##Learning Objectives
By the end of this lesson you will be able to:
- Write Javascript that communicates with a Firebase back-end
- Integrate AngularFire into an Angular app
- Implement 3-way data binding!
- Implement a tutorial written for general industry
##Firebase Intro
Firebase is a Platform as a Service (PaaS) that provides a graphical interface to set up a JSON back end, both the database and api. One way to think about Firebase is that it handles the MongoDB, Express, and Node parts of the stack. All you need to do is worry about the front end.
Firebase has two methods for accessing your data. You can access the data you create in your database using standard REST resources. Basically you can think about Firebase as automatically creating a REST endpoint for every collection in a Mongo database.
Another way to access your data is through web sockets. What are websockets? We'll talk more about websockets in a just a minute.
Finally, firebase also automatically provides auth!. If you are using Firebase you can easily create a way to use a social login or collect email and passwords for your app.
Instead of HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol), which supports the familiar request/response cycle, Websockets maintain a connection between your browser and the server, allowing data to be passed bidirectionally. These connections are persistent (always on), full-duplex (bi-directional) and real time.
Picture HTTP as the our postal system, you, abroad, send out some letters to a friend back home. The system delivers these letters through various paths and arrive safely. Your friend reads them and sends a letter back, knowing your location. In http, the server can not send you a message unless you first send a request: the request/response cycle.
Websockets are more like a phone call. You have the ability to hold a conversation, talking at the same time. Once you have initiated a connection with the server, both an you can send messages, as needed.
A client can send an HTTP request to the server which can reply with status 426, "Upgrade Required". At that point the client can then send a new request with the appropriate upgrade headers while keeping the connection open.##Rapid Prototype: ToEat.ly
We will be using the AngularFire library to access Firebase from Angular. Google owns Firebase and developed Angular, so they work nicely together.
For more details around exactly how to build this protype we'll be pinging back and forth between the AngularFire quick start guide and a more requirements driven description.
Start by using the Quick Start Guide to set up a project and add the configuration to a basic angular app
that includes an index.html
and app.js
Before we start working, change the Firebase database access to public.
Once we've created a basic app, we'll need to inject firebase
as a dependency into our Angular application.
angular.module("ToEatly", ["firebase"]);
Now we have the option of also using $firebaseObject
or $firebaseArray
into a controller to help us manage working with firebase objects or collections in angular. Since we're working with a collection of foods let's use a $firebaseArray
to store them.
.controller("FoodController", foodController);
foodController.$inject = ["$scope", "$firebaseArray"];
function foodController($scope, $firebaseArray) {
// change to your application URL
var ref = firebase.database().ref().child("foods");
// create a synchronized array to store a collection
$scope.foods = $firebaseArray(ref);
How can we use a form to build up a `food` model with the attributes `name` and `yumminess` so that when it is submitted it triggers a function, `addFood`?
<form ng-submit="addFood()">
<input placeholder="name" ng-model="food.name">
<input yumminess="yumminess" ng-model="food.yumminess">
<button type="submit">Eat me!</button>
How can we send our food model to the backend when the form is submitted? Hint: your `$firebaseArray` has a `.$add` method on it.
$scope.addFood = function() {
name: $scope.food.name,
yumminess: $scope.food.yumminess
How can we repeat all the foods on the page, so we see an index of them?
<div class="food" ng-repeat="food in foods">
<b>Name:</b> {{food.name}} | <b>Yumminess:</b> {{food.yumminess}}
How can we modify the `addFood` function so that the form is cleared after it is submitted?
$scope.addFood = function() {
name: $scope.food.name,
yumminess: $scope.food.yumminess
// clears form
$scope.food = {};
###Self Challenges
Figure out the following user stories on your own. User can...
- Delete a food
- Edit a food
If your data model is fairly simple Firebase can be a great solution. It lets you focus on the front end interactions
Let's take a look at this demo Chat Room App to see how it can allow us to build real-time applications.
Finally, feel free to deploy an app to Firebase Hosting! 🔥
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