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EmilyBender edited this page May 20, 2009 · 45 revisions

Page Authorship

This page is written and maintained by EmilyBender. Please send comments by email.


The LinGO Grammar Matrix is an open-source starter-kit for rapid prototyping of precision broad-coverage grammars compatible with the LKB. The Matrix thrives on input from users working on varied languages. If you're interested, please contact us --- through the mailing list, or by emailing [ Emily Bender] at ebender at u dot washington dot edu.

The [wiki:MatrixWishList Wish List] page serves as a forum for relatively informal exchange among developers and consumers, in addition to the Matrix mailing list.

There is an excellent guide available (Flickinger, Dan, Emily M. Bender and Stephan Oepen. 2003. MRS in the LinGO Grammar Matrix: A Practical User's Guide. ms). Some of it is out of date, but it is still the best single source of information.


  • We have some examples in the short and sweet [wiki:MatrixMrsTestSuite MRS Test Suite]s, which now exist for multiple languages.



The Grammar Matrix has been used as the basis for the following grammars:

Current events

  • 10/27/08: New trac site announced. Submit bug reports [ here]!

  • We are currently expanding the phenomenon libraries to include case, agreement, tense and aspect, as well as extensions to the existing libraries for word order, sentential negation, yes-no questions and coordination.

  • PET now has :+.

  • MatrixDevTop: Notes for Matrix developers


Work on the Grammar Matrix is currently supported by an NSF CAREER grant (BCS-0644097).

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