- #12557 update Plus installation guide (@AdamKasp)
- #12558 [Order] Fix race condition problem with multiple order recalculations (@GSadee)
- #12564 [Docs] add minor improvement to Plus installation guide (@AdamKasp)
- #12565 [API][Order] Fix possibility to limit orders by refactoring from data provider to extension (@GSadee)
- #12569 Bugfix | Filter out not enabled products in API collection (@stloyd, @arti0090)
- #12604 [API] Cherry pick commits on 1.9 branch for validating if product is enabled during adding to cart (@arti0090, @GSadee)
- #12609 Adding product from another channel bugfix (@arti0090)
- #12612 [Documentation] Update cookbook about Facebook login (@GSadee)
- #12613 [API] Adding inexistent variant (@arti0090, @GSadee)
- #12619 [Docs] Add docs for custom entity with access per admin channel (@Tomanhez, @GSadee)
- #12628 [API] Conflict with symfony/property-info due to problem with wrong namespaces of some translation entities (@GSadee)
- #12632 [Docs] Mention localhost exposure for easier Facebook login (@Zales0123)
- #12633 [Bug] [Temporary solution] Comment out 2 behats steps for checking notifications (@SirDomin)
- #12643 [README] Fix link to plugin list (@lchrusciel)
- #12650 [API][ProductVariant] Fix product variant response by using proper normalizer (@GSadee)
- #12651 [API][ProductVariant] Add additional specs for product variant normalizer (@GSadee)
- #12655 [Documentation][Plus] Minor improvements in cookbook for accessing to entities by channel admins (@GSadee)
- #12667 [Documentation] Customizing CreditMemo entity by adding a new field (@GSadee)
- #12668 [API] write order email send test in api bundle (@pamil, @SirDomin)
- #12671 [Api] Tests adding incorrect county code to address order (@Tomanhez)
- #12674 [Minor] Return shop user after registration command to improve extendibility (@lchrusciel)
- #12458 [Locale] Current locale set on request (@lchrusciel, @SirDomin)
- #12469 Extract sylius/admin-api-bundle out of Sylius Core (but keep it installed by default in existing minor releases) (@pamil)
- #12475 [Taxation] Fix applying shipment taxes for multiple shipments (@GSadee)
- #12489 Build fix Change int to string in GenerateCouponsCommand (@Tomanhez)
- #12493 Update model.rst (@mariogalan)
- #12494 [Behat][Customer] Fix assertions (@GSadee)
- #12500 [Documentation] Customizing credit memo (@pamil)
- #12501 [BUG] Product options null value returns 400 instead of 500 (@lchrusciel, @SirDomin)
- #12504 Change app.php to index.php (@stefandoorn)
- #12508 Fix the build by solving errors reported by static analysis tools (@pamil)
- #12516 Fix CustomerComponent Typo (@DennisdeBest)
- #12522 Revert BC break in ProductVariantInterface (@pamil)
- #12523 Remove Admin API Bundle-related tests (@pamil)
- #12525 Move note from UPGRADE-1.8 to UPGRADE-1.9 file (@GSadee)
- #12535 [API] Add prefix to subresource endpoint of order item's adjustments (@GSadee)
- #12546 [Minor] Use explicit bus instead of the default one (@lchrusciel)
- #12439 Don't render _token field if it's already rendered (@maximehuran)
- #12454 Don't render _token field if it's already rendered in update template (@pamil)
- #12461 Fix packages builds: ResourceBundle v1.8 does not require StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle anymore (@pamil)
- #12468 Fix the build by conflicting with doctrine/doctrine-bundle 2.3.0 (@pamil)
- #12471 [Maintenance] Conflict with JMSSerializer 3.9.0 due to issues with mapping of persistent collection (@lchrusciel)
- #12324 Removing hard timeout on edit while load selected values (@christopherhero)
- #12376 Pass path delimiter up to parent taxon (@Jeroen-G, @Jeroen, @pamil)
- #12384 Doc: Fix Doctrine project url (@n3wborn)
