This project allows you to:
- Build basic nft collection contract
- Aims to hopefully test any nft collection contract for compliance with NFT Standard
- Deploy collection contract via
toncli deploy nft_collection
- Manually deploy NFT item to the collection look (Deploying individual items)
Just run toncli build
Depending on your fift/func build you may want
to uncomment some func/helpers
Build project and then: toncli run_test
⚠ If you see 6
error code on all tests - you need to update your binary more information here
This project consists of two subprojects nft_item and nft_collection
You can see that in the project.yml
BOTH of those have to be built.
However, it makes sense to deploy only nft_collection.
Prior to deployment you need to check out fift/collection-data.fif
and change all mock configuration values like collection_content,
owner_address Etc.
To deploy run:toncli deploy -n testnet nft_collection
To deploy your own NFT item to the already deployed collection you will need:
Configure fift/deploy.fif script with your own values: Take a look
Make yourself familiar with process of sending internal messages
toncli send -n testnet -a 0.05 -c nft_collection --body fift/deploy.fif
Every next item deployment you should make sure to
change item index in the fift/deploy.fif file ( Yes. Manually for now ).
Parse nft for collection (will work only if collection-data is same with on-chain):
toncli get get_nft_data -a "NFT_ADDRESS" --fift ./fift/parse-data-nft-collection.fif
Parse nft for single:
toncli get get_nft_data -a "NFT_ADDRESS" --fift ./fift/parse-data-nft-single.fif
- Deploy nft item
- Add items to reveal batch:
toncli send -n testnet -a 0.05 -c nft_collection --body fift/add_reveal.fif
- Ask nft item to reveal:
toncli send -n testnet -a 1 --address "NFT_ADDRESS" --body fift/ask_for_reveal.fif
Example of parsing reveal data from get method:
toncli get get_reveal_data -n mainnet -c nft_collection --fift ./fift/parse_reveal_data.fif