQixFoo = [
+ 8 'Inf' => 8,
+ 9 'Qix' => 7,
+ 10 'Foo' => 3
+ 11 ];
+ 12
+ 13 private string $separator = '; ';
+ 14
+ 15
+ 16 public function checkIfMultiple(int $number): string
+ 17 {
+ 18 $result = '';
+ 19 foreach ($this->infQixFoo as $key => $value){
+ 20 if($number % $value === 0){
+ 21 $result .= $key . $this->separator;
+ 22 }
+ 23 }
+ 24
+ 25 return (strlen($result) === 0) ? $number : rtrim($result, '; ');
+ 26 }
+ 27
+ 28 public function checkIfContainsMultiple(int $number): string
+ 29 {
+ 30 $result = '';
+ 31 $digits = str_split($number, 1);
+ 32
+ 33 foreach ($digits as $digit){
+ 34 if(in_array($digit, $this->infQixFoo)){
+ 35 $key = array_search($digit, $this->infQixFoo);
+ 36 $result .= $key . $this->separator;
+ 37 }
+ 38 }
+ 39
+ 40 return rtrim($result, '; ');
+ 41 }
+ 42
+ 43 public function verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(int $number): string
+ 44 {
+ 45 $result = $this->checkIfMultiple($number) . '; ';
+ 46 $result .= $this->checkIfContainsMultiple($number);
+ 47
+ 48 return rtrim($result, '; ');
+ 49 }
+ 50
+ 51 public function sumOfAllDigits(int $number): string
+ 52 {
+ 53 $multiple = $this->infQixFoo['Inf'];
+ 54 $digits = str_split($number, 1);
+ 55 $sum = array_sum($digits);
+ 56
+ 57 if($sum % $multiple === 0){
+ 58 return $this->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo($number) . array_search($multiple, $this->infQixFoo);
+ 59 } else{
+ 60 return $this->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo($number);
+ 61 }
+ 62 }
+63 } Classes
+ Coverage Distribution
+ Complexity
+ Insufficient Coverage
+ Class
+ Coverage
+ App\ServiceInfQixFoo 0% Project Risks
+ Class
+ App\ServiceInfQixFoo 110 Methods
+ Coverage Distribution
+ Complexity
+ Insufficient Coverage
+ Method
+ Coverage
+ checkIfMultiple 0%
+ checkIfContainsMultiple 0%
+ verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo 0%
+ sumOfAllDigits 0% Project Risks
+ Method
+ checkIfMultiple 20
+ checkIfContainsMultiple 12
+ sumOfAllDigits 6
+ Total
+ ServiceInfQixFoo.php
+ Classes
+ Coverage Distribution
+ Complexity
+ Insufficient Coverage
+ Project Risks
+ Methods
+ Coverage Distribution
+ Complexity
+ Insufficient Coverage
+ Project Risks
+ Total
+ app
+ tests
+ vendor
+ Total
+ ServiceInfQixFooTest
+ 4290
+ testMultipleOfEightShouldReturnInf
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfSevenShouldReturnQix
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfThreeShouldReturnFoo
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfEightAndSevenShouldReturnInfQix
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfEightAndThreeShouldReturnInfFoo
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfSevenAndThreeShouldReturnQixFoo
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfEightSevenAndThreeShouldReturnInfQixFoo
+ 2
+ testMultipleShouldReturnNumber
+ 2
+ testNumberContainsEightShouldReturnInf
+ 2
+ testNumberContainsSevenShouldReturnQix
+ 2
+ testNumberContainsThreeShouldReturnFoo
+ 2
+ testNumberContainsEightAndSevenShouldReturnInfQix
+ 2
+ testNumberContainsEightAndThreeShouldReturnInfFoo
+ 2
+ testNumberContainsSevenAndThreeShouldReturnQixFoo
+ 2
+ testNumberContainsThreeEightAndSevenShouldReturnFooInfQix
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfEightContainsThreeShouldReturnInfAppendFoo
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfEightContainsSevenShouldReturnInfAppendQix
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfEightContainsEightShouldReturnInfAppendInf
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfEightContainsEightAndSevenShouldReturnInfAppendInfQix
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfEightContainsEightAndThreeShouldReturnInfAppendInfFoo
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfEightContainsSevenAndThreeShouldReturnInfAppendQixFoo
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfEightContainsEightSevenAndThreeShouldReturnInfAppendInfQixFoo
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfSevenContainsEightShouldReturnQixAppendInf
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfSevenContainsSevenShouldReturnQixAppendQix
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfSevenContainsThreeShouldReturnQixAppendFoo
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfSevenContainsEightAndSevenShouldReturnQixAppendInfQix
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfSevenContainsEightAndThreeShouldReturnQixAppendFooInf
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfSevenContainsSevenAndThreeShouldReturnQixAppendQixFoo
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfSevenContainsThreeEightAndSevenShouldReturnQixAppendInfQixFoo
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfThreeContainsEightShouldReturnFooAppendInf
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfThreeContainsSevenShouldReturnFooAppendQix
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfThreeContainsTreeShouldReturnFooAppendFoo
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfThreeContainsEightAndSevenShouldReturnFooAppendInfQix
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfThreeContainsEightAndTreeShouldReturnFooAppendInfFoo
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfThreeContainsSevenAndThreeShouldReturnFooAppendQixFoo
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfThreeContainsEightSevenAndThreeShouldReturnFooAppendInfQixFoo
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfEightAndSevenContainsEightShouldReturnInfQixAppendInf
