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FrancisBond edited this page Feb 20, 2006 · 31 revisions
  • FEB-06 [ Delphin Developers Meeting] (Jerez, Spain)

  • AUG-06 Inaugural Delphin Meeting (Lisbon, Portugal)

  • OCT-04 The [ Deep-Thought Consortium] holds its Final Project Review in Lido di Camaiore (Italy) and receives high acclaim for its [ Heart of Gold] integration and innovative applications; the project has used and improved DELPH-IN resources and prepares to contribute additional technology to the open-source repository. Following the review, the consortium organizes a Roadmap Workshop on future applications of hybrid text understanding with some 20 participants from both academia and industry.

  • SEP-04 As part of an on-going effort to harmonize distribution and documentation of DELPH-IN resources, the infrastructure relocates to a new server provided by the Oslo University [ MT Research Group]. New services go on-line, including a unified [ mailing list manager], [ concise web access statistics], and a [ wiki forum] for collaborative publishing.

  • SEP-04 The EU-funded [ Deep-Thought Consortium] (coordinated at Saarland University by Hans Uszkoreit and Melanie Siegel), completes the integration of its [ Heart of Gold] core architecture framework, an ensemble of ‘shallow’ and ‘deep’ NLP engines for (currently) six major languages; see the on-line demonstration.

  • AUG-04 As part of the 20th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, DELPH-IN members organize the 5th International Workshop on Linguistically Interpreted Corpora (LINC-04) in Geneva (Switzerland). Reflecting the large number of high-quality presentations at the workshop, the organizers prepare a follow-up publication as a journal special issue.

  • AUG-04 DELPH-IN members organize a workshop on Semantics in Grammar Engineering in conjunction with the 11th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar in Leuven (Belgium).

  • SEP-03 As part of the Second International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theory, Stephan Oepen gives an invited overview presentation of the LinGO Redwoods treebank initiative: Treebanks versus Linguistic Theory. — Anyone Need Grammars?

  • AUG-03 DELPH-IN members organize the International Workshop on Multilingual Grammar Engineering during the European Summer School for Logic, Language, and Information 2003 in Vienna (Austria).

  • JUL-03 NTT Communications Research Laboratories launches a project on parsing Japanese dictionary definitions using the DELPH-IN JaCY grammar in conjunction with the LKB, PET, and [incr tsdb()]; based on the LinGO Redwoods approach, the project expects to treebank several tens of thousands of definitions and use the analysis results for knowledge acquisition.

  • APR-03 The LinGO Laboratory at CSLI Stanford (re-)activates its on-line web interface to the English Resource Grammar.

  • JAN-03 The Norwegian LOGON Consortium, a machine translation effort funded by the Norwegian government and (proportional to capita) twice the size of Verbmobil starts a four-year grant; LOGON has decided to use MRS for meaning representation and the LKB and LinGO ERG for transfer and generation.

  • OCT-02 The EU-funded IST consortium Deep-Thought starts a two-year grant for research into the use of ‘deep’ processing in innovative information extraction, email management, and creative authoring applications.

  • SEP-02 Edinburgh and Stanford Universities start a joint three-year grant on Robust Semantic Interpretation (ROSIE), using the LKB, LinGO ERG, and Reedwoods treebank for research on the integration of discourse-level modelling and stochastic and active learning approaches to disambiguation.

  • AUG-02 Hans Uszkoreit presents an invited presentation on DELPH-IN research and resources to the 19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics in Taipei (Taiwain).

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