- #12393 [ApiBundle] Fixes in test application (@GSadee)
- #12397 Do not fail when mb_detect_encoding returns false (@stefandoorn)
- #12398 [API] add missing spec (@AdamKasp)
- #12401 Use bold to alert on some changes in the README (@jacquesbh)
- #12403 Minor fixes and CS (@AdamKasp)
- #12404 Fix nested accordion initialisation (@DjLeChuck)
- #12407 [AttributeBundle] custom locale_code fixed (@Mateuszry)
- #12410 [ApiBundle] Improve tests for custom Sylius resource in test application (@GSadee)
- #12411 [API] improve tests for overwriting api configs (@AdamKasp)
- #12412 [API][DOCS] custom path (@AdamKasp)
- #12416 [ApiBundle] Improve tests for custom entity in test application (@GSadee)
- #12417 [API][Documentation] Fix link to jwt documentation (@GSadee)
- #12418 [API][Documentation] Fix path to security file (@GSadee)
- #12423 Temporarily conflict to symfony/doctrine-bridge in Core and Api bundles (@GSadee)
- #12427 [FOSOAuthServerBundle] Remove incompatible version (@Prometee)
- #12447 Fix build for CoreBundle and ApiBundle packages (@pamil)
- #12448 [ApiBundle] Fix displaying testing section in README file (@GSadee)
- Added support for Symfony 5
- Enhanced adjustment calculations to take shipping and promotions taxes into account while generating invoices and credit memos
- Added support for non-translatable product attributes
- Improved API v2 coverage up to 50% (customer account, orders, emails, products & product variants management)
- #12126 Fix incorrect money format being used (@kayue)
- #12329 [Api] Add test app for ApiBundle (@Tomanhez, @GSadee, @lchrusciel)
- #12383 [API] ProductVariant serialization with new key "price" (@SirDomin)
- #11370 Introduce limit parameter for quantity modifier (@arti0090)
- #11478 [ADR] Custom operation in new Sylius API (@lchrusciel)
- #11597 Update fixtures.rst (@gabiudrescu)
- #11752 [Minor] Sort checkout contexts (@lchrusciel)
- #11754 [API] Order confirmation email sending (@lchrusciel, @SirDomin)
- #11758 Allow newer "doctrine/doctrine-bundle" to match upcoming ResourceBundle reqs (@stloyd)
- #11762 add toogle button that verifies user account (@arti0090)
- #11765 Making the error message on fixutre load helpful (@mamazu)
- #11771 Reflect admin path change in UPGRADE-1.8 (@jacquesbh)
- #11805 Redirect /.well-known/change-password to the right page (@jacquesbh)
- #11811 [Maintenance] Remove dead part of travis installation script (@lchrusciel)
- #11817 [Api][Checkout] Allowing access only for correctly logged in - minor fixes (@Tomanhez)
- #11828 [API] add missing prefix to payments route (@AdamKasp)
- #11834 Update symfony.lock with a few missing entries (@jacquesbh)
- #11858 [API] Added behat tag for seeing shipping and payment methods on summary (@arti0090)
- #11859 [API]Seeing shipping and billing addresses on order summary page (@arti0090)
- #11860 [Api][Checkout][Shipping] Shipping method integrity validation (@Tomanhez)
- #11863 [API]Payment Method integrity check (@arti0090)
- #11874 [Api] restrict access to customer account editing (@AdamKasp)
- #11875 [API] Not being able to modify cart after completed checkout (@arti0090)
- #11877 [API] add payment method code to methods endpoint (@arti0090)
- #11888 [Api][Shop][Order][Address] Viewing order (@Tomanhez)
- #11889 [API] Implement choosing province during checkout (@GSadee)
- #11891 [Api] orders index for customer's account (@AdamKasp)
- #11896 [Api][Order]Viewing order details (@Tomanhez)
- #11906 [Api] Add validation for add to cart command (@AdamKasp)
- #11909 [Address] Improve province validation (@GSadee)
- #11912 [Admin][API][Shipment] Add filtering shipments by a shipping method (@GSadee)
