After this workshop, developers will be able to:
- Name and describe several functions that are part of a component's lifecylce
- Pause an application in the middle of executing a lifecycle function
- Describe what lifecycle functions could be used for various common use cases, like registering event listeners
React class components provide several lifecycle methods that you can use to control your application based on the state of the UI.
These methods happen automatically - but you can call them to modify them.
These methods are called at specific points in the rendering process. You can use these methods to perform actions based on what's happening on the DOM.
, for example, is called immediately after a component is rendered to the DOM.componentWillUnmount
is called immediately before a component is removed from the DOM.
Some common uses of lifecycle methods are making asynchronous requests, binding event listeners, and optimizing for performance.
React components' lifecycle events fall into three broad categories:
Initializing / Mounting e.g. What happens when the component is created? Was an initial state set? Methods:
Updating e.g. Did an event happen that changed the state? Methods:
Destruction / Unmounting e.g. What needs to happen when we're done with the component? Method:
Let's go through them. Again, you don't need to write these methods - they happen automatically, just like constructors did before we explicitly wrote one. You only have to worry about these if you want to change something in them - but if you do, it's important to understand them!
Check out the documentation on components!
Open this image in a new window next to this one, and follow along as we go through the methods.
This is something we've already seen when we were learning state
. Like any JavaScript class, the constructor
method is called when a component is instantiated (when it's first rendered).
In a class constructor, you must call super
before you do anything else. So a React component constructor in its most basic form looks like this:
constructor(props) {
You don't need to define a constructor if that's all it does, though. This happens automatically when your component is invoked. A common use of the constructor is to initialize state using the props passed to the component - as we have been doing!
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
fruits: props.fruits,
This constructor sets the initial
state of the component to thefruits
prop passed to the component. Then, usingsetState
, your user can add fruits, delete them, or whatever else your component allows.
Another common use of the constructor method is to bind class methods.
When a method is "bound" to a component, it means that when the method is invoked, this
will refer to the component, and not to the context that invoked the method. So, if you pass a component's method to a child component from a parent component, you can be sure that this.setState
will set the state of the parent component if the method is bound to it.
In JavaScript classes, methods aren't bound by default. So, if you pass a component's method to a child component without binding it, it can lose its context, and not behave the way you intended. Here's an example:
class FruitTable extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
fruits: props.fruits,
this.addFruit = this.addFruit.bind(this);
addFruit(fruit) {
this.setState(prevState => ({
fruits: prevState.fruits.concat(fruit),
Notice that in the constructor, this.addFruit
is bound to the class - this.addFruit = this.addFruit.bind(this);
Now, if we pass this.addFruit
to a child component as an onChange callback, it will be bound to FruitTable
and will update its state when it's invoked.
Again, you don't need a constructor in every React component, but if you need to initialize state by props or bind methods, the constructor is where you do it.
This method is called immediately before a component is rendered to the DOM. You generally won't need to use this method. Advanced use-cases like server-rendering are usually the only ones in which componentWillMount
is needed.
The componentDidMount
method is called once, immediately after your component is rendered to the DOM. If you want to make an AJAX request when your component first renders, this is where to do it (not in the constructor, or in componentWillMount
). componentWillMount
shouldn't be used for server requests because it may be invoked multiple times before render in future versions of React. Side effects should be avoided in the constructor
, and so server requests shouldn't be made there. The accepted answer on this Stack Overflow from a member of the React team at Facebook gives more detail. In the following example, we fetch data from the server, then set the state of the component using the response.
componentDidMount() {
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => this.setState(prevState => ({ data })));
Another common use for componentDidMount
is to bind event listeners to your component. You can then remove the event listeners in componentWillUnmount
. In this example, we bind and unbind an event listener for a drag-drop component.
class FruitTable extends React.component {
componentDidMount() {
document.addEventListener('dragover', this.handleDragStart);
componentWillUnmount() {
document.removeEventListener('dragover', this.handleDragStart);
handleDragStart(e) {
this.setState(prevState => ({
dragging: true
This is the one method that every React class component must have. In render, you return JSX using the compoment's props and state. You should never set state in render - render should only react to changes in state or props, not create those changes. The following component renders a single prop and a single state key - a car model and a speed. Once this component is mounted, its speed
state will go up by 1 every second. You can try it out yourself on CodePen.
class Car extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
// sets initial state to either the `speed` prop, or 0 if the `speed` prop
// is not passed to the component
this.state = {
speed: props.speed || 0,
// binds this.incrementSpeed to class
// this way when it's used as a callback for `setTimeout`
// `this` refers to the `Car` class
this.incrementSpeed = this.incrementSpeed.bind(this);
componentDidMount() {
// calls this.incrementSpeed after one second
window.setTimeout(this.incrementSpeed, 1000);
incrementSpeed() {
// sets the `speed` state to one unit higher than it was previously
this.setState(prevState => ({ speed: prevState.speed + 1 }));
// recursive method
// increases speed by 1 again after one second
window.setTimeout(this.incrementSpeed, 1000);
render() {
return (
This {this.props.model} is going {this.state.speed} miles per hour!
To break down what's happening in this component:
The initial state is set to either the speed
prop, or 0 if the speed
prop is not passed to the component.
We bind this.incrementSpeed
to the class, so that when it's used as a callback for setTimeout
, this
refers to the Car
Use window.setTimeout
to call this.incrementSpeed
after one second (1000 ms).
this.setState(prevState => ({ speed: prevState.speed + 1 }));
: The speed
state is set to one higher than it was previously - we add one.
window.setTimeout(this.incrementSpeed, 1000)
: The incrementSpeed
method is recursive - it invokes itself as the timeout callback. After one second, window.setTimeout
will call this.incrementSpeed
again - the speed
will go up by one, and a new timer will be set to do it again.
Pull down the starter code in this very repo, and see if you can:
- Modify it to add an event listener to the Car component (e.g. 'click')
- Make the background color a new random color each time the component updates.
This method is called any time your component receives new props. It is not called with the initial props when your component initially mounts. If you need to change the state of your component based on changes in the props, this is where you do it. In a simple app, you generally won't need componentWillReceiveProps
These methods are called when a component's props or state change, and are generally used for performance optimizations. React is quite fast by itself, and you usually don't need to concern yourself with these methods outside of a large app with many dynamic components.