- Ported from nmigen to Amaranth (by Steven Armour).
- Bumped release to 1.0.0 and classified it as stable because this thing is seven years old.
- Moved ownership from xesscorp to devbisme (Dave Vandenbout).
- Added support for nMigen.
- Waveforms can now be drawn using wavedrom or matplotlib.
- Now works with the newer JupyterLab by default. Older Jupyter notebooks are still supported by setting
myhdlpeek.USE_JUPYTERLAB = False
. - Updated documentation.
- Added functions to export signal traces into a Pandas dataframe.
- Updated documentation.
- The skin can now be set for waveform traces (either 'default' or 'narrow').
- clear_traces() was added to remove signal trace data from Peekers without removing the Peekers so another simulation can be run.
- Updated documentation.
- Removed unused __main__.py.
- Added PeekerGroup class to allow grouping of Peekers.
- Trace objects now only return integer values.
- Added trigger capability to select a portion of traces for display.
- Extended waveform & table display to both Peekers and Traces.
- Made compatible with Python 2.7.
- Added tabular output of Peeker data traces.
- Added static HTML pages to display what myhdlpeek can do. (Notebook rendering with nbconvert won't show waveforms.)
- First release on PyPI.