- #11914 [Api][Address] Browsing AddressBook (@Tomanhez)
- #11915 [API]delete address book (@arti0090)
- #11916 End of maintenance date fixed (@leniwy-splendor)
- #11917 1.5 version EoL update (@leniwy-splendor)
- #11923 Keep it consistent with simple quotes (@jacquesbh)
- #11924 [Api] Change payment method after checkout (@AdamKasp)
- #11925 [PoC][API] Resolve proper IRI in admin/shop contexts (@Tomanhez, @GSadee)
- #11928 Adding select type to doc (@moein)
- #11930 Branch update (@leniwy-splendor)
- #11933 Brunch update vol.2 (@leniwy-splendor)
- #11934 Update ChangeItemQuantityInCart (@leniwy-splendor)
- #11935 Updated Sylius description in documentation's README (@ValentineJester)
- #11937 [Cart] Change logic for maintaining cart after logging in (@GSadee)
- #11938 [API][AddressBook] Adding new address (@SirDomin, @GSadee)
- #11939 [API]Seeing shipping cost of order (@arti0090)
- #11947 [API] Add removed feature (@lchrusciel)
- #11950 [Core][Channel] Add contact phone number to channel (@twojtylak)
- #11951 [Api] Be able to change authorization header (@Tomanhez)
- #11952 [Fixture] Add getOneBy method to LazyOption (@lchrusciel)
- #11953 [Docs] Announce 1.9 release period (@lchrusciel)
- #11954 Delete redundant steps (@AdamKasp)
- #11961 [API][AddressBook] Setting default address (@AdamKasp)
- #11963 [API][AddressBook] Minor fixes to api behats (@AdamKasp)
- #11964 [API][AddressBook] Protect addresses with new firewall (@AdamKasp)
- #11971 [API] Seeing promotions total in cart (@arti0090)
- #11973 [API] [My Account] Edit addressbook (@SirDomin)
- #11983 [Minor] Update service definition to not using depracated service (@lchrusciel)
- #11984 [API]maintaining cart after login and registration (@arti0090)
- #11989 [API]added missing serialization to address editing endpoint (@arti0090)
- #11995 [Behat] Fix argument name after upgrade Behat to v3.8.0 (@GSadee)
- #11997 Revert "[API]added missing serialization to address editing endpoint" (@lchrusciel)
- #11998 [API][Shop] Logging in after changing password implementation (@lchrusciel, @arti0090)
- #12001 [Maintenance] Fix naming issues after psalm bump (@lchrusciel)
- #12002 [API]added missing serialization to address editing endpoint (@arti0090)
- #12003 [API][Behat]refactor api admin context (@arti0090)
- #12006 [API][Checkout] Implement scenarios for preventing checkout with an empty cart (@GSadee)
- #12007 [API] Fix names in change password command (@AdamKasp)
- #12008 Note about disabled product variants and taxons (@jacquesbh)
- #12013 [API]adding promotions with expire date (@arti0090)
- #12016 [Api] Changing orders payment methods on shop account (@Tomanhez)
- #12021 Remove unnecessary conflicts (@pamil)
- #12025 [API]adding promotions with expire date (@arti0090)
- #12026 [Order] Change localisation of findCartByTokenValue function (@AdamKasp)
- #12027 [FIXTURES] Use shopbillDataFactory in ChannelExampleFactory (@lukasz.@wroblewski88@@gmail.@com)
- #12032 [API] Move register operation below customers endpoint (@lchrusciel)
- #12034 [API][Product] Change identifier for shop endpoint from slug to code (@GSadee)
- #12035 info about JWT token generation required (@rafbit)
- #12036 [API] Fix PHPSpec of order query extension after upmerge (@GSadee)
- #12037 [API]fixes to
adding promotions with expire date
(@arti0090) - #12038 [Minor][ADR] Explicit bus declaration on handlers (@lchrusciel)
- #12039 [Minor] Inject proper order processor (@lchrusciel)
- #12041 [API] Fixes after PR with resolving proper iri in different contexts (@GSadee)
- #12044 [API][Product] Add note in UPGRADE file about changing identifier for shop endpoint (@GSadee)
- #12045 [API] Add missing endpoints for address and country resources (@GSadee)
