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183 lines (142 loc) · 7.54 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
183 lines (142 loc) · 7.54 KB

Known Vulnerabilities


This CLI tool automates the classification of Office documents with macros using MaliciousMacroBot. It allows to analyze a folder of sample files and to generate a report in multiple output formats.

System Requirements

This tool was tested on an Ubuntu 16.04 with Python 2.7.

It uses the following libraries:

  • coloredlogs (because colored logs are better...)
  • elasticsearch (required if exporting results to ElasticSearch)
  • markdown2 (required if using report generation)
  • mmbot (required for classification)
  • pandas (required for parsing MaliciousMacroBot results)
  • tinyscript (required)
  • weasyprint (required if using PDF report format)
  • xmltodict (required if using XML report format)


  1. Clone this repository
$ git clone

Behind a proxy ?

Setting: git config --global http.proxy http://[user]:[pwd]@[host]:[port]

Unsetting: git config --global --unset http.proxy

Getting: git config --global --get http.proxy

  1. Install Python requirements
$ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

Behind a proxy ?

Do not forget to add option --proxy=http://[user]:[pwd]@[host]:[port] to your pip command.

  1. [Facultative] Copy the Python script to your bin folder
$ chmod a+x
$ sudo cp /usr/bin/malicious-macro-tester

Quick Start

  1. Help
 $ python --help
 MaliciousMacroTester 2.4.2
 Author   : Alexandre D'Hondt
 Copyright: © 2020 A. D'Hondt
 License  : GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
 Reference: INFOM444 - Machine Learning - Hot Topic
 This tool uses MaliciousMacroBot to classify a list of samples as benign or malicious and provides a report. Note that
  it only works on an input folder and list every file to run it against mmbot.
 usage: ./ [-d] [-f] [-l] [-q] [-r] [-s] [-u]
                                    [--api-key VT_KEY]
                                    [--output {es,html,json,md,pdf,xml}]
                                    [--send] [-h] [--help] [-v]
 positional arguments:
   FOLDER  folder with the samples to be tested OR
           pickle name if results are loaded with -l
 optional arguments:
   -d                    dump the VBA macros (default: False)
   -f                    filter only DOC and XLS files (default: False)
   -l                    load previous pickled results (default: False)
   -q                    do not display results report (default: False)
   -r                    when loading pickle, retry VirusTotal hashes with None results
                          (default: False)
   -s                    pickle results to a file (default: False)
   -u                    when loading pickle, update VirusTotal results (default: False)
   --api-key VT_KEY      VirusTotal API key (default: None)
                          NB: key as a string or file path to the key
   --output {es,html,json,md,pdf,xml}
                         report file format (default: None)
   --send                send the data to ElasticSearch (default: False)
                          NB: only applies to 'es' format
                              the configuration is loaded with the following precedence:
                              1. ./elasticsearch.conf
                              2. /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.conf
 extra arguments:
   -h             show usage message and exit
   --help         show this help message and exit
   -v, --verbose  verbose mode (default: False)
 Usage examples:
   ./ my_samples_folder
   ./ my_samples_folder --api-key virustotal-key.txt -lr
   ./ my_samples_folder -lsrv --api-key 098fa24...be724a0
   ./ my_samples_folder -lf --output pdf
   ./ my_samples_folder --output es --sent
  1. Examples of output
 $ python samples -vfqs --output xml
 17:08:09 [INFO] Instantiating and initializing MaliciousMacroBot...
 17:09:09 [INFO] Processing samples...
 17:09:09 [DEBUG] MMBot: classifying 'file_003.xls'...
 17:09:09 [DEBUG] MMBot: classifying 'file_001.doc'...
 17:09:09 [DEBUG] MMBot: classifying 'file_005.xls'...
 17:09:09 [DEBUG] MMBot: classifying 'file_000.doc'...
 17:09:09 [DEBUG] MMBot: classifying 'file_004.xls'...
 17:09:10 [DEBUG] MMBot: classifying 'file_002.doc'...
 17:09:10 [INFO] Saving results to pickle...
 17:09:10 [INFO] Parsing results...
 17:09:10 [DEBUG] Generating the JSON report (text only)...
 17:09:10 [DEBUG] Generating the XML report...

This will generate report.xml, as shown in the examples folder, and save the pickled results.

 $ python samples -vfql --output pdf
 17:11:17 [INFO] Loading previous results from pickle...
 17:11:17 [INFO] Processing samples...
 17:11:17 [INFO] Parsing results...
 17:11:17 [DEBUG] Generating the Markdown report (text only)...
 17:11:17 [DEBUG] Generating the HTML report (text only)...
 17:11:17 [DEBUG] Generating the PDF report...

This will generate report.pdf, as shown in the examples folder.

 $ python subsamples -vfqls --output html --api-key virustotal-key.txt 
 17:18:22 [INFO] Loading previous results from pickle...
 17:18:22 [DEBUG] Testing VirusTotal API...
 17:18:22 [INFO] Processing samples...
 17:18:22 [DEBUG] > Getting VT information (file_005.xls)...
 17:18:23 [DEBUG] > Getting VT information (file_003.xls)...
 17:18:23 [DEBUG] > Getting VT information (file_004.xls)...
 17:19:23 [DEBUG] > Getting VT information (file_000.doc)...
 17:19:23 [DEBUG] > Getting VT information (file_002.doc)...
 17:19:23 [DEBUG] > Getting VT information (file_001.doc)...
 17:19:24 [WARNING] VT lookup failed for '...'
 17:19:24 [INFO] Saving results to pickle...
 17:19:24 [INFO] Parsing results...
 17:19:24 [DEBUG] Generating the Markdown report (text only)...
 17:19:24 [DEBUG] Generating the HTML report...

This will load previous pickled results, generate report.html, as shown in the examples folder, and resave the pickled results updated with the information from VirusTotal.

 $ python subsamples -vfql --output json --api-key virustotal-key.txt 
 17:21:33 [INFO] Loading previous results from pickle...
 17:21:33 [DEBUG] Testing VirusTotal API...
 17:21:34 [INFO] Processing samples...
 17:21:34 [INFO] Parsing results...
 17:21:34 [DEBUG] Generating the JSON report...

This will load previous pickled results and generate report.json, as shown in the examples folder.

Issues management

Please open an Issue if you want to contribute or submit suggestions.