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfEightAndThreeContainsEightShouldReturnInfFooAppendInf
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfSevenAndThreeContainsEightShouldReturnQixFooAppendInf
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfEightSevenAndThreeContainsEightShouldReturnInfQixFooAppendInf
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfEightAndSevenContainsSevenShouldReturnInfQixAppendQix
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfEightAndThreeContainsSevenShouldReturnInfFooAppendQix
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfSevenAndThreeContainsSevenShouldReturnQixFooAppendQix
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfEightSevenAndThreeContainsSevenShouldReturnInfQixFooAppendQix
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfEightAndSevenContainsThreeShouldReturnInfQixAppendFoo
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfEightAndThreeContainsThreeShouldReturnInfFooAppendFoo
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfSevenAndThreeContainsThreeShouldReturnQixFooAppendFoo
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfEightSevenAndThreeContainsThreeShouldReturnInfQixFooAppendFoo
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfEightAndSevenContainsEightAndSevenShouldReturnInfQixAppendInfQix
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfEightAndSevenContainsEightAndThreeShouldReturnInfQixAppendInfFoo
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfEightAndSevenContainsSevenAndThreeShouldReturnInfQixAppendQixFoo
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfEightAndSevenContainsEightSevenAndThreeShouldReturnInfQixAppendInfQixFoo
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfEightAndThreeContainsEightAndSevenShouldReturnInfFooAppendInfQix
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfEightAndThreeContainsEightAndThreeShouldReturnInfFooAppendInfFoo
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfEightAndThreeContainsSevenAndThreeShouldReturnInfFooAppendQixFoo
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfEightAndThreeContainsEightSevenAndTreeShouldReturnInfFooAppendInfQixFoo
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfSevenAndThreeContainsEightAndSevenShouldReturnQixFooAppendInfQix
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfSevenAndThreeContainsEightAndThreeShouldReturnQixFooAppendInfFoo
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfSevenAndThreeContainsSevenAndThreeShouldReturnQixFooAppendQixFoo
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfSevenAndThreeContainsEightSevenAndThreeShouldReturnQixFooAppendInfQixFoo
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfEightSevenAndThreeContainsEightAndSevenShouldReturnInfQixFooAppendInfQix
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfEightSevenAndThreeContainsEightAndThreeShouldReturnInfQixFooAppendInfFoo
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfEightSevenAndThreeContainsSevenAndThreeShouldReturnInfQixFooAppendQixFoo
+ 2
+ testMultipleOfEightSevenAndThreeContainsEightSevenAndThreeShouldReturnInfQixFooAppendInfQixFoo
+ 2
+ testSumOfAllDigitsIsMultipleOfEight
+ 2
+ 1 <?php
+ 2
+ 3 namespace Tests;
+ 4
+ 5 /** Following part until the Class and after the class, is implemented for the Code coverage report.
+ 6 * For testing purposes, the code outside the Class should be commented out.
+ 7 */
+ 8 require '../vendor/autoload.php';
+ 9 require '../app/ServiceInfQixFoo.php';
+ 10
+ 11 use App\ServiceInfQixFoo;
+ 12 use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
+ 13 use SebastianBergmann\CodeCoverage\Filter;
+ 14 use SebastianBergmann\CodeCoverage\Driver\Selector;
+ 15 use SebastianBergmann\CodeCoverage\CodeCoverage;
+ 16 use SebastianBergmann\CodeCoverage\Report\Html\Facade as HtmlReport;
+ 17
+ 18 $filter = new Filter;
+ 19 $filter->includeFile('app/ServiceInfQixFoo.php');
+ 20
+ 21 $coverage = new CodeCoverage(
+ 22 (new Selector)->forLineCoverage($filter),
+ 23 $filter
+ 24 );
+ 25
+ 26 $coverage->start('ServiceInfQixFoo');
+ 27
+ 28 class ServiceInfQixFooTest extends TestCase
+ 29 {
+ 30 /**
+ 32 */
+ 33 /* multiple 8 */
+ 34 public function testMultipleOfEightShouldReturnInf()
+ 35 {
+ 36 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 37 $this->assertSame('Inf', $stepFour->checkIfMultiple(8));
+ 38 $this->assertSame('Inf', $stepFour->checkIfMultiple(16));
+ 39 $this->assertSame('Inf', $stepFour->checkIfMultiple(88));
+ 40 }
+ 41 /* multiple 7 */
+ 42 public function testMultipleOfSevenShouldReturnQix()
+ 43 {
+ 44 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 45 $this->assertSame('Qix', $stepFour->checkIfMultiple(7));
+ 46 $this->assertSame('Qix', $stepFour->checkIfMultiple(77));
+ 47 $this->assertSame('Qix', $stepFour->checkIfMultiple(539));
+ 48 }
+ 49 /* multiple 3 */
+ 50 public function testMultipleOfThreeShouldReturnFoo()
+ 51 {
+ 52 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 53 $this->assertSame('Foo', $stepFour->checkIfMultiple(3));
+ 54 $this->assertSame('Foo', $stepFour->checkIfMultiple(99));
+ 55 $this->assertSame('Foo', $stepFour->checkIfMultiple(117));
+ 56 }
+ 57 /* multiple 8-7 */
+ 58 public function testMultipleOfEightAndSevenShouldReturnInfQix()
+ 59 {
+ 60 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 61 $this->assertSame('Inf; Qix', $stepFour->checkIfMultiple(56));
+ 62 $this->assertSame('Inf; Qix', $stepFour->checkIfMultiple(448));
+ 63 $this->assertSame('Inf; Qix', $stepFour->checkIfMultiple(1568));
