Primarily focused on writing clean, efficient, and scalable code for large architecture web applications. Experienced in Freelance Front-end Development with a background of 6+ years in Customer Service. Implemented new responsive website approach which generated 300% - 500% increase in sales.
- React Compound Components and Architecture| FirebaseFuse.js| rollup.js| styled-components
- Netflix React Clone delivers an authentic netflix experience utilizing Cloud Database and Authentication via Firebase / Firestore
- Built utilizing the rollup.js React Component Library and the Fuse.js library for live searching
- Components designed utilizing styled-components and deployed to Google Firebase
- React Native | Expo | Firebase | Local Storage
- A ChatRoom Application built with the React Native framework and deployed in Expo for web and mobile platforms where users can register a name, send messages, and receive messages from other users
- Application Data is saved and authenticated through Firebase and user's Local Storage
- React | Local Storage | React Bootstrap | React Router Heroku | CSS3
- A React Web Application designed as a productivity tool for users to keep track of personal tasks
- User can create, modify, and save tasks utilizing data from user's Local Storage
- Built with React Bootstrap framework and Icon Selector tool by the react-fa-icon-picker dependenc
- Implemented Mobile Responsiveness utilizing ShopifyLiquid and CSS3
- Generated 300% to 500% sales within 3 months throughclean, user-friendly design and layout
- Increased 920% growth in monthly sales by deliveringstellar hospitality for returning patrons
- Javascript
- CSS3 & Sass
- Bootstrap
- jQuery
- React JS
- styled-components
- React Native
- React Router
- React Bootstrap
- Fuse.js
- rollup.js
- Node JS
- Expo
- Heroku
- Firebase / Firestore
- Shopify Liquid
- Local Storage
- Git
- Github
- Agile Methodology
- Visual Studio Code