Note: due to deprecation and addtion of certain Hugo features and variables the required minumum version of Hugo is now 0.57.2
in combination with .Site.Params.mainSections
is used to define the kind of content shown on the homepage (show diff). This is a more flexible approach than hard-coding the post
content type. Add the following lines to your config file to restore the old behavior (TOML version):
mainSections = ["post"]
Furthermore, all instances of the .Hugo
template variable have been replaced with the hugo
template function (show diff). RSS feeds are now included using Hugo's OutputFormats
feature (show diff).
Custom assets can now be linked with the custom_js
and custom_css
variables (show diff)
The exampleSite
folder is now a standalone Hugo website that can be used to preview the theme. Make sure you change the themesDir
variable in the config file as described in the "Installation" section of the README (show diff)
Now, this theme makes use of Hugo's own Google Analytics template (show diff). You have to move your tracking code in the config file as follows:
# Remove
google_analytics = ""
# and add outside the params block
googleAnalytics = ""