Today's Progress: Wrote a shell script that will log into the 100-days-of-code journal.
Thoughts: Since this was my first shell script, learned a lot and had a lot of fun.
Link To Work: 100-days-of-code-logger
Today's Progress: In choices app, implemented add option functionality. Refactoring is required.
Thoughts: Getting the modal like I wanted was quite difficult still haven't achieved it. Should also allow users to exit the modal using the back button.
Link To Work: Choices
Today's Progress: Implemented functionality to delete an option in choices app.
Thoughts: As usual styling was difficult but somehow got it working. Refactoring is required.
Link To Work: Choices
Today's Progress: Added back button and icon to choices app. Published it on google play store.
Thoughts: Publishing was cumbersome there were a lot of things to be done but it's a great experience. Not sure if I have done everything correctly. Tested it only on emulators and one nougat device. Hope it works. Fingers crossed.
Link To Work: Choices
Today's Progress: Only after pushing the Choices app to production I realised I haven't tested the production build. It seems like RN has some issues with production build and app crashes immediately after launch. It's primarily because of View.PropTypes but I am unable to find any occurance of it. Spent a lot of time on it but still haven't found the solution. Working on it.
Thoughts: I tried grep-ing the node-modules but no results were found.. I am going to try all the methods proposed in the RN issue comments.
Link To Work: Choices - Issue - Production Build Fails
Today's Progress: Got the app published successfully. Had to downgrade to RN 0.45.1 to solve the issue.
Thoughts: Downgrading was a bit tricky. But did it. The app is simple but it feels really good.
Link To Work: Choices - Google Play
Today's Progress: Started off with FreeCodeCamp's React Project Markdown Previewer.
Thoughts: Wanted to set up my own build configs but I also wanted to try out create-react-app so did that for this one. Just changed some styles. Hoping to complete it tomorrow.
Link To Work: FCCReactProjects
Today's Progress: Worked on the markdown previewer. Made the functionality working but having textarea is causing some issues. Should work on fixing that.
Thoughts: On using textarea it gets modified because of grammarly. As a workaround tried conteneditable div but that is not capturing new lines so markdown is not being rendered properly. Should use textarea and fix that grammarly issue.
Link To Work: Markdown Previewer
Today's Progress: Completed the markdown previewer.
Thoughts: Fixed the grammarly issue with a data-attribute. I like the look and feel of the app but not so sure about users. Should put it in a github page and hope for the best.
Link To Work: MarkDownPreviewer
Today's Progress: Added favicon and deployed md previewer in gh page.
Thoughts: I initially tried to have all the projects in a single repo and have apps inside it but i was unable to achieve it using gh pages so now md previewer has its own repo.
Link To Work: Markdown Previewer
Today's Progress: Created a repo for fcc camper leaderboard. Worked on setting up webpack.
Thoughts: This is the first time I understood and set up my own webpack.config. Still have to add HMR to it.
Link To Work: Camper Leaderboard
Today's Progress: Added HMR and linting to the camper leaderboard project and made a yeoman generator out of it.
Thoughts: Learned how yeoman works and hoping to enchance the generator going forward.
Link To Work: Generator Uzumaki
Today's Progress: Worked on the camper_leaderboard. Added loader and fetching data.
Thoughts: Learned some nice css-tricks ;)
Link To Work: Camper Leaderboard
Today's Progress: Worked on camper leaderboard. Tried out several data-grids but wound up using custom table and css. Functionality is done. Its pretty much responsive but still needs some work.
Thoughts: Learned quite a few css tricks and have been facing some issue with hot reloading but not sure what is causing it should look into it if happens again.
Link To Work: Camper Leaderboard
Today's Progress: Completed camper_leaderboard
Thoughts: Learned how to make table responsive.
Link To Work: Camper Leaderboard
Today's Progress: Started with recipie box but haven't made much progress. Was looking into serveral components. Added favicon to camper leaderboard and webpack copy plugin.
Thoughts: Should add the copy plugin to the generator also. Thinking of not using any components and write my own. Hope I can learn a little more this way.
Today's Progress: Worked on modifying generator-uzumaki. Read about composablity in yeoman and moved the earlier one into react-basic sub generator.
Thoughts: Should work on other variations also currently planning on react-basic (completed), react-router, react-router-redux.
Link To Work: generator-uzumaki
Today's Progress: Added static file copying to basic generator.
Thoughts: Tried adding router but facing some issues. Should work on that tomorrow.
Today's Progress: Added react-router scaffolding to the generator.
