Always go 80/20 70/30 in the stages of the thing you are managing.
Complex systems theory suggests that order can emerge from chaos in certain systems. Complex systems, such as ecosystems, economies, or even societies, are characterized by interactions between numerous elements. These interactions can give rise to emergent properties and self-organization, leading to new and more sophisticated forms of order.
The economist Joseph Schumpeter introduced the concept of "creative destruction." This idea posits that innovation and progress often arise from the dismantling or disruption of existing structures and ideas. In this sense, a certain level of chaos or upheaval is necessary for the creation of new and improved systems. Evolutionary Biology:
In the context of biological evolution, chaos, or genetic variation, is essential for the adaptation and survival of species. The process of natural selection operates on the diversity generated through mutation and recombination, leading to the development of more fit and resilient organisms.
In human development and learning, exposure to challenges and uncertainties can foster adaptability and resilience. Learning from mistakes and facing the unknown can contribute to personal and societal growth, ultimately leading to a more robust and well-adapted order.
Systems that appear chaotic may actually be in a state of dynamic equilibrium, constantly adjusting and adapting to changing conditions. This dynamic nature allows for flexibility and responsiveness, preventing a rigid and potentially fragile order.
A certain level of chaos or diversity in thought and action can fuel innovation. Exposure to different perspectives, ideas, and approaches can lead to creative solutions and advancements that contribute to a more refined and adaptable order.