+ 64 }
+ 65 /* multiple 8-3 */
+ 66 public function testMultipleOfEightAndThreeShouldReturnInfFoo()
+ 67 {
+ 68 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 69 $this->assertSame('Inf; Foo', $stepFour->checkIfMultiple(24));
+ 70 $this->assertSame('Inf; Foo', $stepFour->checkIfMultiple(192));
+ 71 $this->assertSame('Inf; Foo', $stepFour->checkIfMultiple(576));
+ 72 }
+ 73 /* multiple 7-3 */
+ 74 public function testMultipleOfSevenAndThreeShouldReturnQixFoo()
+ 75 {
+ 76 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 77 $this->assertSame('Qix; Foo', $stepFour->checkIfMultiple(21));
+ 78 $this->assertSame('Qix; Foo', $stepFour->checkIfMultiple(147));
+ 79 $this->assertSame('Qix; Foo', $stepFour->checkIfMultiple(441));
+ 80 }
+ 81 /* multiple 8-7-3 */
+ 82 public function testMultipleOfEightSevenAndThreeShouldReturnInfQixFoo()
+ 83 {
+ 84 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 85 $this->assertSame('Inf; Qix; Foo', $stepFour->checkIfMultiple(168));
+ 86 $this->assertSame('Inf; Qix; Foo', $stepFour->checkIfMultiple(1512));
+ 87 $this->assertSame('Inf; Qix; Foo', $stepFour->checkIfMultiple(4536));
+ 88 }
+ 89 /* number */
+ 90 public function testMultipleShouldReturnNumber()
+ 91 {
+ 92 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 93 $this->assertSame('4', $stepFour->checkIfMultiple(4));
+ 94 $this->assertSame('11', $stepFour->checkIfMultiple(11));
+ 95 $this->assertSame('127', $stepFour->checkIfMultiple(127));
+ 96 }
+ 97
+ 98
+ 99
+ 100 /**
+ 102 */
+ 103 /* contains 8 */
+ 104 public function testNumberContainsEightShouldReturnInf()
+ 105 {
+ 106 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 107 $this->assertSame('Inf', $stepFour->checkIfContainsMultiple(18));
+ 108 $this->assertSame('Inf; Inf', $stepFour->checkIfContainsMultiple(88));
+ 109 $this->assertSame('Inf; Inf; Inf', $stepFour->checkIfContainsMultiple(81868));
+ 110 }
+ 111 /* contains 7 */
+ 112 public function testNumberContainsSevenShouldReturnQix()
+ 113 {
+ 114 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 115 $this->assertSame('Qix', $stepFour->checkIfContainsMultiple(17));
+ 116 $this->assertSame('Qix; Qix', $stepFour->checkIfContainsMultiple(77));
+ 117 $this->assertSame('Qix; Qix; Qix', $stepFour->checkIfContainsMultiple(7677));
+ 118 }
+ 119 /* contains 3 */
+ 120 public function testNumberContainsThreeShouldReturnFoo()
+ 121 {
+ 122 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 123 $this->assertSame('Foo', $stepFour->checkIfContainsMultiple(13));
+ 124 $this->assertSame('Foo; Foo', $stepFour->checkIfContainsMultiple(33));
+ 125 $this->assertSame('Foo; Foo; Foo', $stepFour->checkIfContainsMultiple(343663));
+ 126 }
+ 127 /* contains 8-7 */
+ 128 public function testNumberContainsEightAndSevenShouldReturnInfQix()
+ 129 {
+ 130 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 131 $this->assertSame('Inf; Qix', $stepFour->checkIfContainsMultiple(87));
+ 132 $this->assertSame('Qix; Inf', $stepFour->checkIfContainsMultiple(7008));
+ 133 $this->assertSame('Qix; Inf; Qix', $stepFour->checkIfContainsMultiple(708070));
+ 134 $this->assertSame('Qix; Inf; Inf', $stepFour->checkIfContainsMultiple(708111118));
+ 135 }
+ 136 /* contains 8-3 */
+ 137 public function testNumberContainsEightAndThreeShouldReturnInfFoo()
+ 138 {
+ 139 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 140 $this->assertSame('Foo; Inf', $stepFour->checkIfContainsMultiple(38));
+ 141 $this->assertSame('Inf; Foo', $stepFour->checkIfContainsMultiple(8036));
+ 142 $this->assertSame('Inf; Inf; Foo; Inf', $stepFour->checkIfContainsMultiple(883448));
+ 143 $this->assertSame('Inf; Foo; Foo', $stepFour->checkIfContainsMultiple(822303));
+ 144 }
+ 145 /* contains 7-3 */
+ 146 public function testNumberContainsSevenAndThreeShouldReturnQixFoo()
+ 147 {
+ 148 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 149 $this->assertSame('Foo; Qix', $stepFour->checkIfContainsMultiple(37));
+ 150 $this->assertSame('Qix; Foo', $stepFour->checkIfContainsMultiple(7003));
+ 151 $this->assertSame('Qix; Foo; Qix', $stepFour->checkIfContainsMultiple(703007));
+ 152 $this->assertSame('Qix; Foo; Foo', $stepFour->checkIfContainsMultiple(713366));
+ 153 }
+ 154
+ 155 /* contains 8-7-3 */
+ 156 public function testNumberContainsThreeEightAndSevenShouldReturnFooInfQix()
+ 157 {
+ 158 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 159 $this->assertSame('Foo; Inf; Qix', $stepFour->checkIfContainsMultiple(387));
+ 160 $this->assertSame('Foo; Qix; Inf', $stepFour->checkIfContainsMultiple(37008));
+ 161 $this->assertSame('Foo; Qix; Inf; Foo; Qix', $stepFour->checkIfContainsMultiple(370083117));
+ 162 $this->assertSame('Inf; Foo; Qix', $stepFour->checkIfContainsMultiple(8311700));
+ 163 $this->assertSame('Inf; Qix; Foo', $stepFour->checkIfContainsMultiple(8117003));
+ 164 $this->assertSame('Inf; Qix; Foo; Foo; Qix', $stepFour->checkIfContainsMultiple(8111703307));
+ 165 $this->assertSame('Qix; Foo; Inf', $stepFour->checkIfContainsMultiple(7038));
+ 166 $this->assertSame('Qix; Inf; Foo', $stepFour->checkIfContainsMultiple(70811113));
+ 167 $this->assertSame('Qix; Inf; Foo; Foo; Qix; Inf', $stepFour->checkIfContainsMultiple(708311131718));
+ 168 }
+ 169
+ 170 /**
+ 172 */
+ 173 /* multiple 8 contains 8 */
+ 174 public function testMultipleOfEightContainsThreeShouldReturnInfAppendFoo()
+ 175 {
+ 176 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 177 $this->assertSame('Inf; Inf', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(184));
