- This folder contains a bunch of scripts that can be utilised on the JLab farm to process large numbers of files quickly
- The scripts are, broadly speaking, split into two categories
- Scripts that create and submit jobs
- Scripts that are actually run in these jobs
- As of 27/06/23, some of the options for the scripts below require some updates to the main EICrecon directory and the epic detector directory
- The epic detector directory has Aranya's WSciFi design included and corresponding new .xml files
- EICrecon has a modified clustering module for the lumi cal
- Number of elements for the homogeneous calorimeter is now changeable at run time, see comment in script, default is the regular 10x10 elements
- EICrecon/src/detectors/LUMISPECCAL/ProtoCluster_factory_EcalLumiSpecIslandProtoClusters.h
- New flag for SpagCal, off by default. If set to True (which can be done at run time), will use a different clustering routine
- This is currently a work in progress, parameters for this have NOT been set correctly yet
- Number of elements for the homogeneous calorimeter is now changeable at run time, see comment in script, default is the regular 10x10 elements
- Note that you do NOT need to be in EIC_Shell to run these scripts, but it must be available
- The expected path is
- /group/eic/users/${USER}/ePIC/eic-shell
- Note that the scripts also make use of "Init_Env.sh"
- Copy this script to /group/eic/users/${USER}/ePIC/ or your equivalent!
- My (SKay) repository is named slightly differently
- To switch it back to "Analysis_epic", just run (from this directory)
- sed -i "s%ePIC_PairSpec_Sim%Analysis_epic%" *.sh
- To switch it back to "Analysis_epic", just run (from this directory)
Please pay attention to the printouts from the scripts themselves!
- Produce and run a set of simulations, 5 inputs
- Number of files
- Number of events per file
- Egamma_start
- Egamma_end
- Spag_Cal - True or false - WARNING, requires some extra files in EICRecon and the epic detector directory
- Produce and run a set of simulations, 5 inputs
- Script executed as a farm job, can run interactively
- Generates events
- Afterburns events
- Processes event through simulation
- Runs simulation output through reconstruction
- 5 arguments
- File number
- Number of events to process
- Egamma_start
- Egamma_end
- Spag_Cal - True or false - WARNING, requires some extra files in EICRecon and the epic detector directory
- Script to combine output after it has run into a single EICRecon file
- Run this from the directory containing all of your output folders
- The output is named based upon input arguments
- 5 arguments
- Number of files
- Number of events per file
- Egamma_start
- Egamma_end
- Spag_Cal - True or false - WARNING, requires some extra files in EICRecon and the epic detector directory
Note that the Spag_Cal option is HIGHLY dated at this point and should not be used, will delete in future.
Note that as of 14/02/24, the following scripts are slightly dated and not in regular use. Check before usage.
- Script executed as a farm job, can run interactively
- Creates a steering file with a particle gun, settings depend upon input args
- Generates events
- Processes event through simulation
- Runs simulation output through reconstruction
- 4 arguments
- File number
- Number of events to process
- Egamma_start
- Similar to the previous version, but with a subtle difference
- Produces X files of Y event PER BEAM ENERGY in range from Egamma_start to Egamma_end (incremented in steps of Egamma_step)
- Now has 7 arguments
- Number of files per beam energy
- Number of events per file
- Egamma_start
- Egamma_end
- Egamma_step - Defaults to 0.5, can only go as low as 0.01
- Gun - True or False, run with a particle gun steering file or not
- Spag_Cal - True or false - WARNING, requires some extra files in EICRecon and the epic detector directory
- Similar to the previous version, but with a subtle difference
- Script to combine output after it has run into a single EICRecon file
- Run this from the directory containing all of your output folders
- 6 arguments
- Number of files per beam energy
- Number of events per file
- Egamma_start
- Egamma_end
- Egamma_step
- Gun - True or false