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Daily Schedule Overview

Time Activity
9:00 Morning Warm-Up
9:30 Module 1
11:00 Module 2
12:30 Lunch
1:30 Module 3
3:00 Module 4
4:00 Independent Work

Unit 1: The Client

Week 1 - Fundamentals and Tools (10/31-11/4)

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
9:00am Warm-Up Welcome to GA CSS selector basics (Zeb) Issue Session Kyrel 1 (Zeb) Kyrel 2 (Zeb)
9:30am Module 1 Orientation (Zeb) Box model and positioning (Zeb) JS Data types, variables, and arrays (Zeb) Functions and scope (Zeb) Second Pass and Questions in a Line (Zeb)
11:00am Module 2 How the internet works (Zeb) Lab: Mockup to HTML/CSS (Zeb) Objects in JavaScript (Zeb) Lab: JavaScript functions (Zeb) Mastering control flow (Zeb)
1:30pm Module 3 Navigating the file system + some meta skills (Zeb) Git and GitHub (Zeb) Outcomes (Nick) DOM manipulation and events (Nick) Responsive Design and Media Queries (Zeb)
3:00pm Module 4 WDI Diagnostic Lab: Design and CSS Challenge (Nick) Chrome dev tools (Nick) Lab: DOM manipulation LoTR (Nick) Week 1 Assessment: Pixel Perfect Website (Zeb)
Training Lab: Command line (Zeb) Finish Design/CSS Lab Optional: Lab: Build a website (Zeb) Finish LOTR Lab Finish Instagram Recreation and Kyrel 3 (Zeb)

Weekly Goals:

  • Understand the roles of HTML, CSS, and JS
  • Utilize the main tools of web developers
  • Git and GitHub
  • The Terminal
  • Chrome Developer Tools
  • Build a website with HTML
  • Style a page with CSS
  • Implement Control Flow with loops and conditionals
  • Use the building blocks of Javascript like strings, functions, and objects
  • Manipulate the DOM with Javascript
  • Think about problems programmatically

Week 2 - JavaScript & Front-end Libraries (11/7-11/11)

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
9:00am Warm-Up Intro to ES6 (Zeb) Whiteboarding (Zeb) GH Branching and gh-pages (Zeb) Native JS v jQuery Choice and Code (Zeb) VETERANS DAY
9:30am Module 1 Whiteboarding 101 (Zeb) Intro to jQuery (Zeb) Intermediate jQuery (Zeb) Wireframes (Will) VETERANS DAY
11:00am Module 2 Computational Thinking Lab (Zeb) HTML Forms (Zeb) Lab: Create jQuery selector (Zeb) OOP in JS (Zeb) VETERANS DAY
1:30pm Module 3 Callbacks & Iterators (Nick) CSS for HTML Forms Lab (Zeb) Outcomes (Nick) OOP concepts (Zeb) VETERANS DAY
3:00pm Module 4 Lab: Callbacks & Iterators (Nick) jQuery & Browser Storage (Nick) Tic-Tac-Toe (Nick) OOP Refactor Lab (Nick) VETERANS DAY
Training Part 1: Read HTML/CSS and JS Style Guides and Quiz "w02_d01_Style_Guides" Finish CSS for HTML Forms Lab Finish and Deploy Tic-Tac-Toe / OOP Prep Lab: Racer Game VETERANS DAY
Training Part 2: Finish Callbacks and Iterators
Weekly Goals:
  • Understand the principles of Object Oriented Programming with Javascript
  • Answer technical questions on a whiteboard
  • Utilize and understand iterators and callbacks
  • Create and use HTML Forms
  • Use jQuery for DOM manipulation and Browser Storage
  • Communicate with other developers to improve code using Github
    • Create a fork of a repository
    • Use Pull Requests to improve a repository's quality

Week 3 - Project 1: Browser Game (11/14-11/18)

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
9:00am Module 1 Developer Resources Solutions Run-through and Questions in a Hat (Zeb) Agile development and user stories (Zeb) Project Week Culture and HW Help Binary Search (Zeb) Standup / Project 1
10:30am Module 2 Racer Issue Submission (Zeb) Agile Development Lab (Zeb) Project 1 Standup / Project 1 Project 1
1:30pm Module 3 CSS Transitions & Animations (Nick) Project 1 Approvals Outcomes Project 1 Project 1
3:00pm Module 4 CodeWars Intro and Project 1 Intro (Zeb) Project 1 Project 1 Project 1 Project 1
Training Project 1 Proposal and Fix Issues Project 1 Project 1 Project 1 Project 1