+ 178 $this->assertSame('Inf; Inf; Inf', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(88));
+ 179 }
+ 180 /* multiple 8 contains 7 */
+ 181 public function testMultipleOfEightContainsSevenShouldReturnInfAppendQix()
+ 182 {
+ 183 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 184 $this->assertSame('Inf; Qix', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(704));
+ 185 $this->assertSame('Inf; Qix', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(760));
+ 186 }
+ 187 /* multiple 8 contains 3 */
+ 188 public function testMultipleOfEightContainsEightShouldReturnInfAppendInf()
+ 189 {
+ 190 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 191 $this->assertSame('Inf; Foo', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(136));
+ 192 $this->assertSame('Inf; Foo', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(320));
+ 193 }
+ 194 /* multiple 8 contains 8-7 */
+ 195 public function testMultipleOfEightContainsEightAndSevenShouldReturnInfAppendInfQix()
+ 196 {
+ 197 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 198 $this->assertSame('Inf; Inf; Qix', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(872));
+ 199 $this->assertSame('Inf; Qix; Inf', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(1768));
+ 200 }
+ 201 /* multiple 8 contains 8-3 */
+ 202 public function testMultipleOfEightContainsEightAndThreeShouldReturnInfAppendInfFoo()
+ 203 {
+ 204 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 205 $this->assertSame('Inf; Foo; Inf', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(1384));
+ 206 $this->assertSame('Inf; Inf; Foo', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(832));
+ 207 }
+ 208 /* multiple 8 contains 7-3 */
+ 209 public function testMultipleOfEightContainsSevenAndThreeShouldReturnInfAppendQixFoo()
+ 210 {
+ 211 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 212 $this->assertSame('Inf; Foo; Qix', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(376));
+ 213 $this->assertSame('Inf; Qix; Foo', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(736));
+ 214 }
+ 215 /* multiple 8 contains 8-7-3 */
+ 216 public function testMultipleOfEightContainsEightSevenAndThreeShouldReturnInfAppendInfQixFoo()
+ 217 {
+ 218 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 219 $this->assertSame('Inf; Foo; Inf; Qix', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(3872));
+ 220 $this->assertSame('Inf; Foo; Qix; Inf', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(13784));
+ 221 $this->assertSame('Inf; Inf; Foo; Qix', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(18376));
+ 222 $this->assertSame('Inf; Inf; Qix; Foo', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(18736));
+ 223 $this->assertSame('Inf; Qix; Foo; Inf', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(17368));
+ 224 $this->assertSame('Inf; Qix; Inf; Foo; Foo', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(178336));
+ 225 }
+ 226
+ 227 #################################################################################################
+ 228 /* multiple 7 contains 8 */
+ 229 public function testMultipleOfSevenContainsEightShouldReturnQixAppendInf()
+ 230 {
+ 231 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 232 $this->assertSame('Qix; Inf', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(1085));
+ 233 $this->assertSame('Qix; Inf', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(1148));
+ 234 }
+ 235 /* multiple 7 contains 7 */
+ 236 public function testMultipleOfSevenContainsSevenShouldReturnQixAppendQix()
+ 237 {
+ 238 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 239 $this->assertSame('Qix; Qix', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(7));
+ 240 $this->assertSame('Qix; Qix', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(749));
+ 241 }
+ 242 /* multiple 7 contains 3 */
+ 243 public function testMultipleOfSevenContainsThreeShouldReturnQixAppendFoo()
+ 244 {
+ 245 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 246 $this->assertSame('Qix; Foo; Foo', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(133));
+ 247 $this->assertSame('Qix; Foo', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(301));
+ 248 }
+ 249 /* multiple 7 contains 8-7 */
+ 250 public function testMultipleOfSevenContainsEightAndSevenShouldReturnQixAppendInfQix()
+ 251 {
+ 252 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 253 $this->assertSame('Qix; Inf; Qix', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(287));
+ 254 $this->assertSame('Qix; Qix; Inf', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(1078));
+ 255 }
+ 256 /* multiple 7 contains 8-3 */
+ 257 public function testMultipleOfSevenContainsEightAndThreeShouldReturnQixAppendFooInf()
+ 258 {
+ 259 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 260 $this->assertSame('Qix; Foo; Inf', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(308));
+ 261 $this->assertSame('Qix; Inf; Foo; Foo', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(833));
+ 262 }
+ 263 /* multiple 7 contains 7-3 */
+ 264 public function testMultipleOfSevenContainsSevenAndThreeShouldReturnQixAppendQixFoo()
+ 265 {
+ 266 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 267 $this->assertSame('Qix; Foo; Qix', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(637));
+ 268 $this->assertSame('Qix; Qix; Foo', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(763));
+ 269 }
+ 270 /* multiple 7 contains 8-7-3 */
+ 271 public function testMultipleOfSevenContainsThreeEightAndSevenShouldReturnQixAppendInfQixFoo()