- #12050 Refactor mailing (@lchrusciel, @SirDomin)
- #12054 [ADR] Sending emails via api (@SirDomin)
- #12057 Switch to Psalm 4 (@pamil)
- #12058 Update PHPStan and its configuration (@pamil)
- #12059 Upgrade to PHPSpec 7 (@pamil)
- #12073 Replace fzaninotto/faker with fakerphp/faker (@DieterHolvoet)
- #12074 [API] add api tag to applying promotions with expiration date (@arti0090)
- #12075 [Behat]refactor of setup/PromotionContext class (@arti0090)
- #12076 [API][Behat] fixed steps for quantity-change api test (@arti0090)
- #12078 [Behat] refactor of cart and checkout contexts (@arti0090)
- #12081 [Api] Receiving discount promotion (@Tomanhez)
- #12082 [Promotions] Replace wrong names (@Tomanhez)
- #12083 [Api] Receiving percentage discount (@Tomanhez)
- #12084 Upgrade all dependencies to versions supporting Symfony 5 (@pamil, @Zales0123)
- #12098 [Attributes][PoC] Attributes view reorganization (@Tomanhez, @kulczy, @AdamKasp, @SirDomin)
- #12107 Api platform payment (@SirDomin)
- #12109 [API] placing order on multiple channels with api (@arti0090)
- #12116 [Adjustment] Add more details to adjustment and make shipment adjustable (@GSadee, @SirDomin, @lchrusciel)
- #12128 [AdminApiBundle][CoreBundle] Update unit test versions (@Tomanhez)
- #12139 [Api] Locale code on checkout (@Tomanhez)
- #12148 Support for Symfony 5 (@pamil)
- #12153 [API] prevent checkout skipping shipping step (@arti0090)
- #12154 [API] show possible shipping methods for order (@arti0090)
- #12157 Bump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.7 (@dependabot[@bot])
- #12161 Add tag no-api to scenario (@arti0090)
- #12162 [Api][Checkout] Shipping fees on multi-channel (@Tomanhez)
- #12164 update upgrade file after changes with tax adjustment (@arti0090)
- #12165 [Api] Check currency on channel (@Tomanhez)
- #12178 [API] Browsing promotions (@arti0090)
- #12179 [API] deleting promotions (@arti0090)
- #12184 [BC BREAK] [Api][AdminUser][AvatarImage][Channel][Currency][Customer] Refactor api serialization groups (@Tomanhez)
- #12188 [BC BREAK] [Api][Order] Refactor api serialization groups (@Tomanhez)
- #12205 [BC BREAK] [Api][Product] Refactor api serialization groups (@Tomanhez)
- #12206 [BC BREAK] [Api][OrderItem][OrderItemUnit] Refactor api serialization groups (@Tomanhez)
- #12206 [BC BREAK] [Api][OrderItem][OrderItemUnit] Refactor api serialization groups (@Tomanhez)
- #12212 [BC BREAK] [Api][Promotion][Province] Refactor api serialization groups (@lchrusciel)
- #12213 Upgrade psalm (@Tomanhez)
- #12214 Add conflict liminas/liminas-code 4.0.0 (@Tomanhez)
- #12215 Update CONFLICTS.MD (@Tomanhez)
- #12218 Remove laminas/laminas-code conflict (@Tomanhez)
- #12220 Fix event deprecations (@loic425)
- #12228 [BC BREAK] [Api][Adjustment][CustomerGrouop][ExchangeRate][Locale][Payment][PaymentMethod] Refactor api serialization groups (@Tomanhez)
- #12230 [BC BREAK] [Api][ShippingMethod][ShopBillingData][TaxCategory][Taxon][TaxonTranslation][Zone][ZoneMemberRefactor] serializations groups (@Tomanhez)
- #12231 Add conflict with polyfill-mbstring 1.22.0 (@Tomanhez)
- #12233 [Bug] Add Twig verification to check is taxon is enabled (@clem21)
- #12239 Update phpstan/phpstan requirement from 0.12.64 to 0.12.66 (@dependabot-preview[@bot])
- #12246 [OrderProcessor] Fix clearing tax adjustments (@GSadee)
- #12248 Make upgrade of serializations easier to read (@Jeroen-G)
- #12256 Ability to create non-translatable attributes fixtures + info about non-translatable attributes. (@SirDomin)
- #12257 [API] change new-api prefix to api (@SirDomin)
- #12258 [Docs] Add steps to upgrade jms configuration in UPGRADE-1.9 file (@Tomanhez)
