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Working program for the Bellingham/Fairhaven Summit (July 18-22).
Join Zoom here: https://zoom.us/j/95109189661?pwd=S3ovQ0dhenhvNG1WeTh6M3NUWThxZz09
Meeting ID: 951 0918 9661
Passcode: 469427
Please upload your presentations here and then link them to your session.
Time | Content | Presenter (Scribe) |
9:30--11:00 | 1.1 Welcome and Site Updates | |
Welcome & Introductions | Francis, Luis & All | |
Final site report for Stanford (8) | Dan | |
IBM and FGV (8) | Alexandre | |
UW (8) | Emily | |
Bergen (8) | Petter | |
Cambridge (8) | Guy | |
NTT, NICT, NTU, Palacký (8) | Francis | |
Diderot (8) | Berthold | |
Perplexity Game Engine (8) | Eric | |
11:00--11:30 | Break | |
11:30--13:00 | 1.2 English Resource Grammar (Chair: Francis) | |
ERG 2022 release plans (10+10) | Dan | |
🗪 Linking ERG lexicon and English WordNet (60) (minutes) | Dan (Mike) | |
13:00--14:00 | Lunch | |
14:00--15:30 | 1.3 Language Learning (Chair: Joanna) | |
CHILL (Chinese Intelligent Language Learning) (10+10) | Luis | |
🗪 Spanish Grammar Checking with SRG (60) | Olga (Luis) | |
15:30--16:00 | Break | |
16:00--17:30 | 1.4 New stuff (Chair: Dan) | |
LKB-FOS Update (20+20) | John | |
Neural Supertagging for ERG (10+10) | Olga | |
Bernoulli Fields: probability distributions for vague semantics and pragmatics (10+10) | Guy |
Time | Content | Presenter (Scribe) |
9:30--11:00 | 2.1 Matrix (Chair: Glenn) | |
Inference for Adnominal Possession (10+10) | Allison | |
Inference for valence changing morphology (10+10) | Yi-Chien | |
Improving morphotactic inference when roots aren't identified (10+10) | Tara | |
Templates for Test by Generation on the Matrix page (10+10) | Rosetta | |
11:00--11:30 | Break | |
11:30--13:00 | 2.2 Matrix Reloaded (Chair: Olga) | |
Improving Inter-libraries Interactions (10+10) | Tom | |
🗪 Speeding up the Web Questionnaire (60) (minutes) | Emily & Tom (Rosy) | |
13:00--14:00 | Lunch | |
14:00--15:30 | 2.3 Linguistic Phenomena (Chair: Emily) | |
Semantic vs Syntactic Treebanking (20+20) (minutes) | Berthold (Tara) | |
Ground Promotion in Norwegian (10+10) | Petter | |
Chinese Nominal Phrases (Mandarin, Cantonese) (10+10) | Joanna | |
15:30--16:00 | Break | |
16:00--17:30 | 2.4 Documentation (Chair: Woodley) | |
Linguistic Type Database (new and improved) (10+10) | Francis | |
🗪 Improving the ERG Semantic Documentation for users (60) (minutes) | Eric (Olga) |
Time | Content | Presenter (Scribe) |
10:00--11:00 | 3.1 Lexical Semantics (Chair: Petter) | |
🗪 Glosstag -- parsing wordnet definitions and linking to senses (60) (minutes) | Alexandre (Yi-Chien) | |
11:00--11:30 | Break | |
11:30--12:30 | 3.2 Business Meeting and Planning SIGs (Chair: John) | |
Business meeting (30-60) | All | |
Planning SIGs (30) | Francis & Luis | |
12:30--14:00 | Lunch | |
14:00--22:00 | Excursion | |
Cruise, Explore, Dinner on the boat & Whale Watching (600) Trip leaves from the ferry terminal |
Woodley |
Time | Content | Leader |
9:30--11:00 | T5: Introduction to Emerson-Turing Types | Guy |
11:00--11:30 | Break | |
11:30--13:00 | S8: Logoff and Git it On: moving DELPH-IN Resources to Github | Mike |
13:00--15:00 | Lunch | |
15:00--16:30 | S2: Generating Referring Expressions using MRS | Liz |
S6: Expanding the Doc Strings Format (small room) | Dan & Francis & Luis | |
16:30--17:00 | Break | |
17:00--18:30 | S7: Documenting Matrix Types | Francis & Emily |
Time | Content | Leader (Requester) |
9:30--11:00 | S3: How to continue the ERS documentation | Dan & Emily |
11:00--11:30 | Break | |
11:30--13:00 | T2: FFTB Tutorial | Dan & Woodley (Alexandre) |
13:00--15:00 | Lunch | |
15:00--16:30 | T3: How to expand your grammar post-matrix | Olga & Luis (Alexandre) |
16:30--17:00 | Break | |
17:00--18:30 | S1: Running the supertagger | Olga & Woodley & Dan |
S1: Integrating the new supertagger into ACE: Olga
S2: MRS templates for generating referring expressions: Liz (changed the topic, more prepared for this one)
S3: ERG Semantic Documentation: How to involve more contributors: Emily, Dan
S4: Hackathon to close https://delphinqa.ling.washington.edu/ questions: Alexandre
S5: Building, Formatting and Sharing Treebanks (w/FFTB): Luis
S6: Expanding Doc-strings Format: Dan, Francis Luis (should precede "Doc-strings for Matrix types")
S7: Doc-strings for Matrix types: Francis, Emily
S8: LOGOFF and Git On – Migrating our legacy SVN projects into GitHub: Mike
T1: Aggregation: Liz, tutorial offer
T2: FFTB: Liz, Alexandre, tutorial request
T3: Tutorial for Grammar writers about “after MATRIX bootstrap”: Alexandre, tutorial requester
T4: Linguistic Type Database: Francis tutorial offer, help setting up
T5: Wrapper & computation types ("Emerson-Turing types"): Guy, tutorial offer
T6: Treebanking over the net with semantic discriminators, Berthold, tutorial request (there is no system, so hard to do a tutorial).
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