Thoughts: Since the routing needs the js file to be loaded initially any reloads will fail.
Link To Work: SO answer regarding this issue
Today's Progress: Wrapped up react-router scaffolding and published the package.
Thoughts: The issue I have been facing is the expected behaviour. So added help notes to the generator which will show up once the installation is done.
Link To Work: generator-uzumaki
Today's Progress: Finally figured how to add multiple keywords in the generator. And wrote basic test case for both subgenerators.
Thoughts: Due to this learned some ejs syntax and understood diference between jest and mocha. Landed an article about airbnb migrating from mocha to jest which was a good read.
Link To Work: Unlocking Test Performance — Migrating from Mocha to Jest
Today's Progress: Started with the recipe box. But actually worked on a starter page for the generator.
Thoughts: Currently used an image but the scaling of it is not so good. So thinking of moving to a text based approach.
Today's Progress: Worked on the recipe box. Create an accordion component and added styles to it. It is just html with hide and show functionality for now.
Thoughts: Earlier something like this would have been a daunting task for me. Now even though it's not perfect I was able to make something really quick. So I'm happy in that aspect.
Link To Work: Recipe Box
Today's Progress: Worked on recipe box. Added Material desing button to add recipie.
Thoughts: Learned a little about material design.
Link To Work: Recipe Box
Today's Progress: Worked on recipe-box modal component. Made a simple component but unable to make it more accessible like close modal when esc is pressed and such.
Thoughts: While using prebuilt components never even thought about how these things are being done. Having so much fun.
Link To Work: Recipe Box
Today's Progress: Fixed the sunday not entered issue on logger. Was looking into several modal components as to how they were designed.
Thoughts: The keyUp functionality is not working as I expected. Should find out what I am doing wrong.
Today's Progress: Wrapped up the breadcrumb PR in freecodecamp guides. Hope it gets merged today. Apart from that got some nice info on accessiblity of the modal.
Thoughts: My keyup listened was not working because it was on the modal.. If it's attached to the document, then it will be captured for sure.
Link To Work: Added Breadcrumbs to search results #751
Today's Progress: Worked on the modal component. Made it accessible. Tried out some animations for opening accordion.
Thoughts: Was trying different things with transition property, then one stackoverflow answer mentioned animation that's when I realized I forgot it all along. But still the question of whether the animation is necessary is a mystery.
Link To Work: Recipe Box
Today's Progress: Started with the input component but having some issue.
Thoughts: When I use the "value" as a prop name, nothing is being rendered.
Link To Work: StackOverflow Question
Today's Progress: fixed the broken breadcrumbs issue in fcc guides and the input issue in recipe box.
Thoughts: The input issue was because of my stypid mistake. I set the state to a string instead of an abject.
Link To Work: Fix #8028 Broken Breadcrumbs
Today's Progress: Worked on recipe box. Styled input and textarea components but I don't think what I am doing is the right way to do these.
Thoughts: In chrome mobile view input and textarea are styled but when I open it in my mobile it is not. Should look into it.
Link To Work: Recipe Box
Today's Progress: Was working on the css thing from yesterday. Read some new cool stuff and tried them but I wasn't able to find the cause.
Thoughts: There are a lot of things in html and css itself that can be done to improve page load time and here I was thinking it's mainly related to JS alone. Leason Learned :)
Today's Progress: Was looking into AWS. Played a little around IAM and S3. There are way too many services in AWS.
Thoughts: Trying to learn more about EC2 and cloud formation scripts and architecting infrastructure.
Today's Progress: Worked on recipe box. Completed till adding recipies, and interacting with local storage.
Thoughts: Should work on editing and deleting recipies which I hope will be relatively simple since all the ground work has already been done. Hoping to complete it by tomorrow.
Link To Work: Recipe Box
Today's Progress: Have a working version of recipe box.
Thoughts: As I thought completing the remaining pieces of the recipe box was quite easy. Next is Game of life. So excited.
Link To Work: Recipe Box
Today's Progress: Played around with S3 and aws cli.
Thoughts: Got to learn a lot of new things. Following acloud guru's videos.
Today's Progress: Started off with game of life as part of freecodecamp's react project.
Thoughts: I understood how it works but not sure about what makes it so special, trying to figure those things out. Planned for a lot of features for this. So, should plan and do things step by step.
Today's Progress: Worked on game-of-life. First time played around with svg and made a grid with event handling (this is not a big thing.. just saying ;) )
Thoughts: Never gave SVG a try and was in a belief that it was difficult... but it doesn't seem so. Maybe Should explore it more before coming to conclusion.