+ 272 {
+ 273 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 274 $this->assertSame('Qix; Foo; Inf; Qix', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(35287));
+ 275 $this->assertSame('Qix; Foo; Qix; Inf; Foo', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(13783));
+ 276 $this->assertSame('Qix; Inf; Foo; Qix', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(8372));
+ 277 $this->assertSame('Qix; Inf; Qix; Foo', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(5873));
+ 278 $this->assertSame('Qix; Qix; Foo; Qix; Inf', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(7378));
+ 279 $this->assertSame('Qix; Qix; Inf; Foo', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(17843));
+ 280 }
+ 281
+ 282 #################################################################################################
+ 283 /* multiple 3 contains 8 */
+ 284 public function testMultipleOfThreeContainsEightShouldReturnFooAppendInf()
+ 285 {
+ 286 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 287 $this->assertSame('Foo; Inf', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(18));
+ 288 $this->assertSame('Foo; Inf', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(81));
+ 289 }
+ 290 /* multiple 3 contains 7 */
+ 291 public function testMultipleOfThreeContainsSevenShouldReturnFooAppendQix()
+ 292 {
+ 293 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 294 $this->assertSame('Foo; Qix', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(27));
+ 295 $this->assertSame('Foo; Qix', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(729));
+ 296 }
+ 297 /* multiple 3 contains 3 */
+ 298 public function testMultipleOfThreeContainsTreeShouldReturnFooAppendFoo()
+ 299 {
+ 300 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 301 $this->assertSame('Foo; Foo', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(3));
+ 302 $this->assertSame('Foo; Foo', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(243));
+ 303 }
+ 304 /* multiple 3 contains 8-7 */
+ 305 public function testMultipleOfThreeContainsEightAndSevenShouldReturnFooAppendInfQix()
+ 306 {
+ 307 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 308 $this->assertSame('Foo; Inf; Qix', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(1287));
+ 309 $this->assertSame('Foo; Qix; Inf', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(1278));
+ 310 }
+ 311 /* multiple 3 contains 8-3 */
+ 312 public function testMultipleOfThreeContainsEightAndTreeShouldReturnFooAppendInfFoo()
+ 313 {
+ 314 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 315 $this->assertSame('Foo; Foo; Inf', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(1038));
+ 316 $this->assertSame('Foo; Inf; Foo', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(1083));
+ 317 }
+ 318 /* multiple 3 contains 7-3 */
+ 319 public function testMultipleOfThreeContainsSevenAndThreeShouldReturnFooAppendQixFoo()
+ 320 {
+ 321 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 322 $this->assertSame('Foo; Foo; Qix', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(3117));
+ 323 $this->assertSame('Foo; Qix; Foo', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(7113));
+ 324 }
+ 325 /* multiple 3 contains 8-7-3 */
+ 326 public function testMultipleOfThreeContainsEightSevenAndThreeShouldReturnFooAppendInfQixFoo()
+ 327 {
+ 328 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 329 $this->assertSame('Foo; Foo; Inf; Qix', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(13827));
+ 330 $this->assertSame('Foo; Foo; Qix; Inf', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(3078));
+ 331 $this->assertSame('Foo; Inf; Foo; Qix', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(18327));
+ 332 $this->assertSame('Foo; Inf; Qix; Foo', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(18723));
+ 333 $this->assertSame('Foo; Qix; Foo; Inf', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(17358));
+ 334 $this->assertSame('Foo; Qix; Inf; Foo', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(17835));
+ 335 }
+ 336
+ 337 #############################################################################################
+ 338 /* multiple 8-7 contains 8 */
+ 339 public function testMultipleOfEightAndSevenContainsEightShouldReturnInfQixAppendInf()
+ 340 {
+ 341 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 342 $this->assertSame('Inf; Qix; Inf; Inf', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(1288));
+ 343 }
+ 344 /* multiple 8-3 contains 8 */
+ 345 public function testMultipleOfEightAndThreeContainsEightShouldReturnInfFooAppendInf()
+ 346 {
+ 347 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 348 $this->assertSame('Inf; Foo; Inf', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(1248));
+ 349 }
+ 350 /* multiple 7-3 contains 8 */
+ 351 public function testMultipleOfSevenAndThreeContainsEightShouldReturnQixFooAppendInf()
+ 352 {
+ 353 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 354 $this->assertSame('Qix; Foo; Inf', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(1218));
+ 355 }
+ 356 /* multiple 8-7-3 contains 8 */
+ 357 public function testMultipleOfEightSevenAndThreeContainsEightShouldReturnInfQixFooAppendInf()
+ 358 {
+ 359 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 360 $this->assertSame('Inf; Qix; Foo; Inf', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(1008));
+ 361 }
+ 362
+ 363 #############################################################################################
+ 364 /* multiple 8-7 contains 7 */
