diff --git a/administration/src/bp-modules/cards/hooks/useCardGenerator.test.tsx b/administration/src/bp-modules/cards/hooks/useCardGenerator.test.tsx
index 173909162..aff35c9bc 100644
--- a/administration/src/bp-modules/cards/hooks/useCardGenerator.test.tsx
+++ b/administration/src/bp-modules/cards/hooks/useCardGenerator.test.tsx
@@ -14,13 +14,24 @@ import { Region } from '../../../generated/graphql'
import { ProjectConfigProvider } from '../../../project-configs/ProjectConfigContext'
import bayernConfig from '../../../project-configs/bayern/config'
import { ProjectConfig } from '../../../project-configs/getProjectConfig'
-import koblenzConfig from '../../../project-configs/koblenz/config'
import nuernbergConfig from '../../../project-configs/nuernberg/config'
import showcaseConfig from '../../../project-configs/showcase/config'
import downloadDataUri from '../../../util/downloadDataUri'
import { AppToasterProvider } from '../../AppToaster'
import useCardGenerator from './useCardGenerator'
+jest.useFakeTimers({ now: new Date('2025-01-01T00:00:00.000Z') })
+jest.mock('../../../cards/PdfFactory', () => ({
+ ...jest.requireActual('../../../cards/PdfFactory'),
+ generatePdf: jest.fn(),
+jest.mock('../../../cards/createCards', () => ({
+ ...jest.requireActual('../../../cards/createCards'),
+ __esModule: true,
+ default: jest.fn(),
const wrapper = ({
@@ -40,27 +51,14 @@ const wrapper = ({
const withCustomWrapper =
- (initialRoutes: string[], projectConfig: ProjectConfig) =>
- // @ts-expect-error any is okay here
- ({ children }) =>
+ (projectConfig: ProjectConfig, initialRoute: string) =>
+ ({ children }: { children: ReactNode }) =>
- initialRoutes,
+ initialRoutes: [initialRoute],
-jest.mock('../../../cards/PdfFactory', () => ({
- ...jest.requireActual('../../../cards/PdfFactory'),
- generatePdf: jest.fn(),
-jest.mock('../../../cards/createCards', () => ({
- ...jest.requireActual('../../../cards/createCards'),
- __esModule: true,
- default: jest.fn(),
describe('useCardGenerator', () => {
const region: Region = {
id: 0,
@@ -164,10 +162,8 @@ describe('useCardGenerator', () => {
const { result } = renderHook(() => useCardGenerator({ region }), {
wrapper: withCustomWrapper(
- [
- '?Name=Thea+Test&Ablaufdatum=26.02.2028&MailNotification=thea.test%40gmail.com&applicationIdToMarkAsProcessed=1',
- ],
- bayernConfig
+ bayernConfig,
+ '?Name=Thea+Test&Ablaufdatum=26.02.2028&MailNotification=thea.test%40gmail.com&applicationIdToMarkAsProcessed=1'
@@ -181,37 +177,12 @@ describe('useCardGenerator', () => {
- it('should successfully initialize cards with searchParams for koblenz', async () => {
- mocked(createCards).mockReturnValueOnce(Promise.resolve(codes))
- const { result } = renderHook(() => useCardGenerator({ region }), {
- wrapper: withCustomWrapper(['?Name=Karla Koblenz&Referenznummer=123K&Geburtsdatum=10.06.2003'], koblenzConfig),
- })
- expect(result.current.cards).toEqual([
- {
- expirationDate: { day: 26, isoMonth: 2, isoYear: 2026 },
- extensions: {
- birthday: {
- day: 10,
- isoMonth: 6,
- isoYear: 2003,
- },
- koblenzReferenceNumber: '123K',
- },
- fullName: 'Karla Koblenz',
- id: expect.any(Number),
- },
- ])
- })
it('should successfully initialize cards with searchParams for nuernberg', async () => {
const { result } = renderHook(() => useCardGenerator({ region }), {
wrapper: withCustomWrapper(
- [
- '?Name=Thea+Test&Ablaufdatum=03.3.2026&Geburtsdatum=01.01.2000&Passnummer=12345678&Pass-ID=123&Adresszeile+1=Teststraße+3&Adresszeile+2=EG+Rechts&PLZ=86111&Ort=Musterstadt',
- ],
- nuernbergConfig
+ nuernbergConfig,
+ '?Name=Thea+Test&Ablaufdatum=03.3.2026&Geburtsdatum=01.01.2000&Passnummer=12345678&Pass-ID=123&Adresszeile+1=Teststraße+3&Adresszeile+2=EG+Rechts&PLZ=86111&Ort=Musterstadt&Startdatum=01.05.2025'
@@ -230,7 +201,7 @@ describe('useCardGenerator', () => {
addressPlz: '86111',
nuernbergPassId: 123,
regionId: 0,
- startDay: { day: 26, isoMonth: 2, isoYear: 2025 },
+ startDay: { day: 1, isoMonth: 5, isoYear: 2025 },
fullName: 'Thea Test',
id: expect.any(Number),
diff --git a/administration/src/bp-modules/self-service/hooks/__tests__/useCardGeneratorSelfService.test.tsx b/administration/src/bp-modules/self-service/hooks/__tests__/useCardGeneratorSelfService.test.tsx
index 40ff4b9e2..3ff1b4687 100644
--- a/administration/src/bp-modules/self-service/hooks/__tests__/useCardGeneratorSelfService.test.tsx
+++ b/administration/src/bp-modules/self-service/hooks/__tests__/useCardGeneratorSelfService.test.tsx
@@ -13,16 +13,7 @@ import useCardGeneratorSelfService from '../useCardGeneratorSelfService'
const mocks: MockedResponse[] = []
-const wrapper = ({ children }: { children: ReactNode }) => (
- {children}
+jest.useFakeTimers({ now: new Date('2025-01-01T00:00:00.000Z') })
jest.mock('../../../../generated/graphql', () => ({
generatePdf: jest.fn(),
@@ -40,6 +31,24 @@ jest.mock('../../../../cards/PdfFactory', () => ({
+const wrapper = ({ children, initialRoutes }: { children: ReactNode; initialRoutes?: string[] }) => (
+ {children}
+const withCustomWrapper =
+ (initialRoute: string) =>
+ ({ children }: { children: ReactNode }) =>
+ wrapper({
+ children,
+ initialRoutes: [initialRoute],
+ })
describe('useCardGeneratorSelfService', () => {
it('should successfully create a card', async () => {
const toasterSpy = jest.spyOn(OverlayToaster.prototype, 'show')
@@ -54,4 +63,24 @@ describe('useCardGeneratorSelfService', () => {
await act(async () => result.current.downloadPdf(result.current.code!, 'koblenzpass.pdf'))
+ it('should successfully initialize cards with searchParams for koblenz', async () => {
+ const { result } = renderHook(() => useCardGeneratorSelfService(), {
+ wrapper: withCustomWrapper('?Name=Karla Koblenz&Referenznummer=123K&Geburtsdatum=10.06.2003'),
+ })
+ expect(result.current.selfServiceCard).toEqual({
+ expirationDate: { day: 1, isoMonth: 1, isoYear: 2026 },
+ extensions: {
+ birthday: {
+ day: 10,
+ isoMonth: 6,
+ isoYear: 2003,
+ },
+ koblenzReferenceNumber: '123K',
+ },
+ fullName: 'Karla Koblenz',
+ id: expect.any(Number),
+ })
+ })