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File metadata and controls

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Logs Used for Troubleshooting

1. /var/log (Control Plane)

All log files can be viewed via the Dashboard tab (Dashboard Icon). The Default Dashboard displays omnia.log and syslog. Custom dashboards can be created per user requirements.

Below is a list of all logs available to Loki and can be accessed on the dashboard:

Name Location Purpose Additional Information
Omnia Logs /var/log/omnia.log Omnia Log This log is configured by Default. This log can be used to track all changes made by all playbooks in the omnia directory.
Omnia Control Plane /var/log/omnia_control_plane.log Control plane Log This log is configured by Default. This log can be used to track all changes made by all playbooks in the omnia/control_plane directory.
Omnia Telemetry /var/log/omnia/omnia_telemetry.log Telemetry Log This log is configured by Default. This log can be used to track all changes made by all playbooks in the omnia/telemetry directory.
Omnia Tools /var/log/omnia/omnia_tools.log Tools Log This log is configured by Default. This log can be used to track all changes made by all playbooks in the omnia/tools directory.
Omnia Platforms /var/log/omnia/omnia_platforms.log Platforms Log This log is configured by Default. This log can be used to track all changes made by all playbooks in the omnia/platforms directory.
Omnia Control Plane Tools /var/log/omnia/omnia_control_plane_tools.log Control Plane tools logs This log is configured by Default. This log can be used to track all changes made by all playbooks in the omnia/control_plane/tools directory.
Node Info CLI log /var/log/omnia/collect_node_info/collect_node_info_yyyy-mm-dd-HHMMSS.log CLI Log This log is configured when AWX is disabled. This log can be used to track scheduled and unscheduled node inventory jobs initiated by CLI.
Device Info CLI log /var/log/omnia/collect_device_info/collect_device_info_yyyy-mm-dd-HHMMSS.log CLI Log This log is configured when AWX is disabled. This log can be used to track scheduled and unscheduled device inventory jobs initiated by CLI.
iDRAC CLI log /var/log/omnia/idrac/idrac-yyyy-mm-dd-HHMMSS.log CLI Log This log is configured when AWX is disabled. This log can be used to track iDRAC jobs initiated by CLI.
Infiniband CLI log //var/log/omnia/infiniband/infiniband-yyyy-mm-dd-HHMMSS.log CLI Log This log is configured when AWX is disabled. This log can be used to track Infiniband jobs initiated by CLI.
Ethernet CLI log /var/log/omnia/ethernet/ethernet-yyyy-mm-dd-HHMMSS.log CLI Log This log is configured when AWX is disabled. This log can be used to track Ethernet jobs initiated by CLI.
Powervault CLI log /var/log/omnia/powervault/powervault-yyyy-mm-dd-HHMMSS.log CLI Log This log is configured when AWX is disabled. This log can be used to track Powervault jobs initiated by CLI.
syslogs /var/log/messages System Logging This log is configured by Default
Audit Logs /var/log/audit/audit.log All Login Attempts This log is configured by Default
CRON logs /var/log/cron CRON Job Logging This log is configured by Default
Pods logs /var/log/pods/ * / * / * log k8s pods This log is configured by Default
Access Logs /var/log/dirsrv/slapd-/access Directory Server Utilization This log is available when FreeIPA or 389ds is set up ( ie when enable_security_support is set to 'true')
Error Log /var/log/dirsrv/slapd-/errors Directory Server Errors This log is available when FreeIPA or 389ds is set up ( ie when enable_security_support is set to 'true')
CA Transaction Log /var/log/pki/pki-tomcat/ca/transactions FreeIPA PKI Transactions This log is available when FreeIPA or 389ds is set up ( ie when enable_security_support is set to 'true')
KRB5KDC /var/log/krb5kdc.log KDC Utilization This log is available when FreeIPA or 389ds is set up ( ie when enable_security_support is set to 'true')
Secure logs /var/log/secure Login Error Codes This log is available when FreeIPA or 389ds is set up ( ie when enable_security_support is set to 'true')
HTTPD logs /var/log/httpd/ * FreeIPA API Calls This log is available when FreeIPA or 389ds is set up ( ie when enable_security_support is set to 'true')
DNF logs /var/log/dnf.log Installation Logs This log is configured on Rocky OS
Zypper Logs /var/log/zypper.log Installation Logs This log is configured on Leap OS
BeeGFS Logs /var/log/beegfs-client.log BeeGFS Logs This log is configured on BeeGFS client nodes.

2. Checking logs of individual containers:

  1. A list of namespaces and their corresponding pods can be obtained using: kubectl get pods -A
  2. Get a list of containers for the pod in question using: kubectl get pods <pod_name> -o jsonpath='{.spec.containers[*].name}'
  3. Once you have the namespace, pod and container names, run the below command to get the required logs: kubectl logs pod <pod_name> -n <namespace> -c <container_name>

3. Connecting to internal databases:

  • TimescaleDB
    • Go inside the pod: kubectl exec -it pod/timescaledb-0 -n telemetry-and-visualizations -- /bin/bash
    • Connect to psql: psql -U <postgres_username>
    • Connect to database: \c  < timescaledb_name >
  • MySQL DB
    • Go inside the pod: kubectl exec -it pod/mysqldb-0  -n telemetry-and-visualizations -- /bin/bash
    • Connect to psql: psql -U <mysqldb_username> -p <mysqldb_password>
    • Connect to database: USE <mysqldb_name>

4. Checking and updating encrypted parameters:

  1. Move to the filepath where the parameters are saved (as an example, we will be using login_vars.yml): cd control_plane/input_params
  2. To view the encrypted parameters: ansible-vault view login_vars.yml --vault-password-file .login_vault_key
  3. To edit the encrypted parameters: ansible-vault edit login_vars.yml --vault-password-file .login_vault_key

5. Checking pod status on the control plane

  • Select the pod you need to troubleshoot from the output of kubectl get pods -A
  • Check the status of the pod by running kubectl describe pod <pod name> -n <namespace name>

6. Omnia version file

The Omnia version number is stored in /opt/omnia/omnia_version when control_plane.yml is run.