Weekly Goals:

  • Create a browser-based game for your porfolio
  • Learn about common ways software companies organize projects

Unit 2: The Server

Week 4 - Node and AJAX (11/21-11/25)

Nick out this week

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
9:00am Warm-Up Final Prep and Submission CodeWars API Practice T-Gives T-Gives
9:30am Module 1 Final Prep and Submission API Intro with Postman (Zeb) Lab: Shakeitspear (Zeb) T-Gives T-Gives
11:00am Module 2 Presentations Intro to AJAX (Zeb) Connecting Forms to APIs via AJAX (Zeb) T-Gives T-Gives
1:30pm Module 3 Presentations Lab: Intro to AJAX (Zeb) Intro to Node.js (Zeb) T-Gives T-Gives
3:00pm Module 4 Retrospective and Fix an Issue (Zeb) More Cats Node Lab (Zeb) T-Gives T-Gives
Training Fixing Issues Finish Cats Lab Lab: Requesting with Node T-Gives T-Gives

Weekly Goals:

  • Leverage other developers to support and improve projects
  • Communicate between front-end and back-end with APIs and AJAX
  • Create a basic back-end with Node

Week 5 - Express and Mongo (11/28-12/2)

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
9:00am Warm-Up CodeWars Troubleshooting and Dev Tools Intro to EJS Mongoose Data Exercises Questions in a Hat (Zeb)
9:30am Module 1 Intro to Express (Zeb) Mongo Intro (Zeb) Views in Express (Zeb) Lab: Full-Stack JS (Zeb) Second Pass (Zeb)
11:00am Module 2 Building Express Routes (Zeb) Mongo Lab (Zeb) Lab: Views in Express (Zeb) Lab: Full-Stack JS (Zeb) Sass Preprocessing (Zeb)
1:30pm Module 3 Building Express Routes Lab (Zeb) Mongoose Intro (Nick) Outcomes (Nick) UX Crash Course (Nick) Intro to TDD (Zeb)
3:00pm Module 4 More Express Routes (Nick) Data Organization in Mongo (Nick) TODO API (Nick) Lab: Personal API (Nick) Testing Lab (Zeb)
Training Candies (Express Routing) Lab Restaurants (Mongo CLI) Lab TODO API & Project 2 Proposal Personal API Testing Reading

Weekly Goals:

  • Build a web server with Express
  • Define server responses with routes and controllers
  • Save JSON-like data to a server's Mongo database
  • Utilize Sass to improve and DRY out CSS code
  • Utilize Gulp to save time on repetitive tasks
  • Write a software test suite with Mocha and Chai

Week 6 - Full-Stack Apps, MVC, and User Management (12/5-12/9)

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
9:00am Warm-Up Testing Lab (Zeb) CodeWars CodeWars A-Ha Moments Questions
9:30am Module 1 Testing API Calls (Zeb) Intro to MVC (Zeb) Tunely (Zeb) Stacks and Queues (Zeb) Second Pass (Zeb)
11:00am Module 2 Lab: Research and Test External API for Project 2 (Zeb) Introducing Gulp (Zeb) Tunely (Zeb) Stacks and Queues (Zeb) Security 101 (Zeb)
1:30pm Module 3 Lab: Research and Test External API for Project 2 (Zeb) Intro to Bootstrap (Nick) MVC App Organization (Nick) Outcomes (Nick) Intro to Passport (Zeb)
3:00pm Module 4 Project 2 Ideation / Wireframes (Nick) Map Wireframes (Nick) MVC App Organization (Nick) Catch-up and Project 2 (Nick) Project 2 Trello and First Scrum (Zeb)
Training Get External API Set Up for Project 2 Mock out Project 2 w/ Lorem and Mock Data Only Finish Tunely Work on Project 2 Structure Project 2

Weekly Goals:

  • Build and test an API integration
  • Design a full-stack app
  • Understand and create Models, Views, and Controllers
  • Integrate tools like Gulp, Sass, and Bootstrap to improve development
  • Understand and create a user model with authentication

Extra Resources:

Week 7 - Project 2: Node/Express Single-Resource App, Angular Intro (12/12-12/16)

