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JUN-11 The [wiki:SuquamishTop Seventh Annual DELPH-IN Meeting] will be held in Suquamish, WA, near Seattle.
JUL-10 The [wiki:ParisTop Sixth Annual DELPH-IN Meeting] was held in Paris, France.
JUL-09 The [wiki:BarcelonaTop Fifth Annual DELPH-IN Meeting] was held in Barcelona, Spain.
JUN-09 DELPH-IN member [wiki:ScottDrellishak Scott Drellishak] (student of DELPH-IN member [wiki:EmilyBender Emily Bender]) defended his dissertation [http://students.washington.edu/sfd/Drellishak%20-%20Widespread%20but%20Not%20Universal.pdf Widespread but Not Universal: Improving the Typological Coverage of the Grammar Matrix] and received his Ph.D. in Linguistics from the University of Washington.
AUG-08 The [wiki:KyotoTop Fourth Annual DELPH-IN Meeting] was held in Kyoto, Japan.
AUG-07 The [wiki:BerlinTop Third Annual DELPH-IN Meeting] was held in Berlin, Germany.
JUN-06 The [wiki:FeforTop Second Annual DELPH-IN Meeting] was held in Fefor, Norway.
FEB-06 A group of ten developers of DELPH-IN resources meets for a focussed [wiki:JerezTop Developers Meeting] in Jerez (Spain). Among the main results of the meeting are the merging of the two historic [wiki:PetTop PET] branches, the design for stand-alone FSPP use and integration of conflicting tokenization views into [wiki:HeartofgoldTop HoG], as well as initial results on harmonizing the configuration of [wiki:PetTop PET] and the [wiki:LkbTop LKB].
OCT-05 The EPSRC-funded [http://www.sciborg.org.uk SciBorg project] starts at the University of Cambridge, using integrated deep and shallow techniques in processing scientific text, building on the work on [wiki:RmrsTop RMRS] that was begun on the [http://www.project-deepthought.net/ Deep-Thought Project].
OCT-05 NTT (in the person of Francis Bond) hosts the fourth workshop of the [http://web.khu.ac.kr/~jongbok/projects/kor-jap-joint.html A Contrastive Study of Korean and Japanese Syntax and Semantics: Feasibility of Porting and Cross-Development of Grammars between Two Different Multilingual Processing Systems] at [http://www.kecl.ntt.co.jp/ NTT Communications Research Laboratories], Kyoto, Japan. At this workshop Jong-Bok Kim announces the offical release of the [http://web.khu.ac.kr/~jongbok/projects/krg.html Korean Resource Grammar].
OCT-05 As part of the Second International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing ([http://www.afnlp.org/IJCNLP05/ IJCNLP-05]), DELPH-IN members organize the 6th International Workshop on Linguistically Interpreted Corpora ([http://www.delph-in.net/events/05/linc/ LINC-2005]) in Jeju (Korea). At the same conference, John Carroll and Stephan Oepen receive the IJCNLP Best Paper award for their joint work on the LOGON generation component. Their paper High-Efficiency Realization for a Wide-Coverage Unification Grammar reviews a series of novel algorithmic contributions to chart generation, defines a procedure for selective enumeration of n-best results, and presents an in-depth empirical evaluation.
OCT-05 Jong-Bok Kim hosts the third workshop of the [http://web.khu.ac.kr/~jongbok/projects/kor-jap-joint.html A Contrastive Study of Korean and Japanese Syntax and Semantics: Feasibility of Porting and Cross-Development of Grammars between Two Different Multilingual Processing Systems] in Seoul, Korea, bringing together researchers from both HPSG and LFG.
AUG-05 The inaugural DELPH-IN meeting is held after [http://hpsg2005.di.fc.ul.pt/ HPSG-2005] in Lisbon, Portugal. Almost 40 participants attended the 3 day event.
MAY-05 A meeting to discuss current work on RMRS was held at the University of Edinburgh.
