Concern-Tag : traffic
Monitoring Entity to get traffic & public transportation information from Google Map's API.
- location (string): Current location of the user
- destination (string): Desired destination of the user
- arriveby (string) [optional]: Desired time of arrival at the specified destination. Seconds since January 1, 1970 UTC
- travelmode (array of strings) [optional]: User's preferred method of transportation. Default is just driving.
- driving
- transit : Public Transport
- bicycling
- walking
Type-Tag: traffic_route
- routes: (array): Array of possible routes
- travelmode: single travelmode string see
- duration (number): Estimated time for route in seconds
- durationText (string): Time in text representation
- delay (number): Delay in seconds (Only with travelmode driving).
- delayText (string): Time in text representation
- distance (string): Distance in human readable format
- destination (string): Destination as understood by Google API
- location (string): Location as understood by Google API
- link: (string) [WIP]: Link to Google Maps
[Example for Request]
[Example for Response]
[List of all supported subscription Types]:
Type-Tag: [Type Tag]
- [Parameter1 Name] ([Parameter1 Type]): [Description]
- [Possible Value]: [Value Description]
- [Parameter2 Name]: ([Parameter2 Type]): [Description]
[Example for message]
Example Definition
Concern-Tag : weather
This concern is all about the weather. Additional info should go here.
- condition (string): Describes the weather condition
- sun: The sun is out
- rain: It is raining
Type-Tag: weather_current
- location (string): Name of the city to check the weather for
- condition: see
"type": "weather_current",
"payload": {
"location": "Stuttgart"
"type": "weather_current",
"payload": {
"condition": "sun"
Type-Tag:: weather_changed
- location (string): Name of the city to check the weather for
- condition: see
- old-condition: see condition
"type": "weather_changed",
"payload": {
"location": "Stuttgart",
"condition": "sun",
"old-condition": "rain"