- #12260 [Minor][Documentation] Improve attribute documentation (@lchrusciel)
- #12262 [Migrations] Use adding SQL instead of query execution (@GSadee)
- #12270 [Cart] change remove order item from PATCH method to DELETE method (@AdamKasp)
- #12278 [API] move security parameters to bundles (@SirDomin, @lchrusciel)
- #12279 [API] show product price (@SirDomin)
- #12282 [Shipment] Applying discounts and taxes for each shipment (@GSadee)
- #12283 Getting back to customer details in admin panel. (@mamazu)
- #12284 [Psalm] Fix build by casting to string in sprintf methods (@GSadee)
- #12287 [API] Search products by name within specific taxon (@pamil)
- #12288 Add proper date in licenses (@Tomanhez)
- #12290 [Docs] Upgrade sphinx installation guide (@Tomanhez, @pamil)
- #12291 Fix Taxon collection API name (@kayue)
- #12296 Typo fix (@Xeriaz)
- #12301 [API] Add missing api and no-api tags (@lchrusciel)
- #12311 [ADR] Unified API prefix (@lchrusciel)
- #12319 Fix the appearance of the UPGRADE-1.9 file (@GSadee)
- #12322 update documentation for creating custom model (@arti0090)
- #12323 Change the order of sections in the UPGRADE-1.9 file (@GSadee)
- #12325 fix problem with registered service (@AdamKasp, @pamil)
- #12326 Fixes in the UPGRADE-1.9 file (@GSadee)
- #12328 update documentation for creating custom resource controller (@arti0090)
- #12329 [Api] Add test app for ApiBundle (@Tomanhez, @GSadee, @lchrusciel)
- #12331 Add note about removing Twig route config in the UPGRADE-1.9 file (@GSadee)
- #12332 Reorganize UPGRADE-1.9 file to extract steps for Symfony v5.2 (@GSadee)
- #12336 Fix timeout on 404 Not Found errors when using templating and Symfony 4.4 (@pamil)
- #12338 [DOCS] Updating the controller customization (@Roshyo)
- #12342 Fixes according to composer require commands in the UPGRADE-1.9 file (@GSadee)
- #12351 [Doc] remove generator bundle info (deprecated) (@SirDomin)
- #12355 Remove unneeded zendframework/zend-hydrator dependency (@pamil)
- #12364 [Adjustment] Update new migrations not to execute if the changes already exist in db (@GSadee)
- #12365 [Adjustment] Update down methods of new migrations not to execute if the changes already exist in db (@GSadee)
- #12373 Move some steps to different section in the UPGRADE-1.9 file (@GSadee)
- #12378 [Bug-fix] Fix default form problem with _token field (@Zales0123)
- #12383 [API] ProductVariant serialization with new key "price" (@SirDomin)
- #12378 [Bug-fix] Fix default form problem with _token field (@Zales0123)
- #12311 [ADR] Unified API prefix (@lchrusciel)
- #12351 [Doc] remove generator bundle info (deprecated) (@SirDomin)
- #12352 [Frontend] add box with info about api identifiers (@SirDomin)
- #12355 Remove unneeded zendframework/zend-hydrator dependency (@pamil)
- #12363 [Maintenance] Run test suite for MySQL 8.0 (@lchrusciel, @GSadee)
- #12364 [Adjustment] Update new migrations not to execute if the changes already exist in db (@GSadee)
- #12365 [Adjustment] Update down methods of new migrations not to execute if the changes already exist in db (@GSadee)
- #12367 change swagger API info color to blue (@SirDomin)
- #12373 Move some steps to different section in the UPGRADE-1.9 file (@GSadee)
- #12313 Change package type from "project" to "library" (@vvasiloi)
- #12322 update documentation for creating custom model (@arti0090)
- #12328 update documentation for creating custom resource controller (@arti0090)
- #12331 Add note about removing Twig route config in the UPGRADE-1.9 file (@GSadee)
- #12332 Reorganize UPGRADE-1.9 file to extract steps for Symfony v5.2 (@GSadee)
- #12336 Fix timeout on 404 Not Found errors when using templating and Symfony 4.4 (@pamil)
- #12338 [DOCS] Updating the controller customization (@Roshyo)