Link To Work: Game of Life
Today's Progress: Wrapped up the game of life. Its working but its not optimised.
Thoughts: It was fun. Didn't know time passed by. Completed in about 2 hours.
Link To Work: Game Of Life
Today's Progress: Played around with S3.
Thoughts: Tried setting up replication, cdn and lifecycle events.
Today's Progress: Was looking into canvas and how to create an exploring kind of area with it for freecodecamp dungeon crawler game.
Thoughts: I am not exactly sure as to how this is going to work.. this is something that I have been confused with for quite some time. So I hope by completing this I can understand some things about this.
Today's Progress: Was looking into depth first back tracker maze generation algorithm and a implementaion video of it by coding train.
Thoughts: Hope all this KD will end by tomorrow and soon have an awesome game.
Today's Progress: Started working with canvas. Spent some time in getting started with Google India Scholarship Challenge.
Thoughts: Reading through MDN on canvas and have a simple grid. Currently on codepen but planning to have a new repo for maze generator which will be similar to the game of life one in terms of UI but with canvas instead of svg.
Link To Work: CodePen - Maze Generator. Grid only for now.
Today's Progress: Worked on maze generator. Did a lot of things wrong yesterday without understanding. Recitifer them today and learned quite a few things.
Thoughts: Unable to fill the shape I formed with fill don't know why its happening. similarly the walls even after setting to false are not updated on the cell object. Should look into all these things.
Link To Work: Maze generator
Today's Progress: Have a mvp of the maze generator.. yay :D so happy..
Thoughts: Tried out several things for fixing my stupid mistakes.. now i draw lines to show walls but fill with a seperate rect without border.
Link To Work: Maze Generator
Today's Progress: Completed 90% of lesson 2 in google udacity pwa scholarship.
Thoughts: My knowledge on pwa was very limited to the 2 day training I had in google hyd. But this one is very promising. Learning a lot of interesting things.
Today's Progress: Worked through udacity pwa.
Thoughts: Completed lesson 3 on service workers.. learnt a lot about life cycles and to how to deliver the updates to the user. Started lesson 4 on idb and done almost 70% of it.
Today's Progress: Completed the pwa part in google udacity course.
Thoughts: Learned interesting stuffs. Hoping to put them to good use. :)
Today's Progress: Went through several articles in search for gaining info on dungeon crawler game.
Thoughts: Landed up on webGL somehow and looked at some videos with respect to it.
Link To Work: Introduction to WebGL with Tony Parisi
Today's Progress: Wanted to do something cool for half century, but ended up sucking. Tried to have typing css effect story but came up with this.
Thoughts: Will not work in mobile and I am not sure what to do about it. Should have to look into it more.
Link To Work: CSS Typing Text animation.
Today's Progress: Attended AWS Innovate: Machine Learning conference. Learned a lot of interesting things possible through aws.
Thoughts: The simplicity they provide in terms of infrastructure is just amazing. Hoping to learn a lot more.
Today's Progress: followed acloudguru's videos and played around with s3 and also with css variables.
Thoughts: High fever, so these are the only things I was able to do. Hoping the fever goes by tomorrow and things get back to normal.
Today's Progress: Worked on the uzumaki generator. Wrote scaffolding for redux. But having redux with nothing to do is really stupid and I also wanted to have some kind of starter project inside the generator. So planning to add a simple todo app with it.
Thoughts: Used the same code from journal app for the redux setup and here it is reflecting in dev tools. It must be that I did some stupid shit with state over there for things to break. Should find and fix it.
Today's Progress: Started with a simple todo project for having inside generator. It took 2 hours just to set things up because of a stupid versioning issue.
Thoughts: Had react-router v4 which needs v5 of react-router-redux while having v4 of it. But I was writing code for v5 of it with connected router and provider kept on throwing an error saying invalid element. I don't know why it struck but after 1.5 hrs of trouble looked into package.json to find this stupid thing. Leason learnt. :(
Link To Work: Todo App
Today's Progress: Wanted to try page transition animations with react router. was looking into articles and tried something. But what I have currently is a component that will render two divs. Should really improve a lot.
Thoughts: Should have an action plan and follow it else I am ending up doing stupid things like this.
Link To Work: Todays awful commit
Today's Progress: Did a mvc of todo app. It doesn't have any styles so far.
Thoughts: Hope to completely wrap this up tomorrow and wrap up generator.
Link To Work: Today's commit - Todo app
Today's Progress: Yesterday forgot the main point of doing this. Hooking up with redux. So did that today.
