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Micheus Vieira edited this page Jun 21, 2015 · 17 revisions

Todo list:

Issues with wx branch:

  • Test on Mac
  • Selection Groups
  • Language setting for wx
  • Small screens

Other things

  • OpenGL min req vers?
  • Vbo handling
  • Material/Shader rewrite

Result tests by Micheus

  • Select->Similar Area...,Similar Normals... and Similar Material...: something has been changed in the way wings_ask:preview worded and wings_dialog:preview works now. There are some wings_u:error_msg been displayed together with the preview dialog (in that situation, the preview used to be "ignored" - not displayed). I have no idea about what to fix. But,it would be good if it could work like before. Otherwise we need to move the test for selection to the first call in the menu processing. The situation for test is: none object was selected;
  • View->Auto Rotate: auto rotate doesn't work if activated by the menu option. I checked the code and the wings_view:set_auto_rotate_timer happens only once for that option. By invoking via shortcut it happens continuously until we invoke it again (as expected);
  • Tools->Scene Info: we get a crash if the object is too thin. The situation for test is: an _Extract_ed face in the scene is enough to crash W3D; Usually the error looks like this:

Reason: badarith [{math,log10,[-4.440892098500626e-16],[]}, {wings,'-get_object_info/2-fun-0-',1,[{file,"wings.erl"},{line,1857}]},

In one test I got a different error (I couldn't repeat it again):

{{badmatch,{error,enoent}}, [{wings_u,open_log_file,1,[{file,"wings_u.erl"},{line,269}]}, {wings_u,crash_log,3,[{file,"wings_u.erl"},{line,104}]}, {wings,crash_logger,2,[{file,"wings.erl"},{line,1517}]}, {wings_wm,handle_event,3,[{file,"wings_wm.erl"},{line,917}]}, {wings_wm,send_event,2,[{file,"wings_wm.erl"},{line,872}]}, {wings_wm,do_dispatch,2,[{file,"wings_wm.erl"},{line,733}]}, {wings_wm,get_and_dispatch,0,[{file,"wings_wm.erl"},{line,633}]}, {wings,init,1,[{file,"wings.erl"},{line,160}]}]}

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