- #12342 Fixes according to composer require commands in the UPGRADE-1.9 file (@GSadee)
- #12230 [BC BREAK] [Api] [ShippingMethod] [ShopBillingData] [TaxCategory] [Taxon][TaxonTranslation] [Zone] [ZoneMemberRefactor] serializations groups (@Tomanhez)
- #12278 [API] move security parameters to bundles (@SirDomin, @lchrusciel)
- #12289 [Docs] Add docs for LoyaltyRule (@Tomanhez)
- #12301 [API] Add missing api and no-api tags (@lchrusciel)
- #12312 [CI] Ignore changes in "adr" directory (@pamil)
- #12319 Fix the appearance of the UPGRADE-1.9 file (@GSadee)
- #12323 Change the order of sections in the UPGRADE-1.9 file (@GSadee)
- #12325 fix problem with registered service (@AdamKasp, @pamil)
- #12326 Fixes in the UPGRADE-1.9 file (@GSadee)
- #12272 [Docs] fix for admin RBAC channels (@AdamKasp)
- #12274 Fix no identifier defined error in ApiPlatform 2.6 (@kayue)
- #12279 [API] show product price (@SirDomin)
- #12281 Add conflict with api-platform/core:^2.6 (@pamil)
- #12282 [Shipment] Applying discounts and taxes for each shipment (@GSadee)
- #12283 Getting back to customer details in admin panel. (@mamazu)
- #12284 [Psalm] Fix build by casting to string in sprintf methods (@GSadee)
- #12287 [API] Search products by name within specific taxon (@pamil)
- #12288 Add proper date in licenses (@Tomanhez)
- #12290 [Docs] Upgrade sphinx installation guide (@Tomanhez, @pamil)
- #12291 Fix Taxon collection API name (@kayue)
- #12295 [Api] Fix CommandAwareInputDataTransformer (@Tomanhez)
- #12296 Typo fix (@Xeriaz)
- Added support for Symfony 5
- #12098 [Attributes][PoC] Attributes view reorganization (@Tomanhez, @kulczy, @AdamKasp, @SirDomin)
- #12148 Support for Symfony 5 (@pamil)
- #12220 Fix event deprecations (@loic425)
- #12233 [Bug] Add Twig verification to check is taxon is enabled (@clem21)
- #12234 Backport symfony/polyfill-mbstring:1.22.0 conflict to make the build passing on 1.8 (@pamil)
- #12246 [OrderProcessor] Fix clearing tax adjustments (@GSadee)
- #12248 Make upgrade of serializations easier to read (@Jeroen-G)
- #12255 Auto-merge passing dependabot PRs (@Zales0123)
- #12256 Ability to create non-translatable attributes fixtures + info about non-translatable attributes. (@SirDomin)
- #12257 [API] change new-api prefix to api (@SirDomin)
- #12258 [Docs] Add steps to upgrade jms configuration in UPGRADE-1.9 file (@Tomanhez)
- #12260 [Minor][Documentation] Improve attribute documentation (@lchrusciel)
- #12262 [Migrations] Use adding SQL instead of query execution (@GSadee)
- #12270 [Cart] change remove order item from PATCH method to DELETE method (@AdamKasp)
- #11370 Introduce limit parameter for quantity modifier (@arti0090)
- #11478 [ADR] Custom operation in new Sylius API (@lchrusciel)
- #11597 Update fixtures.rst (@gabiudrescu)
- #11752 [Minor] Sort checkout contexts (@lchrusciel)
- #11754 [API] Order confirmation email sending (@lchrusciel, @SirDomin)
- #11758 Allow newer "doctrine/doctrine-bundle" to match upcoming ResourceBundle reqs (@stloyd)
- #11762 add toogle button that verifies user account (@arti0090)
- #11765 Making the error message on fixutre load helpful (@mamazu)
- #11771 Reflect admin path change in UPGRADE-1.8 (@jacquesbh)
- #11805 Redirect /.well-known/change-password to the right page (@jacquesbh)
- #11811 [Maintenance] Remove dead part of travis installation script (@lchrusciel)
- #11817 [Api][Checkout] Allowing access only for correctly logged in - minor fixes (@Tomanhez)
- #11828 [API] add missing prefix to payments route (@AdamKasp)
- #11834 Update symfony.lock with a few missing entries (@jacquesbh)
- #11858 [API] Added behat tag for seeing shipping and payment methods on summary (@arti0090)