+ 365 public function testMultipleOfEightAndSevenContainsSevenShouldReturnInfQixAppendQix()
+ 366 {
+ 367 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 368 $this->assertSame('Inf; Qix; Qix', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(2744));
+ 369 }
+ 370 /* multiple 8-3 contains 7 */
+ 371 public function testMultipleOfEightAndThreeContainsSevenShouldReturnInfFooAppendQix()
+ 372 {
+ 373 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 374 $this->assertSame('Inf; Foo; Qix', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(7152));
+ 375 }
+ 376 /* multiple 7-3 contains 7 */
+ 377 public function testMultipleOfSevenAndThreeContainsSevenShouldReturnQixFooAppendQix()
+ 378 {
+ 379 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 380 $this->assertSame('Qix; Foo; Qix', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(714));
+ 381 }
+ 382 /* multiple 8-7-3 contains 7 */
+ 383 public function testMultipleOfEightSevenAndThreeContainsSevenShouldReturnInfQixFooAppendQix()
+ 384 {
+ 385 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 386 $this->assertSame('Inf; Qix; Foo; Qix', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(1176));
+ 387 }
+ 388
+ 389 ##########################################################################################
+ 390 /* multiple 8-7 contains 3 */
+ 391 public function testMultipleOfEightAndSevenContainsThreeShouldReturnInfQixAppendFoo()
+ 392 {
+ 393 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 394 $this->assertSame('Inf; Qix; Foo; Foo', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(3136));
+ 395 }
+ 396 /* multiple 8-3 contains 3 */
+ 397 public function testMultipleOfEightAndThreeContainsThreeShouldReturnInfFooAppendFoo()
+ 398 {
+ 399 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 400 $this->assertSame('Inf; Foo; Foo', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(360));
+ 401 }
+ 402 /* multiple 7-3 contains 3 */
+ 403 public function testMultipleOfSevenAndThreeContainsThreeShouldReturnQixFooAppendFoo()
+ 404 {
+ 405 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 406 $this->assertSame('Qix; Foo; Foo', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(231));
+ 407 }
+ 408 /* multiple 8-7-3 contains 3 */
+ 409 public function testMultipleOfEightSevenAndThreeContainsThreeShouldReturnInfQixFooAppendFoo()
+ 410 {
+ 411 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 412 $this->assertSame('Inf; Qix; Foo; Foo', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(3024));
+ 413 }
+ 414
+ 415 ###############################################################################################
+ 416 /* multiple 8-7 contains 8-7 */
+ 417 public function testMultipleOfEightAndSevenContainsEightAndSevenShouldReturnInfQixAppendInfQix()
+ 418 {
+ 419 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 420 $this->assertSame('Inf; Qix; Qix; Inf', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(728));
+ 421 $this->assertSame('Inf; Qix; Inf; Qix; Inf', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(87248));
+ 422 }
+ 423 /* multiple 8-7 contains 8-3 */
+ 424 public function testMultipleOfEightAndSevenContainsEightAndThreeShouldReturnInfQixAppendInfFoo()
+ 425 {
+ 426 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 427 $this->assertSame('Inf; Qix; Foo; Inf; Inf', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(38248));
+ 428 $this->assertSame('Inf; Qix; Inf; Foo; Inf', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(83048));
+ 429 }
+ 430 /* multiple 8-7 contains 7-3 */
+ 431 public function testMultipleOfEightAndSevenContainsSevenAndThreeShouldReturnInfQixAppendQixFoo()
+ 432 {
+ 433 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 434 $this->assertSame('Inf; Qix; Foo; Qix', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(229376));
+ 435 $this->assertSame('Inf; Qix; Qix; Foo', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(57344));
+ 436 }
+ 437 /* multiple 8-7 contains 8-7-3 */
+ 438 public function testMultipleOfEightAndSevenContainsEightSevenAndThreeShouldReturnInfQixAppendInfQixFoo()
+ 439 {
+ 440 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 441 $this->assertSame('Inf; Qix; Inf; Qix; Foo', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(87304));
+ 442 $this->assertSame('Inf; Qix; Qix; Inf; Foo', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(178136));
+ 443 }
+ 444
+ 445 ############################################################################################
+ 446 /* multiple 8-3 contains 8-7 */
+ 447 public function testMultipleOfEightAndThreeContainsEightAndSevenShouldReturnInfFooAppendInfQix()
+ 448 {
+ 449 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 450 $this->assertSame('Inf; Foo; Inf; Qix', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(8712));
+ 451 $this->assertSame('Inf; Foo; Qix; Inf', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(768));
+ 452 }
+ 453 /* multiple 8-3 contains 8-3 */
+ 454 public function testMultipleOfEightAndThreeContainsEightAndThreeShouldReturnInfFooAppendInfFoo()
+ 455 {
+ 456 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 457 $this->assertSame('Inf; Foo; Foo; Inf', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(13824));
+ 458 $this->assertSame('Inf; Foo; Inf; Foo; Inf', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(8328));
+ 459 }
+ 460 /* multiple 8-3 contains 7-3 */
+ 461 public function testMultipleOfEightAndThreeContainsSevenAndThreeShouldReturnInfFooAppendQixFoo()
+ 462 {