Thoughts: Nothing specific. But I don't know how I forgot this yesterday.
Link To Work: Today's commit - Todo App
Today's Progress: Was following wes bos's css grid tuts on and trying things out.
Thoughts: This is so that I can use them correctly in the todo app. Completed about 10 videos.
Today's Progress: Continued on wes bos's css grid tutus. From that got to know about operator mono and so set up fira code and flottflott.
Thoughts: I have some experience with css grids from work but really learning a lot from this videos.
Today's Progress: Completed wes bos's css grid tuts.
Thoughts: The last 5-6 videos helped me learn a lot of cool stuff. Hoping to recreate one of them soon.
Today's Progress: Worked on the todo app. Added some accessibility to the app but linter says not to use +ve tab index should look into that. Styled the app using grids and used css variables. :)
Thoughts: When items are added to the list, ui is breaking should fix that.
Link To Work: Today's Commit - Todo App
Today's Progress: Fixed the scroll issue. Not convinced with the current ui. Should modify it a little more.
Thoughts: Planning to move add item to the top and have it there always. Hoping to completely wrap this up tomorrow. Taking so much time for a simple todo app.
Link To Work: Today's commit - Todo App
Today's Progress: Changed the UI of todo app. Its almost responsive.
Thoughts: Feel like I might have overused grid. But it's done, don't think it will be a good idea to waste any more time on this.
Link To Work: Today's commit - Todo App
Today's Progress: Updated the generator and published. Now it has 3 scaffoldings, all with basic todo app. the app is almost reponsive.
Thoughts: Tried to set up auto publish with travis ci. But having some difficulties with nsp. I am not sure whether this is because of the api token. Should look into it.
Link To Work: Generator Uzumaki - V0.1.0
Today's Progress: Was spending some time on the travis auto publishing, but it ended in vain. So, left it for some other time. Started with the rougelike. Was readinga a article on generating dungeons.
Thoughts: The process seems so complicated, but it's also a good thing. For too long I have been in the comfort zone. So I am planning to do this correctly.
Link To Work: Generating a Dungeon
Today's Progress: Played around with EC2 while following acloud guru's videos.
Thoughts: Should have started working on the rougelike, but don't know why I did this today. :(
Today's Progress: Follwed up on the same thing. Ec2 following acloudgurus videos.
Thoughts: Hoping to start with AMI stuff tomorrow and also planning to test out packer.
Today's Progress: Felt like the rougelike is going to take a lot more time than I thought. So decided to finish up the D3 challenges first. Hoping to complete all the D3 challenges in next 2 weeks. Today started with gdp visualization.
Thoughts: It was like walking blind. Made a shitty basic data display but that is of no use. Should look at how to actually do things in D3.
Link To Work: Today's commit - GDP Visualization
Today's Progress: Wrapped up the GDP visualization.
Thoughts: I believe this the hello world of D3.. hoping to learn more.
Link To Work: GDP Visualization
Today's Progress: Completed Scatter plot visualization challenge of freecodecamp.
Thoughts: So happy I actually did it within 1.5 hrs.
Link To Work: Race Result Visualization - Scatter Plot
Today's Progress: Started with the heatmap visualization. Haven't made any progress yet. Hoping to complete it by tomoroow.
Thoughts: If I could finish all these D3 challenges within next week then I would be really happy.
Today's Progress: Tried to recreate some single div objects I saw yesterday.. but it ended in vain.
Thoughts: I wanted to do it without looking at the original code but it has been very diffiult so far.
Today's Progress: Started javascript30 and watched day 1 video. Drum Kit. Implemented it.
Thoughts: Never knew there is a html tag called kbd.. saw this today on the video.. should do 2nd video on this as well as heatmap tomorrow.
Link To Work: Drum Kit
Today's Progress: Did day 2 of JS30. Accessing CSS variables from JS.
Thoughts: Wanted to do the heatmap today.. but couldn't.
Link To Work: Image filter and location using CSS Variables
Today's Progress: Wrapped up the heatmap and did javascript 30
Thoughts: Somehow I missed the 2nd video and went to 3rd yesterday in JS30.. so did day 2's content today.
Link To Work: Global Temperature Visualization using HeatMap
Today's Progress: Worked on the force directed graph and day 4 of JS30.
Thoughts: Got the graph working.. but the flag sprite is not rendered. Should figure that out tomorrow.
Link To Work: Today's Commit - Force Directed Graph
Today's Progress: Did Day 5 of JS30, flex panel image gallery.
