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D. Garyfallou, A. Vagenas, C. Antoniadis, Y. Massoud, and G. Stamoulis, "Leveraging Machine Learning for Gate-level Timing Estimation Using Current Source Models and Effective Capacitance," in Proc. of the 32nd Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI), 2022. (The TimeKeepers, University of Thessaly, Greece)


This README provides details on how to use the ML-enhanced stage timing predictor of UTH-Timer, TimeKeepers' CCS timing calculation toolkit.

This toolkit is an extended version of the TAU 2021 contest Delay Calculator Toolkit (DCTK).


  • This version of the tool supports only the ASU ASAP 7nm predictive PDK for demonstration purposes. It is not guaranteed that the toolkit functions properly with other libraries.

  • The tool only supports the Xyce simulator for now.

  • Note that the SPICE models are level 72 (BSIM-CMG v107 MOSFET). To get these models to work with Xyce, the level value has been changed to 107.

  • The tool supports only INVERTER and BUFFER cells. There is work under progress to support the rest of the standard cells.


./generate_nets testsuite_name

This csh script generates the dataset (Circuits YAML, SPEF, SPICE decks) with the ASU library:

[Executes gen_random_nets binary]

  • generates a testsuite with n random circuits (YAML and SPEF files)

[Executes delay_calc_tool binary]

  • generates SPICE decks for the testsuite

./run_delay_calculator testsuite_name

This csh script reads the results from ./generate_nets script (Circuits YAML, SPEF, SPICE decks), computes the driver/interconnect delay/slew for all circuits using UTH-Timer's ML-enhanced stage timing predictor and SPICE simulation, merges the results, and writes the statistics in the merged YAML file:

[Executes delay_calc_tool binary]

  • runs UTH-Timer on the testsuite (using all available threads)
  • runs Xyce on the testsuite to produce golden results (using all available threads)
  • merges UTH-Timer's results with the golden SPICE results and dumps statistics into a merged YAML file



This application is the dataset generator

  • generate YAML and SPEF files
bin/gen_random_nets options

   --liberty LIBERTY_FILE     	Liberty Models for cells (required)
   --dataset DATASET_NAME     	YAML and SPEF file name (required)
   --n DATASET_SIZE           	Dataset test circuits number (required)
   --waveform WAVEFORM_TYPE   	Waveform (ramp or asu_exp). NOTE: asu_exp must be used with ASU 7nm library (required)
   --pi_models              	Produces pi-model nets instead of RC interconenct (optional)
   --stress			Generate stress test circuits (optional)


This application is the heart of the toolkit. It runs in the following modes:

  • generate SPICE decks and dump them into a folder
  • run SPICE simulations and dump results into a YAML file
  • run UTH-Timer and dump results into a YAML file
  • merge UTH-Timer's results with SPICE golden results and dump statistics into a YAML file
generate SPICE decks
bin/delay_calc_tool --gen_spice_decks options

   --liberty LIBERTY_FILE     	Liberty Models for cells (required)
   --circuits CIRCUITS        	*.circuits.yaml (required)
   --spef SPEF                	*.spef corresponding to the *.circuits.yaml (required)
   --spice_dir DIRECTORY      	directory for SPICE netlists (required)
   --spice_lib SPICE_LIBRARY  	SPICE transistor-level cell models (required)
   --spice_models SPICE_MODELS  SPICE transistor models (required)

Note that the SPICE decks generated are simulator-specific:

  • Xyce SPICE decks include a preprocessing step
run SPICE simulations
bin/delay_calc_tool --run_sims options

   --circuits CIRCUITS.       	*.circuits.yaml (required)
   --SPICE_dir DIRECTORY      	directory for SPICE netlists (required)

run UTH-Timer
bin/delay_calc_tool --dc_file DC_OUTPUT options

   --liberty LIBERTY_FILE     	Liberty Models for cells (required)
   --circuits CIRCUITS        	*.circuits.yaml (required)
   --spef SPEF                	*.spef corresponding to the *.circuits.yaml (required)

DC_OUTPUT is the output *.dc.circuits.yaml file that contains the UTH-Timer results.

This writes the SPICE simulation results into files (*.mt0)

This type of invocation does not regenerate the SPICE decks.

merge and score
bin/delay_calc_tool --merge_circuits MERGE_OUTPUT options

   --circuits CIRCUITS        	*.dc.circuits.yaml (UTH-Timer's results) (required)
   --SPICE_dir SPICE_DIR      	directory with SPICE results (required)

MERGE_OUTPUT is the *.merged.circuits.yaml file that includes SPICE results, UTH-Timer results, and statistics.

Binary dependencies

  • GLIBC > 2.28
  • Intel Threading Building Blocks (TBB) library (
  • The binaries have been successfully tested on CentOS Stream 8 and Ubuntu 20.04


  • testsuite.circuits.yaml -- Circuit files containing only the testsuite
  • testsuite.dc.circuits.yaml -- Circuit files containing UTH-Timer results
  • testsuite.merge.circuits.yaml -- Circuit files containing both golden and UTH-Timer results (and scoring)
  • testsuite.spef -- RC parasitics for the driver interconnect
  • testsuite.SPICE_decks -- Folder that contains all generated SPICE decks and results

A typical example that demonstrates UTH-Timer vs SPICE comparison

  • Inputs: ASU .lib, SPICE models, SPICE netlists of standard cells
  • Run "./generate_nets testsuite" to create YAML and SPEF files (testsuite.circuits.yaml, testsuite.spef, and .sp files in testsuite.SPICE_decks)
  • Run "./run_delay_calculator testsuite" to run UTH-Timer, SPICE, and create a file with the results
  • Outputs: testsuite.dc.circuits.yaml and testsuite.merge.circuits.yaml

Download and install Xyce

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