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StephanOepen edited this page Jan 30, 2014 · 12 revisions


In WeSearch, we are exploring the use of semantic technologies, in particular RDF triple stores, to search potentially very lage collections of semantic annotations.

In the DELPH-IN context, there are three relevant types of semantic representations: (a) Minimal Recursion Semantics (MRS); (b) Elementary Dependency Structures (EDS); and (c) DELPH-IN MRS-Derived Bi-Lexical Dependencies (DM). Of these, MRS is arguably the most interesting, both in terms of completeness (EDS and DM are derived, simplified representations) and design choices in mapping MRS elements to RDF.

The DM format is part of the SemEval 2014 Task 8 on Broad-Coverage Semantic Dependency Parsing, where there is an exploratory search interface for DM graphs.


Following is an MRS example for the sentence Kim promised his manager to sing. There are multiple exchange formats for MRS, and here we use what is called the simple serialization (the format deployed by, among others, WikiWoods and DeepBank distributions, owing to its premiere balance of human and computer readability):

  [ LTOP: h1
    RELS: < [ proper_q_rel<0:3>
              LBL: h4 ARG0: x6 [ x PERS: 3 NUM: SG IND: + ] RSTR: h5 BODY: h7 ]
            [ named_rel<0:3>
              LBL: h8 ARG0: x6 CARG: "Kim" ]
            [ "_promise_v_1_rel"<4:12>
              LBL: h2 ARG0: e3 ARG1: x6 ARG2: x10 [ x PERS: 3 NUM: SG IND: + ] ARG3: h9 ]
            [ def_explicit_q_rel<13:16>
              LBL: h11 ARG0: x10 RSTR: h13 BODY: h12 ]
            [ pronoun_q_rel<13:16>
              LBL: h17
              ARG0: x15 [ x PERS: 3 NUM: SG GEND: M PRONTYPE: STD_PRON ]
              RSTR: h18
              BODY: h19 ]
            [ pron_rel<13:16>
              LBL: h20
              ARG0: x15 ]
            [ poss_rel<13:16>
              LBL: h14 ARG0: e16 [ e SF: PROP TENSE: UNTENSED MOOD: INDICATIVE PROG: - PERF: - ] ARG1: x10 ARG2: x15 ]
            [ "_manager_n_1_rel"<17:25>
              LBL: h14 ARG0: x10 ]
            [ "_sing_v_1_rel"<29:34>
              LBL: h21 ARG0: e22 [ e SF: PROP-OR-QUES TENSE: UNTENSED MOOD: INDICATIVE PROG: - PERF: - ] ARG1: x6 ARG2: p23 ] >
    HCONS: < h1 qeq h2 h5 qeq h8 h9 qeq h21 h13 qeq h14 h18 qeq h20 > ]

To establish some terminology, an MRS is a four-tuple comprised of a top handle, an index, a bag (i.e. multi-set) of elementary predications (EPs), and a bag of handle constraints; each elementary predication has a label, predicate, set of role–argument pairs, and a set of (constant) parameters; although this is not exemplified in the above, multiple predications can share the same label, i.e. these do not function as unique identifiers. Predicates and role labels are case-insensitive strings; parameters are case-sensitive strings. Labels and role arguments are variables, which come in three basic types: labels are of type ‘h’ (for handle or hole), events (prototypically associated with verbal semantics) are of type ‘e’, and instances (prototypically the semantics associated with nominals) are of type ‘x’. In addition to these most specific variable types, there are underspecifications as follows: ‘i’ (for individual) is a supertype of ‘e’ and ‘x’; ‘p’ (the half-way mark in the alphabet between ‘h’ and ‘x’) is a supertype of labels and instances; and ‘u’ (for unspecific or maybe unbound) is a supertype of all of the above. Variables can have variable properties, which have the form of property–value pairs; property labels are case-insensitive strings, and values are strings that draw on a small but language-specific pre-defined hierarchy. Finally, elementary predications can carry link information, relating pieces of semantics to pieces of the underlying utterance; in our example above, links are coded as so-called characterization ranges, i.e. sub-string indices.

Consider the EP associated with the proper name Kim:

  [ named_rel<0:3>
    LBL: h8 ARG0: x6 CARG: "Kim" ]

This elementary predication has label ‘h8’ and predicate ‘named’ (by convention, MRS-internally predicate symbols always have the suffix ‘_rel’, but this is most commonly stripped in downstream processing); its surface link is the character range ‘<0:3>’, i.e. the sub-string starting at character position zero, and ending before character position three. The EP has one argument, labeled ‘ARG0’, whose value is the variable ‘x6’, and one parameter, labeled ‘CARG’, with value ‘Kim’. As shown here, ‘x6’ appears to not carry variable property, but looking at the first occurence of the variable in the full example MRS above, it actually has three properties, labeled ‘NUM’, ‘PERS’, and ‘IND’.

Returning to the full MRS above, and completing our terminological walk-through ‘h1’ is designated as the top handle, and ‘e3’ as the index. Finally, there are five handle constraints, each a binary relation holding between two labels. The only type of constraint used in the ERG is ‘=q’ (equal modulo quantifier insertion), and handle constraints can only be expressed in terms of label-type variables that actually occur in the MRS.

With several different types of components comprising the complete MRS, there are a number of design decisions to be made in mapping these structures onto an RDF ontology. Before turning to these choices, consider the following example query, which is taken from the on-going ERG Semantic Documentation project (see the pages ErgSemantics and ErgSemantics/RelativeClauses):

  h:*(ARG0 x)
  h:*(ARG0 e[TENSE tensed])

This query (also called the ‘fingerprint’ of the semantics associated with relative clauses in the ERG) is meant to match MRSs where there are (at least) two EPs that have the same label (variable ‘h’), and where the first EP has (at least) a role ‘ARG0’, with a value of type ‘x’, and the second EP also has (at least) a role ‘ARG0’, but with its value constrained to be of type ‘e’ and containing (at least) the variable property ‘TENSE’ with a value compatible with ‘tensed’ (which in the ERG inventory of variable properties is a supertype of, among others, ‘past’, ‘pres’(ent), ‘fut’(ure).

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