- What is Ruby?
- What is the difference between a Hash and a class in Ruby?
- What is Sinatra?
- What is ERB?
- What is the difference between
<%= %>
and<% %>
- How do you return JSON from a Sinatra route?
- What is the difference between the variables
. - How do you create a new instance of a class in Ruby?
- What is a getter? What is a setter?
- What is the difference between attr_reader, attr_writer, attr_accessor?
- What is the relationship between
? - How do you create a class method in Ruby?
- How do we inherit from a class in Ruby?
- Compare and contrast one to one, one to many, and many to many relationships.
- What is SQL?
- What is the difference between SQL and Postgres?
- Compare and contrast PostGres and Mongo.
- What does SELECT do in SQL?
- What does INSERT do in SQL?
- When do you use a where clause in SQL?
- What is ActiveRecord?
- What is a migration?
- What are the two sacred cows of ActiveRecord, one starts with an M and one starts with S.
- How do you generate a record using ActiveRecord?
- How do you search for record(s) using ActiveRecord?
- How do change a record using ActiveRecord?
- How do you remove a record using ActiveRecord?