- #11859 [API]Seeing shipping and billing addresses on order summary page (@arti0090)
- #11860 [Api][Checkout][Shipping] Shipping method integrity validation (@Tomanhez)
- #11863 [API]Payment Method integrity check (@arti0090)
- #11874 [Api] restrict access to customer account editing (@AdamKasp)
- #11875 [API] Not being able to modify cart after completed checkout (@arti0090)
- #11877 [API] add payment method code to methods endpoint (@arti0090)
- #11888 [Api][Shop][Order][Address] Viewing order (@Tomanhez)
- #11889 [API] Implement choosing province during checkout (@GSadee)
- #11891 [Api] orders index for customer's account (@AdamKasp)
- #11896 [Api][Order]Viewing order details (@Tomanhez)
- #11906 [Api] Add validation for add to cart command (@AdamKasp)
- #11909 [Address] Improve province validation (@GSadee)
- #11912 [Admin][API][Shipment] Add filtering shipments by a shipping method (@GSadee)
- #11914 [Api][Address] Browsing AddressBook (@Tomanhez)
- #11915 [API]delete address book (@arti0090)
- #11916 End of maintenance date fixed (@leniwy-splendor)
- #11917 1.5 version EoL update (@leniwy-splendor)
- #11923 Keep it consistent with simple quotes (@jacquesbh)
- #11924 [Api] Change payment method after checkout (@AdamKasp)
- #11925 [PoC][API] Resolve proper IRI in admin/shop contexts (@Tomanhez, @GSadee)
- #11928 Adding select type to doc (@moein)
- #11930 Branch update (@leniwy-splendor)
- #11933 Brunch update vol.2 (@leniwy-splendor)
- #11934 Update ChangeItemQuantityInCart (@leniwy-splendor)
- #11935 Updated Sylius description in documentation's README (@ValentineJester)
- #11937 [Cart] Change logic for maintaining cart after logging in (@GSadee)
- #11938 [API][AddressBook] Adding new address (@SirDomin, @GSadee)
- #11939 [API]Seeing shipping cost of order (@arti0090)
- #11947 [API] Add removed feature (@lchrusciel)
- #11950 [Core][Channel] Add contact phone number to channel (@twojtylak)
- #11951 [Api] Be able to change authorization header (@Tomanhez)
- #11952 [Fixture] Add getOneBy method to LazyOption (@lchrusciel)
- #11953 [Docs] Announce 1.9 release period (@lchrusciel)
- #11954 Delete redundant steps (@AdamKasp)
- #11961 [API][AddressBook] Setting default address (@AdamKasp)
- #11963 [API][AddressBook] Minor fixes to api behats (@AdamKasp)
- #11964 [API][AddressBook] Protect addresses with new firewall (@AdamKasp)
- #11971 [API] Seeing promotions total in cart (@arti0090)
- #11973 [API] [My Account] Edit addressbook (@SirDomin)
- #11983 [Minor] Update service definition to not using depracated service (@lchrusciel)
- #11984 [API]maintaining cart after login and registration (@arti0090)
- #11989 [API]added missing serialization to address editing endpoint (@arti0090)
- #11995 [Behat] Fix argument name after upgrade Behat to v3.8.0 (@GSadee)
- #11997 Revert "[API]added missing serialization to address editing endpoint" (@lchrusciel)
- #11998 [API][Shop] Logging in after changing password implementation (@lchrusciel, @arti0090)
- #12001 [Maintenance] Fix naming issues after psalm bump (@lchrusciel)
- #12002 [API]added missing serialization to address editing endpoint (@arti0090)
- #12003 [API][Behat]refactor api admin context (@arti0090)
- #12006 [API][Checkout] Implement scenarios for preventing checkout with an empty cart (@GSadee)
- #12007 [API] Fix names in change password command (@AdamKasp)
- #12008 Note about disabled product variants and taxons (@jacquesbh)
- #12013 [API]adding promotions with expire date (@arti0090)
- #12016 [Api] Changing orders payment methods on shop account (@Tomanhez)
- #12021 Remove unnecessary conflicts (@pamil)
- #12025 [API]adding promotions with expire date (@arti0090)