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
9:00am Warm-up FizzBuzz Standup Standup Project 2 ES6 Lesson Part 2 (Zeb)
9:30am Module 1 Standup Project 2 Project 2 Retrospective ES6 Quiz (Zeb)
11:00am Module 2 Project 2 Project 2 Project 2 Project 2 Presentations Auth Math (Zeb)
1:30pm Module 3 Project 2 Project 2 Project 2 Outcomes Intro to Angular (Zeb)
3:00pm Module 4 Project 2 Project 2 Project 2 Create Issues Lab: Intro to Angular (Zeb)
Training Project 2 Project 2 Project 2 Fix Issues Look over the Angular Documentation + Check out this blog + Do this Lab

Weekly Goals:

  • Build a personal full-stack Javascript App from scratch
  • Wrap up ES6 Fundamentals
  • Understand what Angular is

Unit 3: SEAN Stack and Group Work

Week 8 - Angular and Angular Tools (12/19-12/22)

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
9:00am Warm-up Project 3 Intro CodeWars CodeWars Roman Numerals Questions in a Line (Zeb)
9:30am Module 1 Directives Lesson (Zeb) Angular Hangman (Zeb) $resource (Zeb) Angular Auth (Zeb) Second Pass (Zeb)
11:00am Module 2 Directives Lab (Zeb) Angular Hangman (Zeb) Firebase (Zeb) ngAnimate (Zeb) Rapid Prototype (Zeb)
1:30pm Module 3 $http and promises (Nick) Routing (Zeb/Nick) Outcomes (Nick) Almost MEAN App (Zeb/Nick) Rapid Prototype (Zeb)
3:00pm Module 4 $http LAB (Nick) Routing Lab (Zeb/Nick) Competitive and User Research (Nick) Almost MEAN App (Zeb/Nick) Rapid Prototype (Zeb)
Training Finish $http Lab ui-router vs ngRoute readings: #1 + #2 + #3 Interview Potential Users Complete MEAN App Enjoy your Break!

Weekly Goals:

  • Utilize built-in Angular directives and build custom ones
  • Use $http to communicate from Angular front-end to back-end
  • Configure front-end routing with Angular and ngRoute
  • Use $resource to DRY out CRUD apps
  • Save data to Firebase
  • Understand the basics of user and competitive research
  • Perform authentication with Angular and Satellizer
  • Perform animations with Angular and ngAnimate
  • Internalize the steps of building a MEAN stack app

BREAK (12/26-12/29)

Week 9 - SQL, Project Planning, and Prototyping (1/2-1/6)

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
9:00am Warm-up Rapid Prototype (Zeb) CodeWars (Zeb) Intro to Sequelize (Zeb) DELAY Second Pass (Zeb)
9:30am Module 1 Rapid Prototype (Zeb) Intro to SQL and Relational DBs (Zeb) Lab: Sequelize Models / SEAN Stack (Zeb) DELAY Stand-up
11:00am Module 2 Rapid Prototype Science Fair Carmen Sandiego Lab (Zeb) Lab: Sequelize Models / SEAN Stack (Zeb) Team Git Workflow (Zeb) Project 3
1:30pm Module 3 Sketch and Photoshop Basics (Nick) Outcomes (Nick) Lab: Sequelize Models / SEAN Stack (Zeb) Flexbox (Nick) Project 3
3:00pm Module 4 Lab: Relational Data Modeling (Nick) SQL Relationships and JOINs (Zeb) Lab: Sequelize/Tunr Relationships (Zeb) Lab: Project 3 Pitches Project 3
Training Reading Assignments: DBs and SQL #1 #2 #3 and Quiz Lab: SQL Practice Prepare Project 3 Pitch Questions in a Line (Zeb) and Project 3 Team Formation Project 3

Weekly Goals:

  • Prepare and present a prototype built on a short time scale
  • Understand the basics of Sketch and Photoshop
  • Map out data relations for a web app
  • Create a SQL DB and perform queries on it
  • Use Sequelize to create a CRUDable model with SQL and Node
  • Use Sequelize to create inter-connected models with data mappings
  • Manage group code submissions with GitHub

Week 10 - Project 3: Group Project and Angular 2 (1/9-1/13)

