Table of Contents generated with DocToc
- Update your
package usingnpm
. - When migrating from v10 to v11, you'll first want to address your pictogram
instances marked with
in the table below. E.g. if you're using the<BerlinBrandenburg />
pictogram React component that was previously available in Carbon, you'll need to either remove your pictogram component or create your own pictogram component so the<BerlinBrandenburg />
syntax is recognized in your client-side JavaScript.
Pictograms | v11 |
AdvancedFraudProtection |
new |
AdvancedThreats |
new |
AlchemyLanguageAlphabetAExpanded |
removed |
AnonymousUsers |
new |
ApplicationSecurity |
new |
Assets |
new |
Barcelona |
new |
BerlinBrandenburg |
removed |
BerlinBrandenburgGate |
replaced by BerlinBrandenburgGate |
BostonZakimBridge |
new |
BugVirusMalware |
new |
BuildLeadershipAndCulture |
new |
CairoGizaPlateau |
new |
Chicago |
new |
Collaboration |
new |
ContinuousSecurity |
new |
DataSecurity |
new |
DesignAndDevelopment01 |
replaced by DesignAndDevelopment01 |
DesignAndDevelopment02 |
replaced by DesignAndDevelopment02 |
DetectAndStopAdvancingThreats |
new |
DigitalId |
new |
DigitalTrust |
new |
DoNot |
replaced by DoNot |
Download |
replaced by Download01 |
DownloadAlt |
replaced by Download02 |
DubaiPalmIslands |
replaced by DubaiPalmIslands |
EndpointSecurity |
new |
EnterpriseDesignThinking |
replaced by EnterpriseDesignThinking01 |
EnterpriseDesignThinkingAlt |
replaced by EnterpriseDesignThinking02 |
EuropeAfrica |
replaced by EuropeAfrica |
Export |
replaced by Export01 |
ExportAlt |
replaced by Export02 |
Farm |
removed |
Feedback |
replaced by Feedback01 |
GetAheadOfRiskAndCompliance |
new |
GovernUsersAndIdentities |
new |
HamburgPhilharmone |
new |
Heart |
replaced by Love |
HeatMap |
replaced by HeatMap01 |
HeatMap02 |
replaced by HeatMap02 |
HighRiskUsers |
new |
IbmWatson |
replaced by WatsonLogo |
IdentityTrustAssessment |
new |
Language |
replaced by Language01 |
Language01 |
replaced by Language02 |
Language02 |
replaced by Language03 |
Language03 |
replaced by Language04 |
Language04 |
replaced by Language05 |
LanguageTranslationAlphabetAExpanded |
removed |
Lock |
replaced by Lock01 |
LockAlt |
replaced by Lock02 |
LockedNetwork |
replaced by LockedNetwork01 |
LockedNetworkAlt |
replaced by LockedNetwork02 |
LondonBigBen |
replaced by LondonBigBen |
LondonExpandedBase |
removed |
MasterThreatHunting |
new |
MathCurve |
replaced by MatchCurve |
MexicoCityAngelOfIndependence |
replaced by MexicoCityAngelOfIndependence |
MexicoCityMuseoSoumaya |
replaced by MexicoCityMuseoSoumaya |
MilanDuomoDiMilano |
replaced by MilanDuomoDiMilano |
MortarAndPestle |
replaced by MortarAndPestle |
NetworkProtection |
new |
NycManhattan |
replaced by NycManhattan01 |
NycManhattanAlt |
replaced by NycManhattan02 |
ParisArcDeTriomphe |
new |
ParisLouvre |
new |
ParisNotreDame |
new |
ParisPompidouCenter |
new |
PopulationDiagram |
replaced by PopulationDiagram |
PragueCharlesBridgeTower |
new |
PrivateNetwork |
replaced by PrivateNetwork01 |
PrivateNetwork01 |
updated to PrivateNetwork02 |
PrivateNetworkAlt |
replaced by PrivateNetwork03 |
PrivateNetworkAlt01 |
replaced by PrivateNetwork04 |
ProtectCriticalAssets |
new |
RaleighNc |
new |
RelationshipDiagram |
replaced by RelationshipDiagram |
SaoPauloExpandedBase |
removed |
ScatterMatrix |
replaced by ScatterMatrix |
SecureHybridCloud |
new |
SecurityAsAService |
new |
SecurityHygiene |
new |
SecurityIntelligence |
new |
SpeechAlphabetAExpanded |
removed |
Stockholm |
new |
StrategyAndRisk |
new |
TelAviv |
replaced by TelAviv |
ThreatManagement |
new |
TokyoCherryBlossom |
replaced by TokyoCherryBlossom |
ToolOverload |
new |
Transform |
replaced by Transform01 |
Transform02 |
new |
TrustedUser |
new |
UnauthorizedUserAccess |
new |
UnderUtilizedSecurity |
new |
UnifyEndpointManagement |
new |
Unlock |
replaced by Unlock01 |
UnlockAlt |
replaced by Unlock02 |
Upload |
replaced by Upload01 |
UploadAlt |
replaced by Upload02 |
Video |
replaced by Video01 |
VideoAlt |
replaced by Video02 |
Warning |
replaced by Warning01 |
WarningAlt |
replaced by Warning02 |
WatsonAvatar |
replaced by WatsonLogo |
WordCloud |
replaced by WordCloud |
WorldCommunityGrid |
new |