- #12026 [Order] Change localisation of findCartByTokenValue function (@AdamKasp)
- #12027 [FIXTURES] Use shopbillDataFactory in ChannelExampleFactory (@lukasz.@wroblewski88@@gmail.@com)
- #12032 [API] Move register operation below customers endpoint (@lchrusciel)
- #12034 [API][Product] Change identifier for shop endpoint from slug to code (@GSadee)
- #12035 info about JWT token generation required (@rafbit)
- #12036 [API] Fix PHPSpec of order query extension after upmerge (@GSadee)
- #12037 [API]fixes to
adding promotions with expire date
(@arti0090) - #12038 [Minor][ADR] Explicit bus declaration on handlers (@lchrusciel)
- #12039 [Minor] Inject proper order processor (@lchrusciel)
- #12041 [API] Fixes after PR with resolving proper iri in different contexts (@GSadee)
- #12044 [API][Product] Add note in UPGRADE file about changing identifier for shop endpoint (@GSadee)
- #12045 [API] Add missing endpoints for address and country resources (@GSadee)
- #12050 Refactor mailing (@lchrusciel, @SirDomin)
- #12054 [ADR] Sending emails via api (@SirDomin)
- #12057 Switch to Psalm 4 (@pamil)
- #12058 Update PHPStan and its configuration (@pamil)
- #12059 Upgrade to PHPSpec 7 (@pamil)
- #12073 Replace fzaninotto/faker with fakerphp/faker (@DieterHolvoet)
- #12074 [API] add api tag to applying promotions with expiration date (@arti0090)
- #12075 [Behat]refactor of setup/PromotionContext class (@arti0090)
- #12076 [API][Behat] fixed steps for quantity-change api test (@arti0090)
- #12078 [Behat] refactor of cart and checkout contexts (@arti0090)
- #12081 [Api] Receiving discount promotion (@Tomanhez)
- #12082 [Promotions] Replace wrong names (@Tomanhez)
- #12083 [Api] Receiving percentage discount (@Tomanhez)
- #12084 Upgrade all dependencies to versions supporting Symfony 5 (@pamil, @Zales0123)
- #12107 Api platform payment (@SirDomin)
- #12109 [API] placing order on multiple channels with api (@arti0090)
- #12116 [Adjustment] Add more details to adjustment and make shipment adjustable (@GSadee, @SirDomin, @lchrusciel)
- #12128 [AdminApiBundle][CoreBundle] Update unit test versions (@Tomanhez)
- #12139 [Api] Locale code on checkout (@Tomanhez)
- #12153 [API] prevent checkout skipping shipping step (@arti0090)
- #12154 [API] show possible shipping methods for order (@arti0090)
- #12157 Bump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.7 (@dependabot[@bot])
- #12161 Add tag no-api to scenario (@arti0090)
- #12162 [Api][Checkout] Shipping fees on multi-channel (@Tomanhez)
- #12164 update upgrade file after changes with tax adjustment (@arti0090)
- #12165 [Api] Check currency on channel (@Tomanhez)
- #12178 [API] Browsing promotions (@arti0090)
- #12179 [API] deleting promotions (@arti0090)
- #12184 [BC BREAK] [Api][AdminUser][AvatarImage][Channel][Currency][Customer] Refactor api serialization groups (@Tomanhez)
- #12188 [BC BREAK] [Api][Order] Refactor api serialization groups (@Tomanhez)
- #12205 [BC BREAK] [Api][Product] Refactor api serialization groups (@Tomanhez)
- #12206 [BC BREAK] [Api][OrderItem][OrderItemUnit] Refactor api serialization groups (@Tomanhez)
- #12206 [BC BREAK] [Api][OrderItem][OrderItemUnit] Refactor api serialization groups (@Tomanhez)
- #12212 [BC BREAK] [Api][Promotion][Province] Refactor api serialization groups (@lchrusciel)
- #12213 Upgrade psalm (@Tomanhez)
- #12214 Add conflict liminas/liminas-code 4.0.0 (@Tomanhez)
- #12215 Update CONFLICTS.MD (@Tomanhez)
- #12218 Remove laminas/laminas-code conflict (@Tomanhez)
- #12228 [BC BREAK] [Api][Adjustment][CustomerGrouop][ExchangeRate][Locale][Payment][PaymentMethod] Refactor api serialization groups (@Tomanhez)
- #12231 Add conflict with polyfill-mbstring 1.22.0 (@Tomanhez)