OCT-04 The [http://www.project-deepthought.net/ Deep-Thought Consortium] holds its Final Project Review in Lido di Camaiore (Italy) and receives high acclaim for its [http://www.delph-in.net/hog/ Heart of Gold] integration and innovative applications; the project has used and improved DELPH-IN resources and prepares to contribute additional technology to the open-source repository. Following the review, the consortium organizes a Roadmap Workshop on future applications of hybrid text understanding with some 20 participants from both academia and industry.
SEP-04 As part of an on-going effort to harmonize distribution and documentation of DELPH-IN resources, the infrastructure relocates to a new server provided by the Oslo University [http://www.emmtee.net/ MT Research Group]. New services go on-line, including a unified [http://lists.delph-in.net/ mailing list manager], [http://traffic.delph-in.net/ concise web access statistics], and a [http://wiki.delph-in.net/moin/ wiki forum] for collaborative publishing.
SEP-04 The EU-funded [http://www.project-deepthought.net/ Deep-Thought Consortium] (coordinated at Saarland University by Hans Uszkoreit and Melanie Siegel), completes the integration of its [http://www.delph-in.net/hog/ Heart of Gold] core architecture framework, an ensemble of ‘shallow’ and ‘deep’ NLP engines for (currently) six major languages; see the [http://www.delph-in.net/hog/ on-line] demonstration.
AUG-04 As part of the [http://www.issco.unige.ch/coling2004/ 20th International Conference on Computational Linguistics], DELPH-IN members organize the 5th International Workshop on Linguistically Interpreted Corpora ([http://www.coli.uni-sb.de/linc04/ LINC-04]) in Geneva (Switzerland). Reflecting the large number of high-quality presentations at the workshop.
AUG-04 DELPH-IN members organize a workshop on [http://www.ccl.kuleuven.ac.be/hpsg2004/workshop.php Semantics in Grammar Engineering] in conjunction with the 11th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar ([http://www.ccl.kuleuven.ac.be/hpsg2004/index.php HPSG-2004]) in Leuven (Belgium).
SEP-03 As part of the [http://www.masda.vxu.se/~rics/TLT2003/ Second International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theory], Stephan Oepen gives an invited overview presentation of the LinGO Redwoods treebank initiative: Treebanks versus Linguistic Theory. --- Anyone Need Grammars?
AUG-03 DELPH-IN members organize the [http://www.dfki.de/~siegel/esslli/index.html International Workshop on Multilingual Grammar Engineering] during the [http://www.logic.at/esslli03/ European Summer School for Logic, Language, and Information 2003] in Vienna (Austria).
JUL-03 [http://www.kecl.ntt.co.jp/ NTT Communications Research Laboratories] launches a project on parsing Japanese dictionary definitions using the DELPH-IN JaCY grammar in conjunction with the LKB, PET, and [incr tsdb()]; inspired by the LinGO Redwoods approach, the project expects to treebank several tens of thousands of definitions and use the analysis results for knowledge acquisition.
APR-03 The [http://lingo.stanford.edu LinGO Laboratory] at [http://www-csli.stanford.edu CSLI Stanford] (re-)activates its [http://lingo.stanford.edu:8000/erg on-line web interface] to the [http://www.delph-in.net/erg/ English Resource Grammar].
JAN-03 The Norwegian [http://www.emmtee.net/ LOGON Consortium], a machine translation effort funded by the Norwegian government and (proportional to capita) twice the size of Verbmobil starts a four-year grant; LOGON has decided to use MRS for meaning representation and the LKB and LinGO ERG for transfer and generation.
OCT-02 The EU-funded IST consortium [http://www.project-deepthought.net/ Deep-Thought] starts a two-year grant for research into the use of deep processing in innovative information extraction, email management, and creative authoring applications.
SEP-02 Edinburgh and Stanford Universities start a joint three-year grant on [http://www.hcrc.ed.ac.uk/stanford/project-data2.cgi?datafile=data-28-03-03.tab&project=6 Robust Semantic Interpretation (ROSIE)], using the LKB, LinGO ERG, and Reedwoods treebank for research on the integration of discourse-level modelling and stochastic and active learning approaches to disambiguation.
AUG-02 Hans Uszkoreit presents an invited presentation on DELPH-IN research and resources to the [http://www.coling2002.sinica.edu.tw/ 19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics] in Taipei (Taiwain).
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