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This page is written and maintained by EmilyBender. Please send comments by email.
The LinGO Grammar Matrix is an open-source starter-kit for rapid prototyping of precision broad-coverage grammars compatible with the LKB. The Matrix thrives on input from users working on varied languages. If you're interested, please contact us --- through the mailing list, or by emailing [http://faculty.washington.edu/ebender Emily Bender] at ebender at u dot washington dot edu.
The [wiki:MatrixWishList Wish List] page serves as a forum for relatively informal exchange among developers and consumers, in addition to the Matrix mailing list.
There is an excellent http://faculty.washington.edu/ebender/papers/userguide.pdf guide available (Flickinger, Dan, Emily M. Bender and Stephan Oepen. 2003. MRS in the LinGO Grammar Matrix: A Practical User's Guide. ms). Some of it is out of date, but it is still the best single source of information.
[http://www.delph-in.net/matrix Matrix web site], includes publications and a list of languages
[http://www.delph-in.net/matrix/customize/matrix.cgi Customization page], to customize and download a current copy of the Matrix
[http://lists.delph-in.net/mailman/listinfo/matrix/ Matrix mailing list ]
[http://lemur.ling.washington.edu/trac/matrix trac site]: Submit bug reports here!
[http://courses.washington.edu/ling567 Matrix-based multilingual grammar engineering course] at the University of Washington, taught annually since 2004.
The Matrix is a key component of the [http://depts.washington.edu/uwcl/Montage Montage] toolkit (currently still just a bunch of good ideas), a suite of tools to assist in the documentation of grammars of underdescribed languages.
The [http://depts.washington.edu/uwcl/twiki/bin/view.cgi/Main/GrammarEngineeringFAQ LKB Grammar Engineering/FAQ] on the [http://depts.washington.edu/uwcl/twiki/bin/view.cgi/Main/WebHome UW Treehouse wiki] may be useful to those working with the Matrix.
- We have some examples in the short and sweet [wiki:MatrixMrsTestSuite MRS Test Suite]s, which now exist for multiple languages.
[http://courses.washington.edu/ling567 Emily Bender's course], University of Washington
[http://www.hf.ntnu.no/hf/isk/Ansatte/petter.haugereid/grammar-course.html Petter Haugereid's course], NTNU and U. Saarlandes
10/27/08: New trac site announced. Submit bug reports [http://lemur.ling.washington.edu/trac/matrix here]!
We are currently expanding the phenomenon libraries to include case, agreement, tense and aspect, as well as extensions to the existing libraries for word order, sentential negation, yes-no questions and coordination.
PET now has :+.
MatrixDevTop: Notes for Matrix developers
Work on the Grammar Matrix is currently supported by an NSF CAREER grant (BCS-0644097).
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