- #12578 [API][Shop] Remove channel pricing from shop (@lchrusciel, @SirDomin)
- #12602 [Refactor] Unification of buses (@SirDomin)
- #12619 [Docs] Add docs for custom entity with access per admin channel (@Tomanhez, @GSadee)
- #12621 [API] sorting product by position in taxon (@AdamKasp)
- #12623 [API] Revert locale to localeCode in pickup cart (@arti0090)
- #12626 [Api] Adding product to cart with proper product price per channel (@Tomanhez, @AdamKasp, @GSadee)
- #12627 [DOCS] API custom logic example (@arti0090, @GSadee)
- #12628 [API] Conflict with symfony/property-info due to problem with wrong namespaces of some translation entities (@GSadee)
- #12632 [Docs] Mention localhost exposure for easier Facebook login (@Zales0123)
- #12633 [Bug] [Temporary solution] Comment out 2 behats steps for checking notifications (@SirDomin)
- #12634 [DOCS] Change response codeblocks to be more clarified (@arti0090)
- #12639 [API]Add inStock serialization to productVariant (@arti0090)
- #12640 [DOCS] Modify serialization fields in api (@arti0090)
- #12642 [Documentation] Fix Customizing API doc headers inconsistency (@CoderMaggie)
- #12643 [README] Fix link to plugin list (@lchrusciel)
- #12644 [README] Supported versions update (@lchrusciel)
- #12647 Improve API Platform customisation guide (@pamil)
- #12648 [Api] Prevent product more than in stock (@Tomanhez)
- #12649 [API][Product] Expose default variant on product show and index (@GSadee)
- #12650 [API][ProductVariant] Fix product variant response by using proper normalizer (@GSadee)
- #12651 [API][ProductVariant] Add additional specs for product variant normalizer (@GSadee)
- #12652 [API][Product] Add additional specs for product normalizer (@GSadee)
- #12653 [API] Add missing inStock field to swagger (@arti0090)
- #12654 [Api] Check stock sufficient while cart update (@Tomanhez)
- #12655 [Documentation][Plus] Minor improvements in cookbook for accessing to entities by channel admins (@GSadee)
- #12657 [API] Adding inexistent payment method (@arti0090)
- #12658 add validation on complete order (@AdamKasp)
- #12660 [API] Preventing from choosing unavailable shipping method during checkout (@GSadee)
- #12661 [API] Add itemsTotal field to order resource (@arti0090)
- #12663 [Api] Customer see description of a product (@Tomanhez)
- #12665 Add Validation to chose payment method (@AdamKasp)
- #12666 [API] Prevent from using inexistent shipping method (@pamil)
- #12667 [Documentation] Customizing CreditMemo entity by adding a new field (@GSadee)
- #12668 [API] write order email send test in api bundle (@pamil, @SirDomin)
- #12669 [API] short description on product index (@AdamKasp)
- #12671 [Api] Tests adding incorrect county code to address order (@Tomanhez)
- #12672 Fix for build of Sylius Standard (@arti0090)
- #12673 [API][Address] Remove account prefix from addresses endpoints (@GSadee)
- #12674 [Minor] Return shop user after registration command to improve extendibility (@lchrusciel)
- #12675 Add missing return value (@AdamKasp)
- Added support for PHP 8.0 (#12552)
- Allowed user password to be null (#12441)
- Bumped PHP requirements to 7.4 (#12297)
- Removed Admin API Bundle from the default Sylius installation (#12547)
- Replaced codes and ids in API v2 with IRIs (#12487)
- Replaced deprecated Zend libraries with Laminas replacements (#12357)
- Switched to utf8mb4 database charset (#12429)
- Unified serialization groups within API v2 (#12532)
- Upgraded to API Platform ^2.6 (#12510)
- #12048 [API] Explicitly exclude feature from API implementation (@lchrusciel)
- #12092 Resource layer tip - English corrections (@tuala)
- #12297 Bump up requirements to PHP 7.4 (@pamil)
- #12303 Remove lock file from cache hashes in CI (@szepeviktor)
- #12304 Update PHPStan configuration (@szepeviktor)
- #12333 [API] remove promotion coupon (@arti0090)
- #12347 Remove roadmap links for now (@pjedrzejewski)
- #12357 Replace zendframework/zend-stdlib with laminas/laminas-stdlib (@pamil)
- #12360 [API] Password reset (@arti0090)
- #12366 [API] change variants to iri + tests (@SirDomin)
- #12368 [API] Account verifying (@AdamKasp, @arti0090)
- #12382 Filter product variants by product & option values (@pamil, @GSadee)
- #12385 Add contact email in channel fixture (@maximehuran)
- #12390 Shipping method change key cost to price (@SirDomin, @AdamKasp)
- #12391 [API] reseting password with validation (@arti0090)
- #12395 [Docs] Add note about doctrine migrations (@Tomanhez)
- #12402 Remove duplicated entry in composer file and add return type in setup trait (@arti0090)