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
9:00 Warm-upam Linked Lists Intro (Zeb) Mock Interviews - Behavioral Getting a Freelance Gig Project 3 Merge Sort Intro (Zeb)
9:30am Module 1 Linked Lists Challenge (Zeb) Project 3 Project 3 Project 3 Merge Sort Challenge (Zeb)
11:00am Module 2 Project 3 Project 3 Project 3 Project 3 Retro Intro to TypeScript
1:30pm Module 3 Project 3 Project 3 Outcomes Project 3 Presentations What's Different in Angular 2
3:00pm Module 4 Project 3 Project 3 Project 3 Create Issues Lab: Angular 2 Refactor
Training Project 3 Project 3 Project 3 Fix Issues Optional: Tour of Heroes Angular 2 Tutorial

Weekly Goals:

  • Create a full-stack application as part of a development team
  • Learn the basics of Linked Lists and Merge Sort to prepare for interviews
  • Practice behavioral interview questions
  • Create a basic Angular 2 app from scratch and from an Angular 1 base

Unit 4: Becoming a Developer

Week 11 - React, Legacy, and PHP (1/16-1/20)

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
9:00am Warm-up MLK DAY Getting Sequelize and Satellizer Together (Zeb) GH Lab (Zeb) CodeWars Second Pass (Zeb)
9:30am Module 1 MLK DAY Intro to Ops (Zeb) Intro to Legacy Code (Zeb) PHP Intro (Zeb) PHP CRUD (Zeb)
11:00am Module 2 MLK DAY React (Zeb) Legacy Code Lab (Zeb) Lab: PHP Intro (Zeb) Lab: PHP CRUD (Zeb)
1:30pm Module 3 MLK DAY Redux (Zeb) Legacy Code Lab (Zeb) PHP Wordpress (Nick) Freelance Project
3:00pm Module 4 MLK DAY Lab: React Tic-Tac-Toe Tutorial (Zeb) Outcomes (Nick) Lab: PHP Wordpress (Nick) Freelance Project
Training MLK DAY Finish React Tutorial Continue Legacy Code Continue Wordpress Site Continue Outside Project

Weekly Goals:

  • Create a React app
  • Improve Legacy Code
  • Create a PHP CRUD App
  • Create a Wordpress App
  • Understand basic operations and web-dev IT
  • Do work for someone outside of the class

Week 12: IoT and Developer-Chosen Topics (1/23-1/27)

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
9:00am Warm-up Mock Interviews - Hybrid Hackathon Presentations Lightning Talks Prep Mock Interviews - Technical Project 4
9:30am Module 1 IoT Primer Intro to Ruby Lightning Talks Prep Project 4 Planning Project 4
11:00am Module 2 Intro to IoT Intro to Rails Lightning Talks Prep Approvals Project 4
1:30pm Module 3 IoT Hackathon Outcomes Lightning Talks Approvals Project 4
3:00pm Module 4 IoT Hackathon Lightning Talks Prep Project 4 Intro Project 4 Project 4
Training Pick a Lightning Talk Topic Lightning Talks Prep Intro to Ionic 5-7pm Project 4 Project 4

Weekly Goals:

  • Create a software-hardware hybrid project
  • Distill and deliver a lesson on a modern technology
  • Understand the major differences between JS and Ruby
  • Build a basic Rails app
  • Answer technical and quasi-technical interview questions

Week 13 - Final Project and Interview Work (1/30-2/3)

Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
9:00am Scrum Scrum Scrum Make-up Project Work Zeb Available for Mock Interviews / Portfolio Help
11:00am Project Work Mock Interviews / Project Work Project Work Mock Interviews Zeb Available for Mock Interviews / Portfolio Help
2:00pm Project Work Mock Interviews / Project Work Presentations Practice Showcase Zeb Available for Mock Interviews / Portfolio Help
3:00pm Project Work Mock Interviews / Project Work Outcomes Final Survey, Certificates, and Recap (Graduation) NO CLASS
Training Project Work Project Work Project Work Happy Hour: 4-530 in WeWork, 530 at Amato's Ale House NO CLASS

Weekly Goals:

  • Fully formulate an idea for a full-stack project and execute it independently
  • Answer mock interview questions from instructors and outside developers
  • Demonstrate work to technical and non-technical observers

Note: Monday 2/6 through Thursday 2/9 (Showcase Day), Zeb will be available by appointment for mock interviews and portfolio help. Please set up a time with Zeb by Direct Messaging him in Slack.


All content is licensed under a CC­BY­NC­SA 4.0 license. All software code is licensed under GNU GPLv3. For commercial use or alternative licensing, please contact [email protected].


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