+ 463 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 464 $this->assertSame('Inf; Foo; Foo; Qix', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(3720));
+ 465 $this->assertSame('Inf; Foo; Qix; Foo', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(7320));
+ 466 }
+ 467 /* multiple 8-3 contains 8-7-3 */
+ 468 public function testMultipleOfEightAndThreeContainsEightSevenAndTreeShouldReturnInfFooAppendInfQixFoo()
+ 469 {
+ 470 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 471 $this->assertSame('Inf; Foo; Qix; Inf; Foo', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(17832));
+ 472 $this->assertSame('Inf; Foo; Foo; Qix; Inf', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(3768));
+ 473
+ 474 }
+ 475
+ 476 ###############################################################################################
+ 477 /* multiple 7-3 contains 8-7 */
+ 478 public function testMultipleOfSevenAndThreeContainsEightAndSevenShouldReturnQixFooAppendInfQix()
+ 479 {
+ 480 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 481 $this->assertSame('Qix; Foo; Inf; Qix; Qix; Inf', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(8778));
+ 482 $this->assertSame('Qix; Foo; Qix; Inf', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(798));
+ 483 }
+ 484 /* multiple 7-3 contains 8-3 */
+ 485 public function testMultipleOfSevenAndThreeContainsEightAndThreeShouldReturnQixFooAppendInfFoo()
+ 486 {
+ 487 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 488 $this->assertSame('Qix; Foo; Foo; Inf', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(23814));
+ 489 $this->assertSame('Qix; Foo; Inf; Foo', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(8316));
+ 490 }
+ 491 /* multiple 7-3 contains 7-3 */
+ 492 public function testMultipleOfSevenAndThreeContainsSevenAndThreeShouldReturnQixFooAppendQixFoo()
+ 493 {
+ 494 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 495 $this->assertSame('Qix; Foo; Foo; Qix; Qix', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(3717));
+ 496 $this->assertSame('Qix; Foo; Qix; Foo', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(273));
+ 497 }
+ 498 /* multiple 7-3 contains 8-7-3 */
+ 499 public function testMultipleOfSevenAndThreeContainsEightSevenAndThreeShouldReturnQixFooAppendInfQixFoo()
+ 500 {
+ 501 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 502 $this->assertSame('Qix; Foo; Foo; Qix; Inf', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(378));
+ 503 $this->assertSame('Qix; Foo; Qix; Foo; Inf', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(7308));
+ 504 }
+ 505
+ 506 ###############################################################################################
+ 507 /* multiple 8-7-3 contains 8-7 */
+ 508 public function testMultipleOfEightSevenAndThreeContainsEightAndSevenShouldReturnInfQixFooAppendInfQix()
+ 509 {
+ 510 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 511 $this->assertSame('Inf; Qix; Foo; Inf; Qix; Inf', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(852768));
+ 512 $this->assertSame('Inf; Qix; Foo; Qix; Inf', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(1741824));
+ 513 }
+ 514 /* multiple 8-7-3 contains 8-3 */
+ 515 public function testMultipleOfEightSevenAndThreeContainsEightAndThreeShouldReturnInfQixFooAppendInfFoo()
+ 516 {
+ 517 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 518 $this->assertSame('Inf; Qix; Foo; Foo; Inf; Inf', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(36288));
+ 519 $this->assertSame('Inf; Qix; Foo; Foo; Inf', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(399168));
+ 520 }
+ 521 /* multiple 8-7-3 contains 7-3 */
+ 522 public function testMultipleOfEightSevenAndThreeContainsSevenAndThreeShouldReturnInfQixFooAppendQixFoo()
+ 523 {
+ 524 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 525 $this->assertSame('Inf; Qix; Foo; Foo; Qix', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(5376));
+ 526 $this->assertSame('Inf; Qix; Foo; Qix; Foo', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(7392));
+ 527 }
+ 528 /* multiple 8-7-3 contains 8-7-3 */
+ 529 public function testMultipleOfEightSevenAndThreeContainsEightSevenAndThreeShouldReturnInfQixFooAppendInfQixFoo()
+ 530 {
+ 531 $stepFour = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 532 $this->assertSame('Inf; Qix; Foo; Foo; Qix; Inf', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(37968));
+ 533 $this->assertSame('Inf; Qix; Foo; Foo; Inf; Qix', $stepFour->verifyNumberIsInfQixFoo(38472));
+ 534 }
+ 535
+ 536 /**
+ 538 */
+ 539 public function testSumOfAllDigitsIsMultipleOfEight()
+ 540 {
+ 541 $stepFive = new ServiceInfQixFoo();
+ 542 $this->assertSame('Inf; Qix; Foo; Foo; Inf; QixInf', $stepFive->sumOfAllDigits(38472));
+ 543 $this->assertSame('Inf; Qix; Foo; Foo; Qix', $stepFive->sumOfAllDigits(5376));
+ 544 $this->assertSame('Inf; InfInf', $stepFive->sumOfAllDigits(8));
+ 545 $this->assertSame('112106', $stepFive->sumOfAllDigits(112106));
+ 546 }
+ 547
+ 548 }
+ 549
+ 550 $coverage->stop();
+551 (new HtmlReport)->process($coverage, '../build/coverage'); Classes
+ Coverage Distribution
+ Complexity
+ Insufficient Coverage
+ Class
+ Coverage
+ Tests\ServiceInfQixFooTest 0% Project Risks
+ Class
+ Methods
+ Coverage Distribution
+ Complexity
+ Insufficient Coverage
+ Project Risks
+ Method
+ Total
+ ServiceInfQixFooTest.php