- #12405 Decouple translation used in emails from shopBundle to coreBundle (@arti0090)
- #12408 [ApiBundle] Use one kernel in test application (@GSadee)
- #12419 [API] Add missing specs and make fixes to reset password PR (@arti0090)
- #12420 [API] Adjust reset password requests (@lchrusciel)
- #12424 Doc: Fix Doctrine project url (@n3wborn)
- #12429 Use 4-Byte UTF-8 Unicode Encoding (@jacquesbh)
- #12431 Bump elliptic from 6.5.3 to 6.5.4 (@dependabot[@bot])
- #12441 [UserBundle] Allow user password to be null for SSO (@loic425)
- #12444 Create resource belongs to collectionOperation (@kayue)
- #12445 [Api] Subscribed to newsletter (@Tomanhez)
- #12451 [Docs] How to add product variants by options to the cart in Sylius API? (@AdamKasp)
- #12456 Update sspooky13/yaml-standards requirement from ^5.1 to ^5.1 || ^6.0 (@dependabot-preview[@bot])
- #12457 Drop sspooky13/yaml-standards ^5.1 in favour of ^6.0 (@pamil)
- #12460 Use egulias/email-validator ^3.0 (@pamil)
- #12470 [API] Remove untested route on ProductVariant (@lchrusciel)
- #12472 [Api] Visitor and Customer add ProductReview (@Tomanhez)
- #12474 [API] Resend Verification email (@arti0090)
- #12476 [API] Subscribing to newsletter on account register (@arti0090)
- #12477 [API] product review filters (@SirDomin)
- #12478 Remove unnecessary logic from handler (@arti0090)
- #12479 Add few cosmetic improvements in ChangeShopUserPasswordHandler.php and xml files (@Tomanhez)
- #12480 Change command constructor (@arti0090)
- #12482 Remove duplicated service (@Tomanhez)
- #12483 [Api] Product has last 3 reviews by default (@SirDomin)
- #12485 Use route name instead of a hardcoded '/' to redirect user on logout (@rimas-kudelis)
- #12487 [Api][POC]Convert iri to code in command (@Tomanhez, @arti0090)
- #12491 [API] Added product average rating (@SirDomin)
- #12496 fixed find files in yaml standards (@sspooky13)
- #12497 [API] Validating shipment that was shipped (@arti0090)
- #12498 Convert iri to code in command AddProductReview (@Tomanhez)
- #12499 [API][Shop] Add validation for adding a product review (@GSadee)
- #12509 [API] Add admin and shop section resolvers (@GSadee)
- #12510 Update to api platform v2.6 (@Tomanhez)
- #12512 [API] Fix cart blaming (@GSadee, @arti0090)
- #12518 fix: add unique index to token_value in order entity (@pptasinski)
- #12526 Remove unused api cart blamer method add missing spec (@arti0090)
- #12528 Refactor cart blaming (@arti0090)
- #12529 Cleanup resend verification email handler (@arti0090)
- #12530 [API]Unify change quantity endpoint with other orders endpoints (@arti0090)
- #12532 [API] Serialization groups unified (@SirDomin)
- #12533 Minor fixes for cart blaming command (@arti0090)
- #12534 [Api] upgrade taxon filter on product (@AdamKasp, @GSadee, @SirDomin)
- #12542 Upgrade release cycle dates for 1.9 and 1.10 (@pamil)
- #12544 [API][Checkout] Add tag to promotion scenario (@lchrusciel)
- #12545 [API][Promotion] Test applying promotion rules (@lchrusciel)
- #12547 Remove Admin API Bundle from the default Sylius installation (@pamil)
- #12552 Add support for PHP 8.0 (@pamil)
- #12557 update Plus installation guide (@AdamKasp)
- #12558 [Order] Fix race condition problem with multiple order recalculations (@GSadee)
- #12562 [DOC] update theme structure documentation (@Sylvain @Just)
- #12564 [Docs] add minor improvement to Plus installation guide (@AdamKasp)
- #12565 [API][Order] Fix possibility to limit orders by refactoring from data provider to extension (@GSadee)
- #12568 [API] channel based product collection (@SirDomin)
- #12569 Bugfix | Filter out not enabled products in API collection (@stloyd, @arti0090)
- #12571 [API] remove productCode from addToCart (@SirDomin)
- #12574 Upgrade to GitHub-native Dependabot (@dependabot-preview[@bot])
- #12579 [API] Validate if product or variant is enabled (@arti0090)
- #12581 [Api]Fix isAllowedProperty return type in ReflectionExtractor (@Tomanhez, @pamil)
- #12592 Include just one MySQL 5.7 build (@pamil)
- #12599 [Docs] Add and improve new api docs (@AdamKasp)
- #12600 [Api]Add customers id next to token (@Tomanhez)
- #12604 [API] Cherry pick commits on 1.9 branch for validating if product is enabled during adding to cart (@arti0090, @GSadee)
- #12609 Adding product from another channel bugfix (@arti0090)
- #12610 Fixes after upmerge (@AdamKasp)
- #12612 [Documentation] Update cookbook about Facebook login (@GSadee)
- #12613 [API] Adding inexistent variant (@arti0090, @GSadee)
- #12617 [API][PHPSpec] Fix validator after upmerge (@GSadee)