Thoughts: Wanted to look into the flag rendering issue in force directed graph.. but couldn't. Hoping to wrap it up by tomorrow.
Link To Work: Flex Panel Image Gallery
Today's Progress: Did Day 6 of JS30.. Ajax type ahead.
Thoughts: Still didn't fix the flag rendering issue.. should wrap it up and start with the next visualization.
Link To Work: AJAX Type Ahead
Today's Progress: Followed day 7 of JS30.
Thoughts: Still haven't resolved image rendering...
Today's Progress: Yet another day with only JS30.
Thoughts: Did a kind of canvas drawboard.
Link To Work: Canvas Drawboard
Today's Progress: Spent time on the image rendering issue in force directed graph.
Thoughts: Found svg image doesn't support gif.. so got a png background and tried with it.. that also didn't work.. then I tried having the img tag directly inside a foriegnobject tag.. that works in another svg but not when constructing through d3... Hoping to fix it by tomorrow atleast. :(
Today's Progress: Wrapped up the force directed graph visualization with the help of some people from stackoverflow.
Thoughts: It can still be improved but I have left it for now. Also catched up JS30.
Link To Work: National Contiguity Visualization
Today's Progress: Did a custom HTML5 video player following wes bos on JS30.
Thoughts: Wanted to add fullscreen to it. Will do it tomorrow.
Today's Progress: Did key sequence detection in JS30 and implemented fullscreen feature in yesterday's code.
Thoughts: Hoping to start with the next visualization tomorrow.
Today's Progress: Started with the meteorite landing visualization and did JS30.
Thoughts: Only got a simple projection today. :(
Today's Progress: Followed up on JS30 and have an mvp of the meteorite landing visualization.
Thoughts: Having problem with replotting the data on zoom. Been at it for hours, still no idea on how to solve it. So asked on SO.
Link To Work: StackOverflow Question
Today's Progress: Followed up on JS30. Added checkall, uncheckall and deleteall to it.
Thoughts: Was also looking into the visualization thing.. I am unable to comeup with anything so far..
Link To Work: Today's Commit
Today's Progress: Followed up on JS30. Some time on visualization.
Thoughts: Got some help from freecodecamp gitter and also tried out some new ways from d3's documentation.
Today's Progress: The visualization thing - I am lost. Just did JS30 and was trying some things from a medium article.
Thoughts: I am thinking of removing the zoom capability as such and just display the points.
Today's Progress: Did JS30 and updated the scroll behaviour in markdown previewer.
Thoughts: Also looked into the meteor landing.. tried few other methods and got some help from gitter also.. but still not resolved.
Link To Work: Markdown Previewer - update
Today's Progress: Worked only on JS30 today.
Thoughts: Learned several new things today from JS30..
Link To Work: WebCam Fun
Today's Progress: Played around with speechrecognition api following JS30.
Thoughts: Also worked on making the meteorite landing into bounded zoom as I have seen an example with that..
Link To Work: Speech Detection
Today's Progress: Played around with geolocation api following JS30.
Thoughts: Haven't touched the meteor landing yet. Have to complete that and rougelike before Round 1 ends.
Today's Progress: Followed up with JS30 and did a similar animation to that.
Thoughts: Also went through the new things possible in React 16.
Today's Progress: Following JS30 explored speech synthesis api.
Thoughts: Before this I never even thought of browsers having these things natively. 🆒 (Cooooool)
Link To Work: Speech Synthesis
Today's Progress: Following JS30 did a sticky navigation.
Thoughts: Also spent some time on a medium article on using python like decorators in JS and some examples of where it might be useful.
Link To Work: Sticky Nav
Today's Progress: Learned some new stuff regarding JS's event handling.
Thoughts: Nothing in particular... spent most of the time on MDN today after JS30.
Today's Progress: Attended Oracle Code @ Banglore - IN. Great talk by @christhalinger on GRAAL and @prpatel.. Thanks a lot guys.
Thoughts: Followed up on JS30 and did a stripe like follow along nav and made one small change to that.
Link To Work: Stripe Follow Along Nav
Today's Progress: Followed up on JS30. Did a click and drag using mouse events.
Thoughts: Spent some time on reading up on the things added in ECMAScript 2016,2017,2018.
Link To Work: Click and Drag
Today's Progress: Day 100. Feeling so happy. Completed meteorite landing visualization and also followed up on JS30.
Thoughts: Wanted to complete all D3 and react projects in freecodecamp but rouglike is still pending.. still feeling great :)
Link To Work: Meteorite Landing Visualization