+ Service Inf Qix Foo (Tests\ServiceInfQixFoo)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build/logs/testdox.txt b/build/logs/testdox.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..77e5cd57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/logs/testdox.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+Service Inf Qix Foo (Tests\ServiceInfQixFoo)
+ [x] Multiple of eight should return inf
+ [x] Multiple of seven should return qix
+ [x] Multiple of three should return foo
+ [x] Multiple of eight and seven should return inf qix
+ [x] Multiple of eight and three should return inf foo
+ [x] Multiple of seven and three should return qix foo
+ [x] Multiple of eight seven and three should return inf qix foo
+ [x] Multiple should return number
+ [x] Number contains eight should return inf
+ [x] Number contains seven should return qix
+ [x] Number contains three should return foo
+ [x] Number contains eight and seven should return inf qix
+ [x] Number contains eight and three should return inf foo
+ [x] Number contains seven and three should return qix foo
+ [x] Number contains three eight and seven should return foo inf qix
+ [x] Multiple of eight contains three should return inf append foo
+ [x] Multiple of eight contains seven should return inf append qix
+ [x] Multiple of eight contains eight should return inf append inf
+ [x] Multiple of eight contains eight and seven should return inf append inf qix
+ [x] Multiple of eight contains eight and three should return inf append inf foo
+ [x] Multiple of eight contains seven and three should return inf append qix foo
+ [x] Multiple of eight contains eight seven and three should return inf append inf qix foo
+ [x] Multiple of seven contains eight should return qix append inf
+ [x] Multiple of seven contains seven should return qix append qix
+ [x] Multiple of seven contains three should return qix append foo
+ [x] Multiple of seven contains eight and seven should return qix append inf qix
+ [x] Multiple of seven contains eight and three should return qix append foo inf
+ [x] Multiple of seven contains seven and three should return qix append qix foo
+ [x] Multiple of seven contains three eight and seven should return qix append inf qix foo
+ [x] Multiple of three contains eight should return foo append inf
+ [x] Multiple of three contains seven should return foo append qix
+ [x] Multiple of three contains tree should return foo append foo
+ [x] Multiple of three contains eight and seven should return foo append inf qix
+ [x] Multiple of three contains eight and tree should return foo append inf foo
+ [x] Multiple of three contains seven and three should return foo append qix foo
+ [x] Multiple of three contains eight seven and three should return foo append inf qix foo
+ [x] Multiple of eight and seven contains eight should return inf qix append inf
+ [x] Multiple of eight and three contains eight should return inf foo append inf
+ [x] Multiple of seven and three contains eight should return qix foo append inf
+ [x] Multiple of eight seven and three contains eight should return inf qix foo append inf
+ [x] Multiple of eight and seven contains seven should return inf qix append qix
+ [x] Multiple of eight and three contains seven should return inf foo append qix
+ [x] Multiple of seven and three contains seven should return qix foo append qix
+ [x] Multiple of eight seven and three contains seven should return inf qix foo append qix
+ [x] Multiple of eight and seven contains three should return inf qix append foo
+ [x] Multiple of eight and three contains three should return inf foo append foo
+ [x] Multiple of seven and three contains three should return qix foo append foo
+ [x] Multiple of eight seven and three contains three should return inf qix foo append foo
+ [x] Multiple of eight and seven contains eight and seven should return inf qix append inf qix
+ [x] Multiple of eight and seven contains eight and three should return inf qix append inf foo
+ [x] Multiple of eight and seven contains seven and three should return inf qix append qix foo
+ [x] Multiple of eight and seven contains eight seven and three should return inf qix append inf qix foo
+ [x] Multiple of eight and three contains eight and seven should return inf foo append inf qix
+ [x] Multiple of eight and three contains eight and three should return inf foo append inf foo
+ [x] Multiple of eight and three contains seven and three should return inf foo append qix foo
+ [x] Multiple of eight and three contains eight seven and tree should return inf foo append inf qix foo
+ [x] Multiple of seven and three contains eight and seven should return qix foo append inf qix
+ [x] Multiple of seven and three contains eight and three should return qix foo append inf foo
+ [x] Multiple of seven and three contains seven and three should return qix foo append qix foo
+ [x] Multiple of seven and three contains eight seven and three should return qix foo append inf qix foo
+ [x] Multiple of eight seven and three contains eight and seven should return inf qix foo append inf qix
+ [x] Multiple of eight seven and three contains eight and three should return inf qix foo append inf foo
+ [x] Multiple of eight seven and three contains seven and three should return inf qix foo append qix foo
+ [x] Multiple of eight seven and three contains eight seven and three should return inf qix foo append inf qix foo
+ [x] Sum of all digits is multiple of eight
diff --git a/build/logs/testdox.xml b/build/logs/testdox.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e567cf94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/logs/testdox.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@